Crabtowne 1/24/17

Updated 3:42pm

Round 11

Jose Chong vs.
Steve Stakem Old Chicago 18:04:32

Round 15

Steve Stakem vs.
Jose Chong Kiss 17:44:00


The Addams Family

Steve Stakem

Sarah Reed x


Barry Schwartz x

Dustin Rosenberry

Eight Ball Deluxe

Zoe Morris x

Chuck Gardner

Road Kings

Anand Dhanda

Justin Day x

Fish Tales

Jacquie Day

Spencer DesRoches x

World Cup Soccer

David Delsignore x

George Arfken

Ghost Busters

Whitney Morris x

Justin Kennedy

Dirty Harry

Alex Jeffrey

Scott Neuenhahn x


Elliott Keith x

Jeff Reed

The Addams Family

Emilie Graham x

Donnie Coulbourn


Audrey Bonsignore

Justin Bath x

Dr Dude

Gil Swann

Milton Watson x


Jennifer Coleman x

Ryan Lowman

Old Chicago

Riley Coleman x

Shannon Schreier

Pool Sharks

Dana Ost x

Jose Chong

Mike Frasca

The Addams Family

Gil Swann

Shannon Schreier x

Strikes And Spares

Donnie Coulbourn

Anand Dhanda x


Jose Chong

Steve Stakem x


George Arfken

Justin Kennedy x

World Cup Soccer

Dustin Rosenberry

Alex Jeffrey x

Old Chicago

Audrey Bonsignore x

Mike Frasca

Twilight Zone

Jacquie Day x

Ryan Lowman

Fish Tales

Chuck Gardner

Jeff Reed x


Scott Neuenhahn x

Whitney Morris xx

Road Kings

Barry Schwartz x

Justin Bath xx

Dr Dude

Riley Coleman xx

Zoe Morris x


Emilie Graham xx

Elliott Keith x

Dirty Harry

Jennifer Coleman xx

Milton Watson x

Pool Sharks

David Delsignore x

Sarah Reed xx


Spencer DesRoches xx

Dana Ost x

Justin Day x


Donnie Coulbourn

Gil Swann x


Mike Frasca x

George Arfken

Ghost Busters

Dustin Rosenberry x

Chuck Gardner

Road Kings

Jose Chong x

Ryan Lowman

Twilight Zone

Anand Dhanda xx

Elliott Keith x

Fish Tales

Zoe Morris xx

Barry Schwartz x


Alex Jeffrey xx

Steve Stakem x


Shannon Schreier x

David Delsignore xx

The Addams Family

Audrey Bonsignore x

Milton Watson xx


Dana Ost xx

Jacquie Day x

Dr Dude

Jeff Reed xx

Justin Kennedy x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Justin Day x

Emilie Graham xxx

Dirty Harry

Riley Coleman xxx

Sarah Reed xx

World Cup Soccer

Jennifer Coleman xxx

Spencer DesRoches xx

Old Chicago

Justin Bath xxx

Whitney Morris xx

Scott Neuenhahn x

Dr Dude

Chuck Gardner x

Ryan Lowman

Road Kings

Donnie Coulbourn x

George Arfken

World Cup Soccer

Justin Day x

Barry Schwartz xx

Dirty Harry

Audrey Bonsignore xx

Justin Kennedy x


Scott Neuenhahn x

Mike Frasca xx

Strikes And Spares

Dustin Rosenberry xx

Elliott Keith x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Gil Swann xx

Steve Stakem x


Jacquie Day xx

Jose Chong x

Twilight Zone

Shannon Schreier x

Sarah Reed xxx

Old Chicago

Milton Watson xx

Spencer DesRoches xxx


Jeff Reed xx

Anand Dhanda xxx


Zoe Morris xxx

Alex Jeffrey xx

Fish Tales

Dana Ost xx

Whitney Morris xxx

The Addams Family

Justin Bath 4x

Riley Coleman xxx


Jennifer Coleman xxx

Emilie Graham 4x

David Delsignore xx

Fish Tales

Ryan Lowman x

George Arfken

Road Kings

Scott Neuenhahn xx

Shannon Schreier x


Jose Chong x

Donnie Coulbourn xx

Old Chicago

Steve Stakem x

Chuck Gardner xx

The Addams Family

Justin Day x

Justin Kennedy xx

Pool Sharks

Jeff Reed xx

Barry Schwartz xxx

Twilight Zone

Audrey Bonsignore xx

Gil Swann xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Dustin Rosenberry xx

