And A Pickled Egg 2017

Updated 3:31pm


Round 10

Chris Newsom vs.
Justin Day

David Horner vs.
Connor Most

Ed Most vs.
Audrey Bonsignore

Joe Said vs.
Justin Bath

Joe Schober vs.
Dale Geiger

Star Trek

Rob Wintler-Cox x

Chris Newsom


David Horner

Douglas Malcolm x


Bayless Rutherford

Ed Most x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Dale Geiger

Elliott Keith x

Bow And Arrow

Brian Nalley x

Justin Bath

Fish Tales

Howard Dobson x

Randy Bissett


Steve Stakem

Laine Mcghee x

Walking Dead

Joe Said

Roy DeJarnette x


Stephanie Traub x

Francis Parks


Shelby Sheppard x

Paula Bailey

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Eric Schoch

Lindsey Most x

Super Straight

Greg Giblin x

Julie Schober

Bow And Arrow

Angela Pecora x

Ernie Most

Super Straight

Pete Pinocci

Matt Most x

Family Guy

Max Baskin x



Jason Parks x

Rob Thomas

Game Of Thrones

Scott Neuenhahn x

Paul McGlone

Captain Fantastic

Duro Zuba x

Shawn Hillman


Justin Day

Connor Most x


Joe Schober

Audrey Bonsignore x

Captain Fantastic

Eric Schoch

Mustafa x


Randy Bissett

Paul McGlone x

Game Of Thrones

Justin Day x

Justin Bath

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Shawn Hillman x

David Horner


Pete Pinocci x

Dale Geiger


Bayless Rutherford x

Joe Schober

Captain Fantastic

Ernie Most

Joe Said x


Chris Newsom x

Steve Stakem


Paula Bailey x

Julie Schober

Fish Tales

Rob Thomas x

Francis Parks

Fish Tales

Audrey Bonsignore x

Elliott Keith xx


Matt Most x

Stephanie Traub xx

Super Straight

Brian Nalley x

Shelby Sheppard xx

Bow And Arrow

Greg Giblin xx

Howard Dobson x

Family Guy

Rob Wintler-Cox x

Roy DeJarnette xx

Star Trek

Angela Pecora x

Jason Parks xx


Lindsey Most x

Scott Neuenhahn xx


Max Baskin xx

Duro Zuba x

Family Guy

Douglas Malcolm xx

Connor Most x

Walking Dead

Ed Most x

Laine Mcghee xx

Walking Dead

Francis Parks x

David Horner

Star Trek

Ernie Most x

Julie Schober


Eric Schoch x

Dale Geiger

Captain Fantastic

Justin Bath

Randy Bissett x

Family Guy

Joe Schober

Steve Stakem x

Game Of Thrones

Duro Zuba x

Pete Pinocci xx


Angela Pecora xx

Paul McGlone x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Matt Most x

Paula Bailey xx


Shawn Hillman xx

Rob Wintler-Cox x

Fish Tales

Connor Most x

Joe Said xx


Ed Most x

Lindsey Most xx


Mustafa xx

Chris Newsom x


Rob Thomas x

Brian Nalley xx

Bow And Arrow

Bayless Rutherford xx

Justin Day x


Audrey Bonsignore x

Howard Dobson xx

Bow And Arrow

Max Baskin xx

Stephanie Traub xxx


Greg Giblin xx

Roy DeJarnette xxx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Laine Mcghee xxx

Scott Neuenhahn xx


Douglas Malcolm xxx

Elliott Keith xx


Shelby Sheppard xxx

Jason Parks xx

Captain Fantastic

Julie Schober x

Dale Geiger

Bow And Arrow

David Horner x

Joe Schober

Walking Dead

Justin Bath x

Connor Most x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Francis Parks xx

