Dave's 48th Birthday Tournament

Updated 4:09pm



Fire Mountain

Dave Willcox

Wayne Johns

Theatre Of Magic

Tim Slow

Peter Blakemore

Attack From Mars

Matthew Vince

Levi Banks

Pink Panther

Thomas Evrenos

Ian Wallace


Andrew Wilson

Kevin Donovan

Simpsons Pinball Party

Neil Fellender

Robin Kemp

Class of 1812

Craig Pullen

Ivan Miles

Cactus Canyon Continued

Dan Wallace

James Watson

No Fear

Oscar Evrenos

Nick Hill

White Water

Lukasz Romanowski

Martin Ayub


Ronny Hansen

Dan Scudamore

Monster Bash

Elliott Miles

Emma Oliver

Terminator 2

Christopher Poyntz

Greg Mott

World Challenge Soccer

Marcin Krysinski

Elisabetta Mainwaring

Road Show

David Mainwaring

Helmut Langenbruch

Cirqus Voltaire

Nick Hamill

Hubert Krysinski


Tim Thornton

Vin Jauhal


CJ Brown

Cinzia Mainwaring


Andrew Shillabeer

Ashley Oliver


Elisabetta Mainwaring

James Watson

Pink Panther

Tim Slow

Dan Wallace


Christopher Poyntz

Dave Willcox

Theatre Of Magic

Martin Ayub

David Mainwaring

Twilight Zone

Kevin Donovan

Ashley Oliver

No Fear

Peter Blakemore

Tim Thornton

Road Show

CJ Brown

Neil Fellender


Thomas Evrenos

Levi Banks

Attack From Mars

Ian Wallace

Ivan Miles

Class of 1812

Robin Kemp

Marcin Krysinski

White Water

Vin Jauhal

Elliott Miles

World Challenge Soccer

Craig Pullen

Nick Hamill

Simpsons Pinball Party

Andrew Wilson

Matthew Vince


Lukasz Romanowski

Greg Mott

Fire Mountain

Ronny Hansen

Hubert Krysinski

Monster Bash

Dan Scudamore

Oscar Evrenos

Terminator 2

Andrew Shillabeer

Nick Hill


Wayne Johns

Helmut Langenbruch

Cirqus Voltaire

Cinzia Mainwaring

Emma Oliver

Road Show

Robin Kemp

Andrew Wilson


Ian Wallace

Nick Hill

Cirqus Voltaire

Elliott Miles

Greg Mott


CJ Brown

Lukasz Romanowski

Simpsons Pinball Party

Tim Thornton

Cinzia Mainwaring

Terminator 2

Tim Slow

Peter Blakemore

World Challenge Soccer

Matthew Vince

Vin Jauhal

No Fear

Dave Willcox

Thomas Evrenos


Ashley Oliver

Elisabetta Mainwaring

Fire Mountain

Andrew Shillabeer

Marcin Krysinski


Dan Wallace

Ronny Hansen

Twilight Zone

Wayne Johns

Emma Oliver

Cactus Canyon Continued

Nick Hamill

Christopher Poyntz

Pink Panther

Helmut Langenbruch

David Mainwaring

Attack From Mars

James Watson

Martin Ayub


Oscar Evrenos

Levi Banks

White Water

Kevin Donovan

Neil Fellender

Theatre Of Magic

Craig Pullen

Dan Scudamore

Monster Bash

Hubert Krysinski

Ivan Miles


Hubert Krysinski

Elisabetta Mainwaring

Fire Mountain

Kevin Donovan

David Mainwaring


Cinzia Mainwaring

Marcin Krysinski

Attack From Mars

Tim Thornton

Wayne Johns

No Fear

Craig Pullen

Ivan Miles

Cactus Canyon Continued

Ashley Oliver

Dan Scudamore

Theatre Of Magic

James Watson

Thomas Evrenos

Pink Panther

Elliott Miles

Levi Banks

Terminator 2

Vin Jauhal

Matthew Vince

Simpsons Pinball Party

Emma Oliver