David Delsignore xxx

Dr Dude

Jacquie Day xxx

Mike Frasca xx


Dana Ost xxx

Alex Jeffrey xx


Milton Watson xxx

Sarah Reed xxx

Dirty Harry

Whitney Morris xxx

Anand Dhanda 4x


Jennifer Coleman 4x

Riley Coleman xxx

Ghost Busters

Zoe Morris 4x

Spencer DesRoches xxx

Elliott Keith x

Strikes And Spares

George Arfken

Justin Day xx

Fish Tales

Shannon Schreier x

Steve Stakem xx

Pool Sharks

Ryan Lowman xx

Elliott Keith x

World Cup Soccer

Jose Chong x

Chuck Gardner xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Mike Frasca xx

Jeff Reed xxx


Audrey Bonsignore xx

Scott Neuenhahn xxx

Old Chicago

Alex Jeffrey xxx

Donnie Coulbourn xx


Dustin Rosenberry xxx

Justin Kennedy xx

Ghost Busters

Jacquie Day 4x

Sarah Reed xxx


Dana Ost 4x

Barry Schwartz xxx

Twilight Zone

Whitney Morris 4x

Spencer DesRoches xxx


Riley Coleman xxx

Milton Watson 4x

Dirty Harry

Gil Swann 4x

David Delsignore xxx


George Arfken x

Shannon Schreier x


Jose Chong x

Elliott Keith xx

Fish Tales

Justin Day xxx

Audrey Bonsignore xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Donnie Coulbourn xx

Justin Kennedy xxx

World Cup Soccer

Mike Frasca xxx

Ryan Lowman xx

Ghost Busters

Steve Stakem xx

Jeff Reed 4x

Strikes And Spares

Riley Coleman 4x

Scott Neuenhahn xxx

Road Kings

Dustin Rosenberry xxx

Sarah Reed 4x

The Addams Family

Barry Schwartz xxx

David Delsignore 4x


Chuck Gardner xxx

Alex Jeffrey 4x

Spencer DesRoches xxx

Ghost Busters

George Arfken xx

Jose Chong x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Shannon Schreier xx

Elliott Keith xx


Steve Stakem xx

Ryan Lowman xxx

Dr Dude

Audrey Bonsignore xx

Donnie Coulbourn xxx


Dustin Rosenberry 4x

Spencer DesRoches xxx

Old Chicago

Scott Neuenhahn 4x

Justin Day xxx

Dirty Harry

Barry Schwartz 4x

Mike Frasca xxx

Strikes And Spares

Chuck Gardner xxx

Justin Kennedy 4x

Dirty Harry

Jose Chong x

Shannon Schreier xxx

Dr Dude

Elliott Keith xxx

Steve Stakem xx


Audrey Bonsignore xx

George Arfken xxx


Ryan Lowman 4x

Justin Day xxx


Chuck Gardner 4x

Donnie Coulbourn xxx

Strikes And Spares

Mike Frasca xxx

Spencer DesRoches 4x

Strikes And Spares

Steve Stakem xx

Audrey Bonsignore xxx


Mike Frasca 4x

Donnie Coulbourn xxx

Dr Dude

Shannon Schreier 4x

Justin Day xxx

Old Chicago

Elliott Keith xxx

George Arfken 4x

Jose Chong x

Old Chicago

Jose Chong x

Steve Stakem xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Elliott Keith 4x

Audrey Bonsignore xxx


Donnie Coulbourn 4x

Justin Day xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Steve Stakem xx

Jose Chong xxx

Strikes And Spares

Audrey Bonsignore 4x

Justin Day xxx

Old Chicago

Justin Day 4x

Jose Chong xxx

Steve Stakem xx

Strikes And Spares

Steve Stakem xxx

Jose Chong xxx


Steve Stakem xxx

Jose Chong xxx

Round 14

Steve Stakem L vs.
Jose Chong W Strikes And Spares 05:39

Round 13

Justin Day L vs.
Jose Chong W Old Chicago 03:38

Round 12

Audrey Bonsignore L vs.
Justin Day W Strikes And Spares 03:11

Steve Stakem W vs.
Jose Chong L Eight Ball Deluxe 03:50

Round 11

Donnie Coulbourn L vs.
Justin Day W Kiss 06:52

Elliott Keith L vs.
Audrey Bonsignore W Eight Ball Deluxe 07:04

Round 10

Elliott Keith W vs.
George Arfken L Old Chicago 09:35

Mike Frasca L vs.
Donnie Coulbourn W Kiss 04:01

Shannon Schreier L vs.
Justin Day W Dr Dude 17:35

Steve Stakem W vs.
Audrey Bonsignore L Strikes And Spares 08:37

Round 9

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
George Arfken L Fire! 08:20