Audrey Bonsignore x


Justin Day x

Ed Most xx


Paul McGlone xx

Rob Wintler-Cox x


Chris Newsom x

Rob Thomas xx


Matt Most xx

Ernie Most x


Duro Zuba x

Eric Schoch xx

Bow And Arrow

Steve Stakem x

Randy Bissett xx

Game Of Thrones

Paula Bailey xxx

Howard Dobson xx

Star Trek

Mustafa xx

Scott Neuenhahn xxx


Elliott Keith xx

Brian Nalley xxx


Pete Pinocci xxx

Shawn Hillman xx

Captain Fantastic

Bayless Rutherford xxx

Lindsey Most xx

Family Guy

Joe Said xx

Angela Pecora xxx


Jason Parks xxx

Greg Giblin xx


Max Baskin xx

Laine Mcghee 4x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Douglas Malcolm xxx

Stephanie Traub 4x

Fish Tales

Shelby Sheppard xxx

Roy DeJarnette 4x


Joe Schober

Dale Geiger x


Chris Newsom x

Duro Zuba xx

Family Guy

Julie Schober xx

David Horner x


Audrey Bonsignore xx

Justin Bath x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Rob Wintler-Cox x

Ernie Most xx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Justin Day x

Steve Stakem xx

Captain Fantastic

Connor Most x

Howard Dobson xxx


Randy Bissett xx

Ed Most xxx

Walking Dead

Paul McGlone xx

Greg Giblin xxx

Bow And Arrow

Matt Most xxx

Mustafa xx

Bow And Arrow

Rob Thomas xx

Shawn Hillman xxx

Star Trek

Joe Said xx

Eric Schoch xxx

Game Of Thrones

Lindsey Most xxx

Elliott Keith xx


Francis Parks xx

Angela Pecora 4x


Pete Pinocci xxx

Shelby Sheppard 4x

Fish Tales

Paula Bailey 4x

Douglas Malcolm xxx


Bayless Rutherford xxx

Scott Neuenhahn 4x


Brian Nalley xxx

Jason Parks 4x

Max Baskin xx

Game Of Thrones

Joe Schober

Rob Wintler-Cox xx


Chris Newsom x

Connor Most xx


Justin Bath x

David Horner xx

Family Guy

Dale Geiger x

Justin Day xx

Star Trek

Elliott Keith xxx

Duro Zuba xx


Francis Parks xxx

Joe Said xx

Bow And Arrow

Audrey Bonsignore xx

Paul McGlone xxx


Randy Bissett xx

Rob Thomas xxx


Max Baskin xx

Ernie Most xxx


Steve Stakem xx

Julie Schober xxx

Fish Tales

Mustafa xxx

Lindsey Most xxx

Walking Dead

Douglas Malcolm xxx

Brian Nalley 4x

Captain Fantastic

Eric Schoch 4x

Pete Pinocci xxx


Shawn Hillman 4x

Ed Most xxx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Bayless Rutherford xxx