Ronny Hansen


Ian Wallace

Lukasz Romanowski


Tim Slow

CJ Brown

Cirqus Voltaire

Dave Willcox

Oscar Evrenos

Twilight Zone

Peter Blakemore

Greg Mott


Christopher Poyntz

Neil Fellender

White Water

Nick Hill

Robin Kemp

Pink Panther

Vin Jauhal

Peter Blakemore


Hubert Krysinski

Craig Pullen

Terminator 2

Tim Thornton

Thomas Evrenos

Road Show

Oscar Evrenos

Marcin Krysinski

Cirqus Voltaire

Kevin Donovan

Christopher Poyntz

Class of 1812

CJ Brown

Cinzia Mainwaring

Attack From Mars

David Mainwaring

Greg Mott

White Water

Matthew Vince

Ronny Hansen

Cactus Canyon Continued

Wayne Johns

Neil Fellender

Monster Bash

Nick Hill

Ashley Oliver


James Watson

Robin Kemp

Theatre Of Magic

Levi Banks

Ivan Miles

Lukasz Romanowski

Simpsons Pinball Party

Thomas Evrenos

James Watson


David Mainwaring

Kevin Donovan

Cirqus Voltaire

Wayne Johns

CJ Brown

Road Show

Nick Hill

Peter Blakemore

Theatre Of Magic

Hubert Krysinski

Neil Fellender

Fire Mountain

Oscar Evrenos

Ashley Oliver

Class of 1812

Ronny Hansen

Tim Thornton

Cactus Canyon Continued

Vin Jauhal

Greg Mott


Christopher Poyntz

Lukasz Romanowski


Ivan Miles

Marcin Krysinski

Monster Bash

Matthew Vince

Craig Pullen

World Challenge Soccer

Tim Thornton

CJ Brown

Class of 1812

Ashley Oliver

Thomas Evrenos

Twilight Zone

Neil Fellender

Ronny Hansen


Marcin Krysinski

Peter Blakemore

Cirqus Voltaire

Matthew Vince

David Mainwaring

Road Show

Ivan Miles

Lukasz Romanowski

Monster Bash

James Watson

Greg Mott

Pink Panther

Lukasz Romanowski

Tim Thornton

Attack From Mars

CJ Brown

Neil Fellender

Simpsons Pinball Party

Greg Mott

David Mainwaring


James Watson

Peter Blakemore

Thomas Evrenos

Attack From Mars

Thomas Evrenos

Lukasz Romanowski


Greg Mott

Peter Blakemore

Neil Fellender

Terminator 2

Lukasz Romanowski

Neil Fellender


Greg Mott

Peter Blakemore

Cirqus Voltaire

Lukasz Romanowski

Peter Blakemore

Lukasz Romanowski

Round 11

Lukasz Romanowski W vs.
Peter Blakemore L Cirqus Voltaire 10:46

Round 10

Greg Mott L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Genesis 44:42

Lukasz Romanowski W vs.
Neil Fellender L Terminator 2 40:20

Round 9

Greg Mott L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Frankenstein 22:11

Thomas Evrenos L vs.
Lukasz Romanowski W Attack From Mars 11:23

Round 8

CJ Brown L vs.
Neil Fellender W Attack From Mars 15:26

Greg Mott W vs.
David Mainwaring L Simpsons Pinball Party 17:30

James Watson L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Spirit 19:49

Lukasz Romanowski W vs.
Tim Thornton L Pink Panther 11:09

Round 7

Ashley Oliver L vs.
Thomas Evrenos W Class of 1812 28:35

Ivan Miles L vs.
Lukasz Romanowski W Road Show 31:17

James Watson L vs.
Greg Mott W Monster Bash 28:40

Marcin Krysinski L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Avatar 28:48

