Tourney #4 3/21/23

Updated 3:44pm

Round 3

Quick Player 14 vs.
Quick Player 12 6 14:54:36

Quick Player 17 vs.
Quick Player 9 4 14:54:29

Quick Player 29 vs.
Quick Player 21 2 14:54:36

Two vs.
Quick Player 22 5 14:54:36

Round 3

Quick Player 11 vs.
Quick Player 20

Quick Player 13 vs.
Quick Player 4

Quick Player 15 vs.
Quick Player 19

Quick Player 23 vs.
Quick Player 24

Quick Player 26 vs.

Quick Player 27 vs.
Quick Player 16

Quick Player 3 vs.
Quick Player 1

Quick Player 5 vs.
Quick Player 6


Quick Player 23

Quick Player 21 x


Quick Player 1

Quick Player 7 x


Quick Player 8

Quick Player 4 x


Quick Player 17 x

Quick Player 12


Quick Player 24

Quick Player 29 x


Quick Player 14 x

Quick Player 30


Quick Player 25

Quick Player 13 x


Quick Player 6 x

Quick Player 16


Quick Player 3

Quick Player 19 x


Quick Player 18

Quick Player 5 x


Quick Player 28

Quick Player 2 x


Quick Player 26

Quick Player 9 x


Quick Player 11

Quick Player 10 x


Quick Player 20

Quick Player 27 x


Quick Player 15 x

Quick Player 22



One x



Quick Player 16 x

Quick Player 26


Quick Player 23

Quick Player 8 x


Quick Player 1

Quick Player 25 x


Quick Player 3

Quick Player 30 x


Quick Player 12 x



Quick Player 28 x



Quick Player 20 x

Quick Player 24


Quick Player 11 x

Quick Player 22


Quick Player 18 x

Quick Player 15 x


Quick Player 21 x

Quick Player 17 xx


Quick Player 7 xx

Quick Player 13 x


One xx

Quick Player 29 x


Quick Player 5 xx

Quick Player 27 x


Quick Player 6 xx

Quick Player 19 x


Quick Player 2 xx

Quick Player 10 x


Quick Player 9 xx

Quick Player 4 x

Quick Player 14 x

Quick Player 23

Quick Player 24

Quick Player 26




Quick Player 22

Quick Player 3

Quick Player 1


Quick Player 25 xx

Quick Player 8 x

Quick Player 15 x

Quick Player 19 x

Quick Player 27 x

Quick Player 16 x


Quick Player 10 xx

Quick Player 18 x


Quick Player 29 x

Quick Player 21 x

Quick Player 13 x

Quick Player 4 x

Quick Player 11 x

Quick Player 20 x


Quick Player 14 x

Quick Player 12 x


Quick Player 30 xx

Quick Player 28 x

Quick Player 5 xx

Quick Player 6 xx


Quick Player 17 xx

Quick Player 9 xx


Quick Player 7 xx

One xxx

Quick Player 2 xx

The Shadow

Jes Schultz xxx

Brian Forton xx

Indiana Jones

Samantha VanderBand xx

Jim Patterson xxx

The Big Lebowski

Kara Kozlowski xxx

Andrew Bentley x

Twilight Zone

Chris Tabaka x

Adam Peacock xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Eric Simone xxx

Kile Moore

Monster Bash

Christine VanKempen x

Chad VanderBand xxx

Medieval Madness

Matt Stacks xx

Marjan Valenzuela xx


Chad Paulson xxx

Aron Duby x


Karen Cummings xxx

Daane Blouw xx

Scared Stiff

Rodney Minch

Noemy Aguilar xx

Batman '66

Joseph Nebus xx

Jeff VandenBerg

The Walking Dead

Heather Kendrick xx

Donald Moore x

Game Of Thrones

Jason VanderBand xxx

Nikos Monoyios x

Theatre Of Magic

Tim Mayhew x

Matt Blodgett xxx

Demolition Man

Jason Boonstra xxx

Matt Smith xx

The Walking Dead

Chris Tabaka x

Samantha VanderBand xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Joseph Nebus xxx