Greg Giblin 4x


Matt Most xxx

Howard Dobson 4x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Joe Schober

Chris Newsom xx


Justin Bath x

Dale Geiger xx


Justin Day xxx

Rob Wintler-Cox xx

Bow And Arrow

Duro Zuba xx

Connor Most xxx

Fish Tales

David Horner xx

Steve Stakem xxx

Game Of Thrones

Max Baskin xxx

Audrey Bonsignore xx


Randy Bissett xxx

Lindsey Most xxx


Ed Most xxx

Elliott Keith 4x

Captain Fantastic

Rob Thomas xxx

Paul McGlone 4x


Julie Schober 4x

Mustafa xxx

Family Guy

Francis Parks 4x

Matt Most xxx

Star Trek

Pete Pinocci 4x

Douglas Malcolm xxx

Walking Dead

Bayless Rutherford xxx

Ernie Most 4x

Joe Said xx


Joe Schober x

Justin Bath x

Star Trek

David Horner xxx

Dale Geiger xx


Duro Zuba xx

Audrey Bonsignore xxx


Joe Said xx

Rob Wintler-Cox xxx

Fish Tales

Matt Most 4x

Ed Most xxx

Captain Fantastic

Max Baskin xxx

Randy Bissett 4x

Game Of Thrones

Connor Most xxx

Bayless Rutherford 4x

Walking Dead

Rob Thomas 4x

Steve Stakem xxx


Douglas Malcolm 4x

Lindsey Most xxx


Mustafa 4x

Justin Day xxx

Chris Newsom xx

Fish Tales

Justin Bath xx

Joe Schober x


Chris Newsom xxx

Joe Said xx


Duro Zuba xxx

Dale Geiger xx

Star Trek

Steve Stakem 4x

Connor Most xxx


Justin Day xxx

Max Baskin 4x


David Horner xxx

Lindsey Most 4x

Captain Fantastic

Rob Wintler-Cox 4x

Ed Most xxx

Audrey Bonsignore xxx

Joe Schober x

Dale Geiger xx

Joe Said xx

Justin Bath xx

Chris Newsom xxx

Justin Day xxx

Ed Most xxx

Audrey Bonsignore xxx

David Horner xxx

Connor Most xxx

Duro Zuba xxx

Round 9

Chris Newsom L vs.
Joe Said W Kiss 26:29

David Horner W vs.
Lindsey Most L Spider-man 35:39

Duro Zuba L vs.
Dale Geiger W Skateball 06:00

Justin Bath L vs.
Joe Schober W Fish Tales 13:43

Justin Day W vs.
Max Baskin L Ghostbusters 09:11

Rob Wintler-Cox L vs.
Ed Most W Captain Fantastic 09:47

Steve Stakem L vs.
Connor Most W Star Trek 16:04

Round 8

Connor Most W vs.
Bayless Rutherford L Game Of Thrones 21:27

David Horner L vs.
Dale Geiger W Star Trek 24:42

Douglas Malcolm L vs.
Lindsey Most W Whitewater 09:57

Duro Zuba W vs.
Audrey Bonsignore L Ghostbusters 09:59

Joe Said W vs.
Rob Wintler-Cox L Skateball 08:47

Joe Schober L vs.
Justin Bath W Aerosmith 23:24

Matt Most L vs.
Ed Most W Fish Tales 11:13

Max Baskin W vs.
Randy Bissett L Captain Fantastic 07:31

Mustafa L vs.
Justin Day W Kiss 13:21

Rob Thomas L vs.
Steve Stakem W Walking Dead 19:56

Round 7

Bayless Rutherford W vs.
Ernie Most L Walking Dead 13:42

David Horner W vs.
Steve Stakem L Fish Tales 13:29

Duro Zuba W vs.
Connor Most L Bow And Arrow 06:38

Ed Most W vs.
Elliott Keith L Whitewater 18:39

Francis Parks L vs.
Matt Most W Family Guy 09:58

Joe Schober W vs.
Chris Newsom L Bram Stoker's Dracula 14:38

Julie Schober L vs.
Mustafa W Skateball 06:06

Justin Bath W vs.
Dale Geiger L Spider-man 54:11

Justin Day L vs.
Rob Wintler-Cox W Aerosmith 14:07

Max Baskin L vs.
Audrey Bonsignore W Game Of Thrones 12:14

Pete Pinocci L vs.
Douglas Malcolm W Star Trek 22:01

Randy Bissett L vs.
Lindsey Most W Funhouse 17:41

Rob Thomas W vs.
Paul McGlone L Captain Fantastic 08:48

Round 6

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Paul McGlone L Bow And Arrow 10:53