Matthew Vince L vs.
David Mainwaring W Cirqus Voltaire 27:55

Neil Fellender W vs.
Ronny Hansen L Twilight Zone 27:42

Tim Thornton L vs.
CJ Brown W World Challenge Soccer 23:03

Round 6

Christopher Poyntz L vs.
Lukasz Romanowski W Genesis 21:02

David Mainwaring W vs.
Kevin Donovan L Tron 13:38

Hubert Krysinski L vs.
Neil Fellender W Theatre Of Magic 16:37

Ivan Miles W vs.
Marcin Krysinski L Spirit 11:04

Matthew Vince W vs.
Craig Pullen L Monster Bash 08:29

Nick Hill L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Road Show 16:33

Oscar Evrenos L vs.
Ashley Oliver W Fire Mountain 11:53

Ronny Hansen L vs.
Tim Thornton W Class of 1812 08:39

Thomas Evrenos W vs.
James Watson L Simpsons Pinball Party 26:48

Vin Jauhal L vs.
Greg Mott W Cactus Canyon Continued 12:32

Wayne Johns L vs.
CJ Brown W Cirqus Voltaire 28:00

Round 5

CJ Brown W vs.
Cinzia Mainwaring L Class of 1812 11:54

David Mainwaring L vs.
Greg Mott W Attack From Mars 13:33

Hubert Krysinski W vs.
Craig Pullen L Spirit 12:16

James Watson W vs.
Robin Kemp L Tron 14:28

Kevin Donovan W vs.
Christopher Poyntz L Cirqus Voltaire 12:36

Levi Banks L vs.
Ivan Miles W Theatre Of Magic 11:11

Matthew Vince L vs.
Ronny Hansen W White Water 13:02

Nick Hill W vs.
Ashley Oliver L Monster Bash 10:23

Oscar Evrenos L vs.
Marcin Krysinski W Road Show 05:30

Tim Thornton L vs.
Thomas Evrenos W Terminator 2 11:35

Vin Jauhal W vs.
Peter Blakemore L Pink Panther 10:30

Wayne Johns L vs.
Neil Fellender W Cactus Canyon Continued 10:58

Round 4

Ashley Oliver W vs.
Dan Scudamore L Cactus Canyon Continued 34:03

Christopher Poyntz W vs.
Neil Fellender L Spirit 30:13

Cinzia Mainwaring W vs.
Marcin Krysinski L Tron 28:43

Craig Pullen W vs.
Ivan Miles L No Fear 25:02

Dave Willcox L vs.
Oscar Evrenos W Cirqus Voltaire 28:56

Elliott Miles L vs.
Levi Banks W Pink Panther 26:57

Emma Oliver L vs.
Ronny Hansen W Simpsons Pinball Party 29:52

Hubert Krysinski W vs.
Elisabetta Mainwaring L Genesis 36:15

Ian Wallace L vs.
Lukasz Romanowski W Frankenstein 35:42

James Watson W vs.
Thomas Evrenos L Theatre Of Magic 35:06

Kevin Donovan W vs.
David Mainwaring L Fire Mountain 29:47

Nick Hill L vs.
Robin Kemp W White Water 31:03

Peter Blakemore W vs.
Greg Mott L Twilight Zone 27:53

Tim Slow L vs.
CJ Brown W X-Men 33:24

Tim Thornton W vs.
Wayne Johns L Attack From Mars 28:37

Vin Jauhal W vs.
Matthew Vince L Terminator 2 31:06

Round 3

Andrew Shillabeer L vs.
Marcin Krysinski W Fire Mountain 11:30

Ashley Oliver L vs.
Elisabetta Mainwaring W Avatar 13:25

CJ Brown L vs.
Lukasz Romanowski W Tron 08:10

Craig Pullen W vs.
Dan Scudamore L Theatre Of Magic 16:05

Dan Wallace L vs.
Ronny Hansen W X-Men 13:23

Dave Willcox W vs.
Thomas Evrenos L No Fear 13:51

Elliott Miles L vs.
Greg Mott W Cirqus Voltaire 06:35

Helmut Langenbruch L vs.
David Mainwaring W Pink Panther 10:22

