Social Singles

Updated 10:04pm



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Barney Hastie (1)
(bye) (32)
Allen Hiese (17)
C & C Lawncare
Isabella Suprenant (16)
Wendy Bailey (9)
C & C Lawncare
Doug Lively (24)
Cheryl Walker (25)
Cfc Painting
Shay Powers (8)
Carmen Suprenant (5)
Cfc Painting
Kendall Jertle (28)
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21)
Cfc Painting
Marlys Bigbow (12)
Chris Valdez (13)
Bigbow Welding
Ellen Peterson (20)
(bye) (29)
Trenton Philips (4)
Daniel Langford (3)
(bye) (30)
Bryse Spray (19)
Bigbow Welding
Justin Wheeler (14)
John Mattos (11)
C & C Lawncare
Maria Jones (22)
Kaysi Spray (27)
C & C Lawncare
Rick Cook (6)
Mickey Howell (7)
C & C Lawncare
Mandy Ramey (26)
Iris Bailey (23)
Lawton Cornhole League
Perry Willet (10)
Billy Thomas (15)
Lawton Cornhole League
Bill Hubard Jr. (18)
(bye) (31)
Jason Lund (2)
Barney Hastie (1)
C & C Lawncare
Isabella Suprenant (16)
Doug Lively (24)
Bigbow Welding
Shay Powers (8)
Carmen Suprenant (5)
Lawton Cornhole League
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21)
Chris Valdez (13)
Bigbow Welding
Trenton Philips (4)
Daniel Langford (3)
Cfc Painting
Justin Wheeler (14)
Maria Jones (22)
C & C Lawncare
Rick Cook (6)
Mickey Howell (7)
C & C Lawncare
Perry Willet (10)
Bill Hubard Jr. (18)
Cfc Painting
Jason Lund (2)
Barney Hastie (1)
C & C Lawncare
Shay Powers (8)
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21)
Lawton Cornhole League
Trenton Philips (4)
Justin Wheeler (14)
Cfc Painting
Rick Cook (6)
Perry Willet (10)
Lawton Cornhole League
Bill Hubard Jr. (18)
Barney Hastie (1)
Trenton Philips (4)
Justin Wheeler (14)
Home Depot
Perry Willet (10)
Trenton Philips (4)
C & C Lawncare
Justin Wheeler (14)
Justin Wheeler (14)
Great Plains Equine Denistry
Trenton Philips (4)
Trenton Philips (4)
Lawton Cornhole League
Justin Wheeler (14)
Trenton Philips (4)
(bye) (32)
Allen Hiese (17)
Wendy Bailey (9)
Cfc Painting
Cheryl Walker (25)
Kendall Jertle (28)
C & C Lawncare
Marlys Bigbow (12)
Ellen Peterson (20)
(bye) (29)
(bye) (30)
Bryse Spray (19)
John Mattos (11)
C & C Lawncare
Kaysi Spray (27)
Mandy Ramey (26)
Lawton Cornhole League
Iris Bailey (23)
Billy Thomas (15)
(bye) (31)
Allen Hiese (17)
Bigbow Welding
Jason Lund (2)
Cheryl Walker (25)
C & C Lawncare
Mickey Howell (7)
Marlys Bigbow (12)
Lawton Cornhole League
Maria Jones (22)
Ellen Peterson (20)
Bigbow Welding
Daniel Langford (3)
Bryse Spray (19)
Lawton Cornhole League
Chris Valdez (13)
Kaysi Spray (27)
Lawton Cornhole League
Carmen Suprenant (5)
Iris Bailey (23)
Cfc Painting
Doug Lively (24)
Billy Thomas (15)
Cfc Painting
Isabella Suprenant (16)
Allen Hiese (17)
C & C Lawncare
Mickey Howell (7)
Maria Jones (22)
Bigbow Welding
Daniel Langford (3)
Bryse Spray (19)
Lawton Cornhole League
Carmen Suprenant (5)
Iris Bailey (23)
C & C Lawncare
Billy Thomas (15)
Mickey Howell (7)
Cfc Painting
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21)
Daniel Langford (3)
Bigbow Welding
Shay Powers (8)
Bryse Spray (19)
Great Plains Equine Denistry
Bill Hubard Jr. (18)
Billy Thomas (15)
C & C Lawncare
Rick Cook (6)
Mickey Howell (7)
Lawton Cornhole League
Daniel Langford (3)
Bill Hubard Jr. (18)
Bigbow Welding
Rick Cook (6)
Daniel Langford (3)
Perry Willet (10)
Rick Cook (6)
Home Depot
Barney Hastie (1)
Perry Willet (10)
Great Plains Equine Denistry
Barney Hastie (1)
Barney Hastie (1)
Cfc Painting
Trenton Philips (4)
Trenton Philips (4)