Bayless Rutherford W vs.
Greg Giblin L Bram Stoker's Dracula 10:05

Chris Newsom W vs.
Connor Most L Ghostbusters 18:27

Dale Geiger W vs.
Justin Day L Family Guy 26:42

Douglas Malcolm W vs.
Brian Nalley L Walking Dead 09:07

Elliott Keith L vs.
Duro Zuba W Star Trek 14:15

Eric Schoch L vs.
Pete Pinocci W Captain Fantastic 08:10

Francis Parks L vs.
Joe Said W Funhouse 11:59

Joe Schober W vs.
Rob Wintler-Cox L Game Of Thrones 21:31

Justin Bath W vs.
David Horner L Whitewater 20:13

Matt Most W vs.
Howard Dobson L Skateball 10:46

Max Baskin W vs.
Ernie Most L Funhouse 09:09

Mustafa L vs.
Lindsey Most W Fish Tales 08:08

Randy Bissett W vs.
Rob Thomas L Aerosmith 12:53

Shawn Hillman L vs.
Ed Most W Spider-man 18:47

Steve Stakem W vs.
Julie Schober L Kiss 15:03

Round 5

Audrey Bonsignore L vs.
Justin Bath W Kiss 15:14

Bayless Rutherford W vs.
Scott Neuenhahn L Spider-man 23:24

Brian Nalley W vs.
Jason Parks L Whitewater 05:23

Chris Newsom W vs.
Duro Zuba L Whitewater 16:47

Connor Most W vs.
Howard Dobson L Captain Fantastic 09:04

Francis Parks W vs.
Angela Pecora L Aerosmith 11:22

Joe Said W vs.
Eric Schoch L Star Trek 21:45

Joe Schober W vs.
Dale Geiger L Funhouse 08:46

Julie Schober L vs.
David Horner W Family Guy 15:21

Justin Day W vs.
Steve Stakem L Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:39

Lindsey Most L vs.
Elliott Keith W Game Of Thrones 18:06

Matt Most L vs.
Mustafa W Bow And Arrow 04:54

Paul McGlone W vs.
Greg Giblin L Walking Dead 13:31

Paula Bailey L vs.
Douglas Malcolm W Fish Tales 08:09

Pete Pinocci W vs.
Shelby Sheppard L Skateball 08:26

Randy Bissett W vs.
Ed Most L Ghostbusters 13:18

Rob Thomas W vs.
Shawn Hillman L Bow And Arrow 06:12

Rob Wintler-Cox W vs.
Ernie Most L Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:41

Round 4

Bayless Rutherford L vs.
Lindsey Most W Captain Fantastic 07:50

Chris Newsom W vs.
Rob Thomas L Spider-man 44:48

David Horner L vs.
Joe Schober W Bow And Arrow 11:50

Douglas Malcolm W vs.
Stephanie Traub L Bram Stoker's Dracula 05:31

Duro Zuba W vs.
Eric Schoch L Funhouse 07:27

Elliott Keith W vs.
Brian Nalley L Funhouse 10:24

Francis Parks L vs.
Audrey Bonsignore W Bram Stoker's Dracula 06:50

Jason Parks L vs.
Greg Giblin W Ghostbusters 17:06

Joe Said W vs.
Angela Pecora L Family Guy 22:57

Julie Schober L vs.
Dale Geiger W Captain Fantastic 07:11

Justin Bath L vs.
Connor Most W Walking Dead 22:04

Justin Day W vs.
Ed Most L Skateball 05:41

Matt Most L vs.
Ernie Most W Aerosmith 10:33

Max Baskin W vs.
Laine Mcghee L Skateball 04:21

Mustafa W vs.
Scott Neuenhahn L Star Trek 12:39

Paul McGlone L vs.
Rob Wintler-Cox W Whitewater 20:41

Paula Bailey L vs.
Howard Dobson W Game Of Thrones 14:03

Pete Pinocci L vs.
Shawn Hillman W Kiss 10:44

Shelby Sheppard W vs.
Roy DeJarnette L Fish Tales 15:16

Steve Stakem W vs.
Randy Bissett L Bow And Arrow 06:53

Round 3

Angela Pecora L vs.
Paul McGlone W Skateball 14:16

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Howard Dobson L Funhouse 18:44

