James's Birthday

Updated 5:18pm




Chris Bronson

Brian Hedley x

Medieval Madness

Alan Wiley x

James Frost-Winn

Batman 66

Michelle Jones x

Geoff Simons


Mika Rollin

Jonathan Hawthorne x

Fish Tales

Todd Larson x

Claire Sutcliffe


Laurence Campbell

Justin Denewith x


Laurence Campbell x

Geoff Simons

The Sopranos

James Frost-Winn x

Mika Rollin

Indianna Jones

Chris Bronson x

Claire Sutcliffe

Eight Ball Deluxe

Jonathan Hawthorne xx

Brian Hedley x


Todd Larson xx

Michelle Jones x

Batman 66

Justin Denewith x

Alan Wiley xx


Mika Rollin x

Geoff Simons

Eight Ball Deluxe

Claire Sutcliffe

Michelle Jones xx

The Sopranos

Justin Denewith xx

Chris Bronson x

Batman 66

Laurence Campbell xx

Brian Hedley x


James Frost-Winn x

Todd Larson xxx

Twilight Zone

Alan Wiley xx

Jonathan Hawthorne xxx

The Sopranos

Geoff Simons

Claire Sutcliffe x

Fish Tales

James Frost-Winn xx

Chris Bronson x

Twilight Zone

Brian Hedley xx

Mika Rollin x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Michelle Jones xx

Justin Denewith xxx

The Addams Family

Alan Wiley xxx

Laurence Campbell xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Geoff Simons

Chris Bronson xx

Batman 66

Mika Rollin xx

Claire Sutcliffe x


Brian Hedley xx

James Frost-Winn xxx

Twilight Zone

Laurence Campbell xxx

Michelle Jones xx

Eight Ball Champ

Geoff Simons x

Claire Sutcliffe x

Medieval Madness

Mika Rollin xx

Chris Bronson xxx

Fish Tales

Brian Hedley xx

Michelle Jones xxx


Geoff Simons x

Claire Sutcliffe xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Mika Rollin xxx

Brian Hedley xx

The Addams Family

Geoff Simons x

Claire Sutcliffe xxx

Brian Hedley xx

Indianna Jones

Geoff Simons x

Brian Hedley xxx

Geoff Simons x

Round 9

Geoff Simons W vs.
Brian Hedley L Indianna Jones 08:58

Round 8

Geoff Simons W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L The Addams Family 07:59

Round 7

Geoff Simons W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L Fathom 07:48

Mika Rollin L vs.
Brian Hedley W Nitro Ground Shaker 15:16

Round 6

Brian Hedley W vs.
Michelle Jones L Fish Tales 15:36

Geoff Simons L vs.
Claire Sutcliffe W Eight Ball Champ 17:10

Mika Rollin W vs.
Chris Bronson L Medieval Madness 11:00

Round 5

Brian Hedley W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Shrek 14:08

Geoff Simons W vs.
Chris Bronson L Eight Ball Deluxe 21:00

Laurence Campbell L vs.
Michelle Jones W Twilight Zone 21:59

Mika Rollin L vs.
Claire Sutcliffe W Batman 66 18:55

Round 4

Alan Wiley L vs.
Laurence Campbell W The Addams Family 08:55

Brian Hedley L vs.
Mika Rollin W Twilight Zone 11:14

Geoff Simons W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L The Sopranos 14:01

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Chris Bronson W Fish Tales 15:27

Michelle Jones W vs.
Justin Denewith L Nitro Ground Shaker 16:05

Round 3

Alan Wiley W vs.
Jonathan Hawthorne L Twilight Zone 14:15

Claire Sutcliffe W vs.
Michelle Jones L Eight Ball Deluxe 14:49

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Todd Larson L KISS 15:14

Justin Denewith L vs.
Chris Bronson W The Sopranos 19:25

Laurence Campbell L vs.
Brian Hedley W Batman 66 20:55

Mika Rollin L vs.
Geoff Simons W Shrek 10:52

Round 2

Chris Bronson L vs.
Claire Sutcliffe W Indianna Jones 17:58

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Mika Rollin W The Sopranos 30:25

Jonathan Hawthorne L vs.
Brian Hedley W Eight Ball Deluxe 16:41

Justin Denewith W vs.
Alan Wiley L Batman 66 09:49

Laurence Campbell L vs.
Geoff Simons W Taxi 18:43

Todd Larson L vs.
Michelle Jones W Fathom 18:28

Round 1

Alan Wiley L vs.
James Frost-Winn W Medieval Madness 24:20

Chris Bronson W vs.
Brian Hedley L Stars 14:40

Laurence Campbell W vs.
Justin Denewith L Ghostbusters 16:04

Michelle Jones L vs.
Geoff Simons W Batman 66 16:16

Mika Rollin W vs.
Jonathan Hawthorne L Fathom 11:57

Todd Larson L vs.
Claire Sutcliffe W Fish Tales 12:10

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20