  Trenton Philips (4)


  Justin Wheeler (14)


  Barney Hastie (1)


  Perry Willet (10)


  Daniel Langford (3)

  Rick Cook (6)


  Mickey Howell (7)

  Bill Hubard Jr. (18)


  Bill Hubbard Sr. (21)

  Shay Powers (8)

  Bryse Spray (19)

  Billy Thomas (15)


  Allen Hiese (17)

  Maria Jones (22)

  Carmen Suprenant (5)

  Iris Bailey (23)


  Jason Lund (2)

  Cheryl Walker (25)

  Marlys Bigbow (12)

  Ellen Peterson (20)

  Chris Valdez (13)

  Kaysi Spray (27)

  Doug Lively (24)

  Isabella Suprenant (16)


  (bye) (32)

  Wendy Bailey (9)

  Kendall Jertle (28)

  (bye) (29)

  (bye) (30)

  John Mattos (11)

  Mandy Ramey (26)

  (bye) (31)

Final - Match 2

Trenton Philips (4) W vs.
Justin Wheeler (14) L Lawton Cornhole League 00:07


Justin Wheeler (14) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W Great Plains Equine Denistry 48:51

Elimination Final

Barney Hastie (1) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W Cfc Painting 15:25

Elimination Semi-final

Perry Willet (10) L vs.
Barney Hastie (1) W Great Plains Equine Denistry 10:53

Winners Final

Trenton Philips (4) L vs.
Justin Wheeler (14) W C & C Lawncare 16:13

Elimination 6

Daniel Langford (3) L vs.
Perry Willet (10) W Sky 19:13

Rick Cook (6) L vs.
Barney Hastie (1) W Home Depot 13:23

Elimination 5

Bill Hubard Jr. (18) L vs.
Rick Cook (6) W Bigbow Welding 17:15

Mickey Howell (7) L vs.
Daniel Langford (3) W Lawton Cornhole League 19:34

Winners Semi-finals

Barney Hastie (1) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W Sky 14:37

Justin Wheeler (14) W vs.
Perry Willet (10) L Home Depot 21:18

Elimination 4

Billy Thomas (15) L vs.
Rick Cook (6) W C & C Lawncare 18:15

Bryse Spray (19) L vs.
Bill Hubard Jr. (18) W Great Plains Equine Denistry 10:01

Daniel Langford (3) W vs.
Shay Powers (8) L Bigbow Welding 17:02

Mickey Howell (7) W vs.
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21) L Cfc Painting 17:01

Elimination 3

Allen Hiese (17) L vs.
Mickey Howell (7) W C & C Lawncare 14:47

Bryse Spray (19) W vs.
Carmen Suprenant (5) L Lawton Cornhole League 19:33

Iris Bailey (23) L vs.
Billy Thomas (15) W C & C Lawncare 18:15

Maria Jones (22) L vs.
Daniel Langford (3) W Bigbow Welding 25:49

Winners 2

Barney Hastie (1) W vs.
Shay Powers (8) L C & C Lawncare 10:21

Bill Hubbard Sr. (21) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W Lawton Cornhole League 16:41

