Davison Festival Of Flags

Updated 3:54pm



Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Dont Hurt Em (1)
Court 2
King "The Undecided" Wood (32)
Huge Kitn (17)
Court 4
Bro-bones (16)
Harry N Lloyd (9)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
84 Baggers (8)
Rajun Cajuns (5)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
Vehicle City Baggers (12)
Clarkston Eagles (13)
Court 5
Alli Bear (20)
(bye) (29)
Grusome Twosome (4)
Blue Collar Babes (3)
(bye) (30)
Blue Collar Towers (19)
Court 4
New Bags On The Block (14)
Shaun Jim (11)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
Beans N Rice (6)
Slap The Bags (7)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
Woody N Buzz (10)
Cocktail Suckers (15)
Court 2
Fat Sacs (18)
(bye) (31)
All In (2)
Dont Hurt Em (1)
Court 5
Huge Kitn (17)
Harry N Lloyd (9)
Court 1
84 Baggers (8)
Rajun Cajuns (5)
Court 3
Vehicle City Baggers (12)
Clarkston Eagles (13)
Court 2
Grusome Twosome (4)
Blue Collar Babes (3)
Court 1
Blue Collar Towers (19)
Shaun Jim (11)
Beans N Rice (6)
Slap The Bags (7)
Court 5
Woody N Buzz (10)
Fat Sacs (18)
Court 1
All In (2)
Huge Kitn (17)
Court 3
Harry N Lloyd (9)
Rajun Cajuns (5)
Court 1
Clarkston Eagles (13)
Blue Collar Towers (19)
Court 3
Beans N Rice (6)
Woody N Buzz (10)
Court 3
Fat Sacs (18)
Huge Kitn (17)
Clarkston Eagles (13)
Blue Collar Towers (19)
Court 2
Woody N Buzz (10)
Huge Kitn (17)
Court 1
Woody N Buzz (10)
Huge Kitn (17)
Court 2
Fat Sacs (18)
Huge Kitn (17)
King "The Undecided" Wood (32)
Court 1
Bro-bones (16)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
Alli Bear (20)
(bye) (29)
(bye) (30)
New Bags On The Block (14)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
Cocktail Suckers (15)
(bye) (31)
Bro-bones (16)
All In (2)
(bye) (25)
Slap The Bags (7)
(bye) (21)
Shaun Jim (11)
Alli Bear (20)
Court 4
Blue Collar Babes (3)
New Bags On The Block (14)
Grusome Twosome (4)
(bye) (27)
Vehicle City Baggers (12)
(bye) (23)
84 Baggers (8)
Cocktail Suckers (15)
Court 4
Dont Hurt Em (1)
Bro-bones (16)
Court 4
Slap The Bags (7)
Shaun Jim (11)
Court 5
Blue Collar Babes (3)
New Bags On The Block (14)
Court 2
Vehicle City Baggers (12)
84 Baggers (8)
Dont Hurt Em (1)
Bro-bones (16)
Court 2
Rajun Cajuns (5)
Blue Collar Babes (3)
Harry N Lloyd (9)
Vehicle City Baggers (12)
Fat Sacs (18)
Dont Hurt Em (1)
Court 1
Beans N Rice (6)
Bro-bones (16)
Court 5
Blue Collar Babes (3)
Fat Sacs (18)
Court 4
Dont Hurt Em (1)
Bro-bones (16)
Court 5
Blue Collar Towers (19)
Fat Sacs (18)
Court 5
Clarkston Eagles (13)
Bro-bones (16)
Court 3
Fat Sacs (18)
Fat Sacs (18)
Court 4
Woody N Buzz (10)
Fat Sacs (18)


  Huge Kitn (17)


  Fat Sacs (18)


  Woody N Buzz (10)


  Bro-bones (16)


  Blue Collar Towers (19)

  Clarkston Eagles (13)


  Blue Collar Babes (3)

  Dont Hurt Em (1)


  Rajun Cajuns (5)

  Harry N Lloyd (9)

  Vehicle City Baggers (12)