Hubert Krysinski L vs.
Ivan Miles W Monster Bash 07:35

Ian Wallace L vs.
Nick Hill W Spirit 09:06

James Watson W vs.
Martin Ayub L Attack From Mars 11:29

Kevin Donovan L vs.
Neil Fellender W White Water 09:09

Matthew Vince W vs.
Vin Jauhal L World Challenge Soccer 10:33

Nick Hamill L vs.
Christopher Poyntz W Cactus Canyon Continued 11:40

Oscar Evrenos L vs.
Levi Banks W Frankenstein 12:56

Robin Kemp W vs.
Andrew Wilson L Road Show 07:58

Tim Slow L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Terminator 2 08:35

Tim Thornton W vs.
Cinzia Mainwaring L Simpsons Pinball Party 11:55

Wayne Johns W vs.
Emma Oliver L Twilight Zone 10:11

Round 2

Andrew Shillabeer L vs.
Nick Hill W Terminator 2 10:07

Andrew Wilson L vs.
Matthew Vince W Simpsons Pinball Party 14:36

Christopher Poyntz W vs.
Dave Willcox L Tron 09:36

Cinzia Mainwaring L vs.
Emma Oliver W Cirqus Voltaire 09:44

CJ Brown W vs.
Neil Fellender L Road Show 12:36

Craig Pullen W vs.
Nick Hamill L World Challenge Soccer 06:27

Dan Scudamore L vs.
Oscar Evrenos W Monster Bash 11:30

Elisabetta Mainwaring L vs.
James Watson W Frankenstein 13:43

Ian Wallace W vs.
Ivan Miles L Attack From Mars 11:54

Kevin Donovan L vs.
Ashley Oliver W Twilight Zone 10:15

Lukasz Romanowski L vs.
Greg Mott W Avatar 09:51

Martin Ayub L vs.
David Mainwaring W Theatre Of Magic 14:20

Peter Blakemore L vs.
Tim Thornton W No Fear 09:39

Robin Kemp L vs.
Marcin Krysinski W Class of 1812 10:28

Ronny Hansen W vs.
Hubert Krysinski L Fire Mountain 10:29

Thomas Evrenos W vs.
Levi Banks L Spirit 08:44

Tim Slow W vs.
Dan Wallace L Pink Panther 08:35

Vin Jauhal W vs.
Elliott Miles L White Water 11:12

Wayne Johns W vs.
Helmut Langenbruch L X-Men 12:19

Round 1

Andrew Shillabeer L vs.
Ashley Oliver W X-Men 13:40

Andrew Wilson L vs.
Kevin Donovan W Avatar 11:37

Christopher Poyntz L vs.
Greg Mott W Terminator 2 11:22

CJ Brown L vs.
Cinzia Mainwaring W Spirit 16:13

Craig Pullen L vs.
Ivan Miles W Class of 1812 14:20

Dan Wallace L vs.
James Watson W Cactus Canyon Continued 13:08

Dave Willcox L vs.
Wayne Johns W Fire Mountain 10:35

David Mainwaring W vs.
Helmut Langenbruch L Road Show 10:09

Elliott Miles W vs.
Emma Oliver L Monster Bash 09:34

Lukasz Romanowski W vs.
Martin Ayub L White Water 14:45

Marcin Krysinski W vs.
Elisabetta Mainwaring L World Challenge Soccer 11:17

Matthew Vince W vs.
Levi Banks L Attack From Mars 09:47

Neil Fellender W vs.
Robin Kemp L Simpsons Pinball Party 19:35

Nick Hamill L vs.
Hubert Krysinski W Cirqus Voltaire 10:36

Oscar Evrenos W vs.
Nick Hill L No Fear 09:06

Ronny Hansen L vs.
Dan Scudamore W Tron 18:52

Thomas Evrenos W vs.
Ian Wallace L Pink Panther 09:51

Tim Slow L vs.
Peter Blakemore W Theatre Of Magic 18:29

Tim Thornton W vs.
Vin Jauhal L Frankenstein 16:55

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20