Matt Stacks xx

The Shadow

Aron Duby x

Christine VanKempen xx

Monster Bash

Daane Blouw xxx

Kile Moore

Demolition Man

Jeff VandenBerg x

Noemy Aguilar xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Marjan Valenzuela xxx

Tim Mayhew x


Adam Peacock xx

Rodney Minch x

Batman '66

Heather Kendrick xx

Brian Forton xxx

Attack From Mars

Andrew Bentley x

Matt Smith xxx

The Big Lebowski

Donald Moore xx

Nikos Monoyios x

Twilight Zone

Christine VanKempen xxx

Tim Mayhew x

Demolition Man

Donald Moore xxx

Andrew Bentley x


Rodney Minch xx

Matt Stacks xx

The Walking Dead

Aron Duby xx

Jeff VandenBerg x

Medieval Madness

Heather Kendrick xx

Nikos Monoyios xx

The Big Lebowski

Chris Tabaka x

Noemy Aguilar xxx


Adam Peacock xxx

Kile Moore


Andrew Bentley x

Jeff VandenBerg xx

Attack From Mars

Heather Kendrick xxx

Rodney Minch xx

The Hobbit

Chris Tabaka x

Kile Moore x


Aron Duby xxx

Nikos Monoyios xx


Tim Mayhew x

Matt Stacks xxx

The Shadow

Rodney Minch xx

Kile Moore xx


Nikos Monoyios xxx

Tim Mayhew x

Scared Stiff

Chris Tabaka x

Jeff VandenBerg xxx

Andrew Bentley x


Kile Moore xxx

Andrew Bentley x

Medieval Madness

Tim Mayhew x

Chris Tabaka xx

Rodney Minch xx

The Hobbit

Rodney Minch xx

Tim Mayhew xx


Chris Tabaka xx

Andrew Bentley xx

The Shadow

Tim Mayhew xx

Andrew Bentley xxx

Game Of Thrones

Chris Tabaka xx

Rodney Minch xxx

Monster Bash

Tim Mayhew xxx

Chris Tabaka xx

Chris Tabaka xx

Round 12

Tim Mayhew L vs.
Chris Tabaka W Monster Bash 20:12

Round 11

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Rodney Minch L Game Of Thrones 30:46

Tim Mayhew W vs.
Andrew Bentley L The Shadow 18:30

Round 10

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Andrew Bentley L Congo 10:24

Rodney Minch W vs.
Tim Mayhew L The Hobbit 08:47

Round 9

Kile Moore L vs.
Andrew Bentley W Aerosmith 11:50

Tim Mayhew W vs.
Chris Tabaka L Medieval Madness 13:57

Round 8

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Jeff VandenBerg L Scared Stiff 22:39

Nikos Monoyios L vs.
Tim Mayhew W Metallica 16:42

Rodney Minch W vs.
Kile Moore L The Shadow 16:19

Round 7

Andrew Bentley W vs.
Jeff VandenBerg L KISS 14:13

Aron Duby L vs.
Nikos Monoyios W Aerosmith 19:18

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Kile Moore L The Hobbit 27:55

Heather Kendrick L vs.
Rodney Minch W Attack From Mars 13:42

Tim Mayhew W vs.
Matt Stacks L Whitewater 13:29

Round 6

Adam Peacock L vs.
Kile Moore W KISS 10:22

Aron Duby L vs.
Jeff VandenBerg W The Walking Dead 14:36

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Noemy Aguilar L The Big Lebowski 14:16

Christine VanKempen L vs.
Tim Mayhew W Twilight Zone 10:35

Donald Moore L vs.
Andrew Bentley W Demolition Man 10:53

Heather Kendrick W vs.
Nikos Monoyios L Medieval Madness 10:08

Rodney Minch L vs.
Matt Stacks W Aerosmith 09:47

Round 5

Adam Peacock W vs.
Rodney Minch L Whitewater 18:45

Andrew Bentley W vs.
Matt Smith L Attack From Mars 18:26

Aron Duby W vs.
Christine VanKempen L The Shadow 19:04

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Samantha VanderBand L The Walking Dead 18:53

