Houndstooth Weekly 3/4

Updated 10:05am



Charlie’s Angels

Lupe Bryan

Dave Mealy x

Force II

Megan K Czahar x

Andy Glass


Kevin Shelley x

Danielle Wilcox

Attack From Mars

Clare Green x

Kyle Condell

Star Race

Jared Bayliss x

Scott Kulick

Cirqus Voltaire

Daniel Mays

Shawnna Kenney x

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare

Chad Adams

Caleb Trujillo x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Paul White x

Alex Singleterry


Gavin Carrol x

Anthony Gragnani

Charlie’s Angels

Andy Glass

Alex Singleterry x

NBA Fastbreak

Danielle Wilcox x

Kyle Condell


Chad Adams

Scott Kulick x

Star Race

Daniel Mays

Lupe Bryan x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Anthony Gragnani x

Caleb Trujillo x


Jared Bayliss x

Paul White xx

Game Show

Megan K Czahar xx

Kevin Shelley x

Jurassic Park

Dave Mealy xx

Gavin Carrol x

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare

Shawnna Kenney x

Clare Green xx

Game Show

Daniel Mays x

Chad Adams

Cirqus Voltaire

Kyle Condell

Andy Glass x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Shawnna Kenney x

Jared Bayliss xx

Force II

Kevin Shelley xx

Alex Singleterry x

NBA Fastbreak

Caleb Trujillo xx

Lupe Bryan x

Attack From Mars

Anthony Gragnani x

Scott Kulick xx

Charlie’s Angels

Danielle Wilcox xx

Gavin Carrol x


Dave Mealy xx

Megan K Czahar xxx

Jurassic Park

Clare Green xx

Paul White xxx

Jurassic Park

Kyle Condell x

Chad Adams

Force II

Shawnna Kenney xx

Gavin Carrol x


Anthony Gragnani xx

Daniel Mays x

Game Show

Lupe Bryan xx

Alex Singleterry x

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare

Andy Glass x

Danielle Wilcox xxx


Scott Kulick xxx

Clare Green xx

Cirqus Voltaire

Dave Mealy xxx

Kevin Shelley xx

Charlie’s Angels

Caleb Trujillo xxx

Jared Bayliss xx

NBA Fastbreak

Chad Adams x

Alex Singleterry x


Kyle Condell x

Daniel Mays xx

Guardians of the Galaxy

Gavin Carrol x

Andy Glass xx

Charlie’s Angels

Clare Green xx

Kevin Shelley xxx

Jurassic Park

Jared Bayliss xx

Lupe Bryan xxx

Star Race

Shawnna Kenney xxx

Anthony Gragnani xx

Attack From Mars

Chad Adams xx

Gavin Carrol x

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare

Alex Singleterry x

Daniel Mays xxx

Jurassic Park

Anthony Gragnani xxx

Andy Glass xx

Game Show

Clare Green xx

Jared Bayliss xxx

Kyle Condell x


Kyle Condell xx

Alex Singleterry x

Cirqus Voltaire

Gavin Carrol x

Clare Green xxx


Andy Glass xxx

Chad Adams xx

Star Race

Alex Singleterry x

Gavin Carrol xx

Charlie’s Angels

Kyle Condell xxx

Chad Adams xx

Cirqus Voltaire

Alex Singleterry xx

Chad Adams xx

Gavin Carrol xx

NBA Fastbreak

Chad Adams xxx

Gavin Carrol xx

Alex Singleterry xx

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare

Alex Singleterry xxx

Gavin Carrol xx

Gavin Carrol xx

Round 11

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Alice Cooper’s Nightmare 14:07

Round 10

Chad Adams L vs.
Gavin Carrol W NBA Fastbreak 07:07

Round 9

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Chad Adams W Cirqus Voltaire 11:51

Round 8

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Gavin Carrol L Star Race 08:14

Kyle Condell L vs.
Chad Adams W Charlie’s Angels 13:18

Round 7

Andy Glass L vs.
Chad Adams W Avengers 11:43

Gavin Carrol W vs.
Clare Green L Cirqus Voltaire 09:48

Kyle Condell L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Ghostbusters 12:54

Round 6

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Daniel Mays L Alice Cooper’s Nightmare 16:24

Anthony Gragnani L vs.
Andy Glass W Jurassic Park 13:04

Chad Adams L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Attack From Mars 22:16

Clare Green W vs.
Jared Bayliss L Game Show 16:01

Round 5

Chad Adams L vs.
Alex Singleterry W NBA Fastbreak 09:57

Clare Green W vs.
Kevin Shelley L Charlie’s Angels 22:11

Gavin Carrol W vs.
Andy Glass L Guardians of the Galaxy 17:24

Jared Bayliss W vs.
Lupe Bryan L Jurassic Park 16:36

Kyle Condell W vs.
Daniel Mays L Avengers 13:31

Shawnna Kenney L vs.
Anthony Gragnani W Star Race 21:29

Round 4

Andy Glass W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Alice Cooper’s Nightmare 24:57

Anthony Gragnani L vs.
Daniel Mays W Ghostbusters 16:45

Caleb Trujillo L vs.
Jared Bayliss W Charlie’s Angels 18:12

Dave Mealy L vs.
Kevin Shelley W Cirqus Voltaire 27:34

Kyle Condell L vs.
Chad Adams W Jurassic Park 21:58

Lupe Bryan L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Game Show 13:25

Scott Kulick L vs.
Clare Green W Avengers 09:57

Shawnna Kenney L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Force II 11:11

Round 3

Anthony Gragnani W vs.
Scott Kulick L Attack From Mars 22:06

Caleb Trujillo L vs.
Lupe Bryan W NBA Fastbreak 18:51

Clare Green W vs.
Paul White L Jurassic Park 11:24

Daniel Mays L vs.
Chad Adams W Game Show 17:12

Danielle Wilcox L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Charlie’s Angels 18:40

Dave Mealy W vs.
Megan K Czahar L Ghostbusters 21:22

Kevin Shelley L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Force II 15:01

Kyle Condell W vs.
Andy Glass L Cirqus Voltaire 15:33

Shawnna Kenney W vs.
Jared Bayliss L Guardians of the Galaxy 18:19

Round 2

Andy Glass W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Charlie’s Angels 10:39

Anthony Gragnani L vs.
Caleb Trujillo W Guardians of the Galaxy 13:17

Chad Adams W vs.
Scott Kulick L Ghostbusters 09:54

Daniel Mays W vs.
Lupe Bryan L Star Race 09:30

Danielle Wilcox L vs.
Kyle Condell W NBA Fastbreak 11:36

Dave Mealy L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Jurassic Park 10:24

Jared Bayliss W vs.
Paul White L Avengers 13:26

Megan K Czahar L vs.
Kevin Shelley W Game Show 12:43

Shawnna Kenney W vs.
Clare Green L Alice Cooper’s Nightmare 10:02

Round 1

Chad Adams W vs.
Caleb Trujillo L Alice Cooper’s Nightmare 13:04

Clare Green L vs.
Kyle Condell W Attack From Mars 08:19

Daniel Mays W vs.
Shawnna Kenney L Cirqus Voltaire 10:21

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Anthony Gragnani W Avengers 08:57

Jared Bayliss L vs.
Scott Kulick W Star Race 10:39

Kevin Shelley L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Ghostbusters 15:05

Lupe Bryan W vs.
Dave Mealy L Charlie’s Angels 11:28

Megan K Czahar L vs.
Andy Glass W Force II 10:09

Paul White L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Guardians of the Galaxy 25:43

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20