Chuck Gardner L vs.
Donnie Coulbourn W Cyclone 10:53

Elliott Keith L vs.
Steve Stakem W Dr Dude 08:01

Jose Chong W vs.
Shannon Schreier L Dirty Harry 12:38

Mike Frasca W vs.
Spencer DesRoches L Strikes And Spares 08:11

Ryan Lowman L vs.
Justin Day W Kiss 09:17

Round 8

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Donnie Coulbourn L Dr Dude 11:37

Barry Schwartz L vs.
Mike Frasca W Dirty Harry 16:46

Chuck Gardner W vs.
Justin Kennedy L Strikes And Spares 09:54

Dustin Rosenberry L vs.
Spencer DesRoches W Fire! 11:43

George Arfken L vs.
Jose Chong W Ghost Busters 13:40

Scott Neuenhahn L vs.
Justin Day W Old Chicago 08:16

Shannon Schreier L vs.
Elliott Keith W Eight Ball Deluxe 04:37

Steve Stakem W vs.
Ryan Lowman L Jokerz 10:06

Round 7

Barry Schwartz W vs.
David Delsignore L The Addams Family 07:20

Chuck Gardner W vs.
Alex Jeffrey L Kiss 07:01

Donnie Coulbourn W vs.
Justin Kennedy L Eight Ball Deluxe 05:40

Dustin Rosenberry W vs.
Sarah Reed L Road Kings 17:31

George Arfken L vs.
Shannon Schreier W Cyclone 10:48

Jose Chong W vs.
Elliott Keith L Jokerz 06:24

Justin Day L vs.
Audrey Bonsignore W Fish Tales 26:28

Mike Frasca L vs.
Ryan Lowman W World Cup Soccer 06:34

Riley Coleman L vs.
Scott Neuenhahn W Strikes And Spares 06:48

Steve Stakem W vs.
Jeff Reed L Ghost Busters 12:33

Round 6

Alex Jeffrey L vs.
Donnie Coulbourn W Old Chicago 09:23

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Scott Neuenhahn L Kiss 09:50

Dana Ost L vs.
Barry Schwartz W Jokerz 05:52

Dustin Rosenberry L vs.
Justin Kennedy W Cyclone 10:49

George Arfken W vs.
Justin Day L Strikes And Spares 04:51

Gil Swann L vs.
David Delsignore W Dirty Harry 11:12

Jacquie Day L vs.
Sarah Reed W Ghost Busters 10:42

Jose Chong W vs.
Chuck Gardner L World Cup Soccer 09:43

Mike Frasca W vs.
Jeff Reed L Eight Ball Deluxe 08:17

Riley Coleman W vs.
Milton Watson L Fire! 11:39

Ryan Lowman L vs.
Elliott Keith W Pool Sharks 09:30

Shannon Schreier W vs.
Steve Stakem L Fish Tales 13:26

Whitney Morris L vs.
Spencer DesRoches W Twilight Zone 08:45

Round 5

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Gil Swann L Twilight Zone 13:52