Justin Wheeler (14) W vs.
Rick Cook (6) L Cfc Painting 13:31

Perry Willet (10) W vs.
Bill Hubard Jr. (18) L Lawton Cornhole League 13:54

Elimination 2

Allen Hiese (17) W vs.
Jason Lund (2) L Bigbow Welding 14:35

Billy Thomas (15) W vs.
Isabella Suprenant (16) L Cfc Painting 18:34

Bryse Spray (19) W vs.
Chris Valdez (13) L Lawton Cornhole League 18:30

Cheryl Walker (25) L vs.
Mickey Howell (7) W C & C Lawncare 15:26

Ellen Peterson (20) L vs.
Daniel Langford (3) W Bigbow Welding 18:42

Iris Bailey (23) W vs.
Doug Lively (24) L Cfc Painting 28:28

Kaysi Spray (27) L vs.
Carmen Suprenant (5) W Lawton Cornhole League 00:06

Marlys Bigbow (12) L vs.
Maria Jones (22) W Lawton Cornhole League 00:06

Elimination 1

(bye) (30) L vs.
Bryse Spray (19) W 24:15

(bye) (32) L vs.
Allen Hiese (17) W 34:48

Billy Thomas (15) W vs.
(bye) (31) L 31:39

Ellen Peterson (20) W vs.
(bye) (29) L 47:26

John Mattos (11) L vs.
Kaysi Spray (27) W C & C Lawncare 00:07

Kendall Jertle (28) L vs.
Marlys Bigbow (12) W C & C Lawncare 00:06

Mandy Ramey (26) L vs.
Iris Bailey (23) W Lawton Cornhole League 00:06

Wendy Bailey (9) L vs.
Cheryl Walker (25) W Cfc Painting 00:05

Winners 1

Barney Hastie (1) W vs.
Isabella Suprenant (16) L C & C Lawncare 33:08

Bill Hubard Jr. (18) W vs.
Jason Lund (2) L Cfc Painting 10:41

Carmen Suprenant (5) L vs.
Bill Hubbard Sr. (21) W Lawton Cornhole League 24:47

Chris Valdez (13) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W Bigbow Welding 09:03

Daniel Langford (3) L vs.
Justin Wheeler (14) W Cfc Painting 20:00

Doug Lively (24) L vs.
Shay Powers (8) W Bigbow Welding 11:51

Maria Jones (22) L vs.
Rick Cook (6) W C & C Lawncare 00:06

Mickey Howell (7) L vs.
Perry Willet (10) W C & C Lawncare 13:44

Round 1

(bye) (29) L vs.
Trenton Philips (4) W 58:48

(bye) (31) L vs.
Jason Lund (2) W 58:48

Allen Hiese (17) L vs.
Isabella Suprenant (16) W C & C Lawncare 19:20

Barney Hastie (1) W vs.
(bye) (32) L 58:48

Bill Hubbard Sr. (21) W vs.
Marlys Bigbow (12) L Cfc Painting 07:07

Billy Thomas (15) L vs.
Bill Hubard Jr. (18) W Lawton Cornhole League 15:28

Bryse Spray (19) L vs.
Justin Wheeler (14) W Bigbow Welding 07:45

Carmen Suprenant (5) W vs.
Kendall Jertle (28) L Cfc Painting 00:22

Cheryl Walker (25) L vs.
Shay Powers (8) W Cfc Painting 14:04

Chris Valdez (13) W vs.
Ellen Peterson (20) L Bigbow Welding 22:57

Daniel Langford (3) W vs.
(bye) (30) L 58:48

Iris Bailey (23) L vs.
Perry Willet (10) W Lawton Cornhole League 14:29

John Mattos (11) L vs.
Maria Jones (22) W C & C Lawncare 00:11

Kaysi Spray (27) L vs.
Rick Cook (6) W C & C Lawncare 00:05

Mickey Howell (7) W vs.
Mandy Ramey (26) L C & C Lawncare 00:06

Wendy Bailey (9) L vs.
Doug Lively (24) W C & C Lawncare 00:11

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20