7-6 Weekly 6/16/23

Updated 1:58pm



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Emily Clements
Jake Griffith 77
Table 1
Sarah Weissman 53
Brett Heilander
Table 4
Peter Lippincott
Paul Clements 756
Table 2
Jimmy Heilander 477
Jeorgia Lippincott 45
Table 2
Noah Weissman 77
Seshni Naidoo 576
Mike Cummings 747
Mark Waheed 677
Table 1
Phil Arnold 755
Lisa Clements 55
Connor Cummings 77
Emily Clements 16
Table 4
Jake Griffith 77
Peter Lippincott 477
Jimmy Heilander 714
Noah Weissman 77
Table 3
Mike Cummings 54
Mark Waheed 53
Table 2
Connor Cummings 77
Jake Griffith 56
Table 2
Peter Lippincott 77
Noah Weissman 575
Table 4
Connor Cummings 767
Peter Lippincott 77
Table 1
Connor Cummings 23
Peter Lippincott 77
Table 3
Connor Cummings 35
Peter Lippincott
Sarah Weissman
Brett Heilander 77
Table 3
Paul Clements 24
Jeorgia Lippincott 77
Table 4
Seshni Naidoo 23
Phil Arnold 77
Table 4
Lisa Clements 66
Sarah Weissman 77
Table 3
Mark Waheed 34
Brett Heilander 65
Table 2
Mike Cummings 77
Jeorgia Lippincott 65
Table 3
Jimmy Heilander 77
Phil Arnold 727
Table 3
Emily Clements 576
Sarah Weissman 34
Table 4
Mike Cummings 77
Jimmy Heilander 77
Table 1
Phil Arnold 15
Mike Cummings 372
Table 3
Jake Griffith 767
Jimmy Heilander 77
Noah Weissman 54
Jake Griffith 77
Table 4
Jimmy Heilander 55
Jake Griffith 46
Connor Cummings 77
Connor Cummings


  Peter Lippincott


  Connor Cummings


  Jake Griffith


  Jimmy Heilander


  Mike Cummings

  Noah Weissman


  Sarah Weissman

  Phil Arnold


  Mark Waheed

  Brett Heilander

  Jeorgia Lippincott

  Emily Clements


  Paul Clements

  Seshni Naidoo

  Lisa Clements


Peter Lippincott 77 W vs.
Connor Cummings 35 L Table 3 12:59

Elimination Final

Jake Griffith 46 L vs.
Connor Cummings 77 W Switch 09:44

Elimination Semi-final

Jake Griffith 77 W vs.
Jimmy Heilander 55 L Table 4 07:47

Winners Final

Peter Lippincott 77 W vs.
Connor Cummings 23 L Table 1 35:06

Elimination 4

Jimmy Heilander 77 W vs.
Noah Weissman 54 L Switch 15:13

Mike Cummings 372 L vs.
Jake Griffith 767 W Table 3 10:33

Elimination 3

Jimmy Heilander 77 W vs.
Phil Arnold 15 L Table 1 11:14

Sarah Weissman 34 L vs.
Mike Cummings 77 W Table 4 08:55

Winners Semi-finals

Jake Griffith 56 L vs.
Peter Lippincott 77 W Table 2 11:16

Noah Weissman 575 L vs.
Connor Cummings 767 W Table 4 15:38

Elimination 2

Brett Heilander 65 L vs.
Mike Cummings 77 W Table 2 07:09

Jeorgia Lippincott 65 L vs.
Jimmy Heilander 77 W Table 3 08:44

Phil Arnold 727 W vs.
Emily Clements 576 L Table 3 13:24

Sarah Weissman 77 W vs.
Mark Waheed 34 L Table 3 11:49

Elimination 1

Brett Heilander 77 W vs.
Paul Clements 24 L Table 3 11:33

Jeorgia Lippincott 77 W vs.
Seshni Naidoo 23 L Table 4 11:31

Phil Arnold 77 W vs.
Lisa Clements 66 L Table 4 08:20

Winners 1

Emily Clements 16 L vs.
Jake Griffith 77 W Table 4 08:17

Mark Waheed 53 L vs.
Connor Cummings 77 W Table 2 13:24

Noah Weissman 77 W vs.
Mike Cummings 54 L Table 3 12:52

Peter Lippincott 477 W vs.
Jimmy Heilander 714 L Switch 12:43

Round 1

Brett Heilander L vs.
Peter Lippincott W Table 4 13:38

Jake Griffith 77 W vs.
Sarah Weissman 53 L Table 1 08:20

Jeorgia Lippincott 45 L vs.
Noah Weissman 77 W Table 2 11:02

Lisa Clements 55 L vs.
Connor Cummings 77 W Switch 07:28

Mark Waheed 677 W vs.
Phil Arnold 755 L Table 1 27:45

Paul Clements 756 L vs.
Jimmy Heilander 477 W Table 2 08:35

Seshni Naidoo 576 L vs.
Mike Cummings 747 W Switch 09:50

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20