Daane Blouw L vs.
Kile Moore W Monster Bash 18:36

Donald Moore L vs.
Nikos Monoyios W The Big Lebowski 18:01

Heather Kendrick W vs.
Brian Forton L Batman '66 18:17

Jeff VandenBerg L vs.
Noemy Aguilar W Demolition Man 15:23

Joseph Nebus L vs.
Matt Stacks W Theatre Of Magic 18:04

Marjan Valenzuela L vs.
Tim Mayhew W Creature From The Black Lagoon 15:22

Round 4

Chad Paulson L vs.
Aron Duby W Congo 13:03

Chris Tabaka W vs.
Adam Peacock L Twilight Zone 12:26

Christine VanKempen W vs.
Chad VanderBand L Monster Bash 20:55

Eric Simone L vs.
Kile Moore W Creature From The Black Lagoon 12:27

Heather Kendrick W vs.
Donald Moore L The Walking Dead 12:58

Jason Boonstra L vs.
Matt Smith W Demolition Man 12:31

Jason VanderBand L vs.
Nikos Monoyios W Game Of Thrones 14:16

Jes Schultz L vs.
Brian Forton W The Shadow 12:36

Joseph Nebus L vs.
Jeff VandenBerg W Batman '66 13:55

Kara Kozlowski L vs.
Andrew Bentley W The Big Lebowski 13:32

Karen Cummings L vs.
Daane Blouw W KISS 12:40

Matt Stacks L vs.
Marjan Valenzuela W Medieval Madness 20:03

Rodney Minch W vs.
Noemy Aguilar L Scared Stiff 20:17

Samantha VanderBand W vs.
Jim Patterson L Indiana Jones 12:49

Tim Mayhew W vs.
Matt Blodgett L Theatre Of Magic 12:53

Round 3

Quick Player 10 L vs.
Quick Player 18 W 1 00:02

Quick Player 25 L vs.
Quick Player 8 W 1 00:05

Quick Player 30 L vs.
Quick Player 28 W 4 00:03

Quick Player 7 W vs.
One L 3 00:14

Round 2

One L vs.
Quick Player 29 W 5 00:05

Quick Player 1 W vs.
Quick Player 25 L 2 00:07

Quick Player 11 L vs.
Quick Player 22 W 3 00:05

Quick Player 12 L vs.
The W 3 00:16

Quick Player 16 L vs.
Quick Player 26 W 4 00:13

Quick Player 18 L vs.
Quick Player 15 W 5 00:14

Quick Player 2 L vs.
Quick Player 10 W 5 00:02

Quick Player 20 L vs.
Quick Player 24 W 1 00:12

Quick Player 21 W vs.
Quick Player 17 L 5 00:05

Quick Player 23 W vs.
Quick Player 8 L 4 00:09

Quick Player 28 L vs.
Two W 2 00:03

Quick Player 3 W vs.
Quick Player 30 L 6 00:05

Quick Player 5 L vs.
Quick Player 27 W 5 00:11

Quick Player 6 L vs.
Quick Player 19 W 6 00:05

Quick Player 7 L vs.
Quick Player 13 W 4 00:03

Quick Player 9 L vs.
Quick Player 4 W 3 00:09

Round 1

Quick Player 1 W vs.
Quick Player 7 L 1 00:13

Quick Player 11 W vs.
Quick Player 10 L 2 00:11

Quick Player 14 L vs.
Quick Player 30 W 5 00:03

Quick Player 15 L vs.
Quick Player 22 W 6 00:09

Quick Player 17 L vs.
Quick Player 12 W 2 00:13

Quick Player 18 W vs.
Quick Player 5 L 4 00:05

Quick Player 20 W vs.
Quick Player 27 L 4 00:19

Quick Player 23 W vs.
Quick Player 21 L 3 00:05

Quick Player 24 W vs.
Quick Player 29 L 3 00:21

Quick Player 25 W vs.
Quick Player 13 L 6 00:19

Quick Player 26 W vs.
Quick Player 9 L 5 00:03

Quick Player 28 W vs.
Quick Player 2 L 1 00:15

Quick Player 3 W vs.
Quick Player 19 L 3 00:08

Quick Player 6 L vs.
Quick Player 16 W 2 00:03

Quick Player 8 W vs.
Quick Player 4 L 6 00:05

The W vs.
One L 1 00:14

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20