Dana Ost L vs.
Alex Jeffrey W Pinbot 09:04

Dustin Rosenberry W vs.
David Delsignore L Eight Ball Deluxe 05:12

Jacquie Day L vs.
Mike Frasca W Dr Dude 10:17

Jeff Reed W vs.
Barry Schwartz L Pool Sharks 11:22

Jennifer Coleman L vs.
Riley Coleman W Kiss 07:59

Jose Chong W vs.
Donnie Coulbourn L Fire! 08:33

Justin Day W vs.
Justin Kennedy L The Addams Family 12:20

Milton Watson L vs.
Sarah Reed W Cyclone 07:30

Ryan Lowman L vs.
George Arfken W Fish Tales 09:40

Scott Neuenhahn L vs.
Shannon Schreier W Road Kings 08:54

Steve Stakem W vs.
Chuck Gardner L Old Chicago 06:10

Whitney Morris W vs.
Anand Dhanda L Dirty Harry 17:00

Zoe Morris L vs.
Spencer DesRoches W Ghost Busters 08:49

Round 4

Audrey Bonsignore L vs.
Justin Kennedy W Dirty Harry 11:10

Chuck Gardner L vs.
Ryan Lowman W Dr Dude 13:54

Dana Ost W vs.
Whitney Morris L Fish Tales 09:08

Donnie Coulbourn L vs.
George Arfken W Road Kings 07:47

Dustin Rosenberry L vs.
Elliott Keith W Strikes And Spares 07:02

Gil Swann L vs.
Steve Stakem W Eight Ball Deluxe 18:37

Jacquie Day L vs.
Jose Chong W Kiss 09:01

Jeff Reed W vs.
Anand Dhanda L Fire! 08:00

Jennifer Coleman W vs.
Emilie Graham L Pinbot 07:28

Justin Bath L vs.
Riley Coleman W The Addams Family 11:05

Justin Day W vs.
Barry Schwartz L World Cup Soccer 21:23

Milton Watson W vs.
Spencer DesRoches L Old Chicago 06:03

Scott Neuenhahn W vs.
Mike Frasca L Cyclone 08:34

Shannon Schreier W vs.
Sarah Reed L Twilight Zone 06:38

Zoe Morris L vs.
Alex Jeffrey W Jokerz 04:31

Round 3

Alex Jeffrey L vs.
Steve Stakem W Cyclone 05:49

Anand Dhanda L vs.
Elliott Keith W Twilight Zone 09:04

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Milton Watson L The Addams Family 19:03

Dana Ost L vs.
Jacquie Day W Fire! 08:57

Donnie Coulbourn W vs.
Gil Swann L Jokerz 07:07

Dustin Rosenberry L vs.
Chuck Gardner W Ghost Busters 12:35

Jeff Reed L vs.
Justin Kennedy W Dr Dude 10:24

Jennifer Coleman L vs.
Spencer DesRoches W World Cup Soccer 09:28

Jose Chong L vs.
Ryan Lowman W Road Kings 07:23

Justin Bath L vs.
Whitney Morris W Old Chicago 08:29

Justin Day W vs.
Emilie Graham L Eight Ball Deluxe 07:12

Mike Frasca L vs.
George Arfken W Pinbot 14:52

Riley Coleman L vs.
Sarah Reed W Dirty Harry 08:10

Shannon Schreier W vs.
David Delsignore L Kiss 06:44

Zoe Morris L vs.
Barry Schwartz W Fish Tales 06:51

Round 2

Audrey Bonsignore L vs.
Mike Frasca W Old Chicago 07:06

Barry Schwartz W vs.
Justin Bath L Road Kings 17:38

Chuck Gardner W vs.
Jeff Reed L Fish Tales 07:47

David Delsignore W vs.
Sarah Reed L Pool Sharks 09:52

Donnie Coulbourn W vs.
Anand Dhanda L Strikes And Spares 04:50

Dustin Rosenberry W vs.
Alex Jeffrey L World Cup Soccer 14:29

Emilie Graham L vs.
Elliott Keith W Cyclone 06:39

George Arfken W vs.
Justin Kennedy L Jokerz 09:24

Gil Swann W vs.
Shannon Schreier L The Addams Family 07:54

Jacquie Day L vs.
Ryan Lowman W Twilight Zone 12:37

Jennifer Coleman L vs.
Milton Watson W Dirty Harry 11:13

Jose Chong W vs.
Steve Stakem L Pinbot 09:57

Riley Coleman L vs.
Zoe Morris W Dr Dude 07:31

Scott Neuenhahn W vs.
Whitney Morris L Fire! 06:50

Spencer DesRoches L vs.
Dana Ost W Kiss 05:30

Round 1

Alex Jeffrey W vs.
Scott Neuenhahn L Dirty Harry 11:09

Anand Dhanda W vs.
Justin Day L Road Kings 05:05

Audrey Bonsignore W vs.
Justin Bath L Cyclone 13:04

Barry Schwartz L vs.
Dustin Rosenberry W Pinbot 11:33

Dana Ost L vs.
Jose Chong W Pool Sharks 06:04

David Delsignore L vs.
George Arfken W World Cup Soccer 08:44

Elliott Keith L vs.
Jeff Reed W Kiss 06:27

Emilie Graham L vs.
Donnie Coulbourn W The Addams Family 04:49

Gil Swann W vs.
Milton Watson L Dr Dude 07:24

Jacquie Day W vs.
Spencer DesRoches L Fish Tales 06:07

Jennifer Coleman L vs.
Ryan Lowman W Fire! 11:58

Riley Coleman L vs.
Shannon Schreier W Old Chicago 06:46

Steve Stakem W vs.
Sarah Reed L The Addams Family 10:23

Whitney Morris L vs.
Justin Kennedy W Ghost Busters 07:42

Zoe Morris L vs.
Chuck Gardner W Eight Ball Deluxe 03:39

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20