Bayless Rutherford L vs.
Justin Day W Bow And Arrow 09:23

Connor Most W vs.
Joe Said L Fish Tales 17:18

Douglas Malcolm L vs.
Elliott Keith W Aerosmith 09:39

Duro Zuba W vs.
Pete Pinocci L Game Of Thrones 14:33

Ed Most W vs.
Lindsey Most L Kiss 11:44

Eric Schoch L vs.
Dale Geiger W Kiss 08:53

Ernie Most L vs.
Julie Schober W Star Trek 18:12

Francis Parks L vs.
David Horner W Walking Dead 11:51

Greg Giblin W vs.
Roy DeJarnette L Whitewater 05:49

Joe Schober W vs.
Steve Stakem L Family Guy 17:33

Justin Bath W vs.
Randy Bissett L Captain Fantastic 16:12

Laine Mcghee L vs.
Scott Neuenhahn W Bram Stoker's Dracula 08:55

Matt Most W vs.
Paula Bailey L Bram Stoker's Dracula 06:36

Max Baskin W vs.
Stephanie Traub L Bow And Arrow 04:18

Mustafa L vs.
Chris Newsom W Whitewater 05:08

Rob Thomas W vs.
Brian Nalley L Ghostbusters 08:57

Shawn Hillman L vs.
Rob Wintler-Cox W Ghostbusters 13:33

Shelby Sheppard L vs.
Jason Parks W Spider-man 13:47

Round 2

Angela Pecora W vs.
Jason Parks L Star Trek 22:10

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Elliott Keith L Fish Tales 08:52

Bayless Rutherford L vs.
Joe Schober W Whitewater 11:50

Brian Nalley W vs.
Shelby Sheppard L Super Straight 08:49

Chris Newsom L vs.
Steve Stakem W Aerosmith 20:35

Douglas Malcolm L vs.
Connor Most W Family Guy 17:01

Ed Most W vs.
Laine Mcghee L Walking Dead 10:21

Eric Schoch W vs.
Mustafa L Captain Fantastic 07:21

Ernie Most W vs.
Joe Said L Captain Fantastic 09:11

Greg Giblin L vs.
Howard Dobson W Bow And Arrow 09:38

Justin Day L vs.
Justin Bath W Game Of Thrones 29:10

Lindsey Most W vs.
Scott Neuenhahn L Skateball 08:52

Matt Most W vs.
Stephanie Traub L Kiss 16:44

Max Baskin L vs.
Duro Zuba W Aerosmith 07:05

Paula Bailey L vs.
Julie Schober W Funhouse 14:46

Pete Pinocci L vs.
Dale Geiger W Ghostbusters 08:56

Randy Bissett W vs.
Paul McGlone L Spider-man 24:56

Rob Thomas L vs.
Francis Parks W Fish Tales 06:13

Rob Wintler-Cox W vs.
Roy DeJarnette L Family Guy 08:39

Shawn Hillman L vs.
David Horner W Bram Stoker's Dracula 09:57

Round 1

Angela Pecora L vs.
Ernie Most W Bow And Arrow 05:25

Bayless Rutherford W vs.
Ed Most L Aerosmith 12:00

Brian Nalley L vs.
Justin Bath W Bow And Arrow 04:16

Dale Geiger W vs.
Elliott Keith L Bram Stoker's Dracula 06:38

David Horner W vs.
Douglas Malcolm L Kiss 17:08

Duro Zuba L vs.
Shawn Hillman W Captain Fantastic 11:32

Eric Schoch W vs.
Lindsey Most L Bram Stoker's Dracula 05:09

Greg Giblin L vs.
Julie Schober W Super Straight 07:38

Howard Dobson L vs.
Randy Bissett W Fish Tales 07:37

Jason Parks L vs.
Rob Thomas W Skateball 06:36

Joe Said W vs.
Roy DeJarnette L Walking Dead 22:46

Joe Schober W vs.
Audrey Bonsignore L Skateball 09:46

Justin Day W vs.
Connor Most L Funhouse 10:35

Max Baskin L vs.
Mustafa W Family Guy 14:29

Pete Pinocci W vs.
Matt Most L Super Straight 07:51

Rob Wintler-Cox L vs.
Chris Newsom W Star Trek 25:58

Scott Neuenhahn L vs.
Paul McGlone W Game Of Thrones 11:39

Shelby Sheppard L vs.
Paula Bailey W Ghostbusters 10:46

Stephanie Traub L vs.
Francis Parks W Spider-man 18:53

Steve Stakem W vs.
Laine Mcghee L Whitewater 07:46

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20