  Beans N Rice (6)


  Slap The Bags (7)

  Shaun Jim (11)

  New Bags On The Block (14)

  84 Baggers (8)


  All In (2)

  (bye) (25)

  (bye) (21)

  Alli Bear (20)

  Grusome Twosome (4)

  (bye) (27)

  (bye) (23)

  Cocktail Suckers (15)


  King "The Undecided" Wood (32)

  (bye) (24)

  (bye) (28)

  (bye) (29)

  (bye) (30)

  (bye) (22)

  (bye) (26)

  (bye) (31)


Huge Kitn (17) W vs.
Fat Sacs (18) L Court 2 35:26

Elimination Final

Fat Sacs (18) W vs.
Woody N Buzz (10) L Court 4 19:24

Elimination Semi-final

Bro-bones (16) L vs.
Fat Sacs (18) W Court 3 13:29

Winners Final

Huge Kitn (17) W vs.
Woody N Buzz (10) L Court 1 34:11

Elimination 6

Bro-bones (16) W vs.
Blue Collar Towers (19) L Court 5 08:42

Fat Sacs (18) W vs.
Clarkston Eagles (13) L Court 5 07:08

Elimination 5

Bro-bones (16) W vs.
Blue Collar Babes (3) L Court 5 14:43

Fat Sacs (18) W vs.
Dont Hurt Em (1) L Court 4 09:25

Winners Semi-finals

Blue Collar Towers (19) L vs.
Woody N Buzz (10) W Court 2 17:44

Huge Kitn (17) W vs.
Clarkston Eagles (13) L 20:19

Elimination 4

Blue Collar Babes (3) W vs.
Harry N Lloyd (9) L 12:49

Bro-bones (16) W vs.
Rajun Cajuns (5) L Court 2 08:39

Dont Hurt Em (1) W vs.
Beans N Rice (6) L Court 1 12:58

Vehicle City Baggers (12) L vs.
Fat Sacs (18) W 15:49

Elimination 3

84 Baggers (8) L vs.
Dont Hurt Em (1) W 17:56

Bro-bones (16) W vs.
Slap The Bags (7) L Court 4 05:26

New Bags On The Block (14) L vs.
Vehicle City Baggers (12) W Court 2 17:02

Shaun Jim (11) L vs.
Blue Collar Babes (3) W Court 5 10:49

Winners 2

Blue Collar Towers (19) W vs.
Beans N Rice (6) L Court 3 43:25

Huge Kitn (17) W vs.
Harry N Lloyd (9) L Court 3 19:05

Rajun Cajuns (5) L vs.
Clarkston Eagles (13) W Court 1 24:58

Woody N Buzz (10) W vs.
Fat Sacs (18) L Court 3 41:31

Elimination 2

(bye) (21) L vs.
Shaun Jim (11) W 43:36

(bye) (23) L vs.
84 Baggers (8) W 33:17

(bye) (25) L vs.
Slap The Bags (7) W 31:54

(bye) (27) L vs.
Vehicle City Baggers (12) W 43:59

Alli Bear (20) L vs.
Blue Collar Babes (3) W Court 4 13:45

Bro-bones (16) W vs.
All In (2) L 08:58

Cocktail Suckers (15) L vs.
Dont Hurt Em (1) W Court 4 07:00

New Bags On The Block (14) W vs.
Grusome Twosome (4) L 22:46

Elimination 1

(bye) (22) L vs.
(bye) (27) W 14:47

(bye) (24) L vs.
(bye) (25) W 14:47

(bye) (26) L vs.
(bye) (23) W 14:47

(bye) (28) L vs.
(bye) (21) W 14:47

(bye) (30) L vs.
New Bags On The Block (14) W 18:47

Alli Bear (20) W vs.
(bye) (29) L 00:02

Cocktail Suckers (15) W vs.
(bye) (31) L 31:07

King "The Undecided" Wood (32) L vs.
Bro-bones (16) W Court 1 12:10

Winners 1

Blue Collar Babes (3) L vs.
Blue Collar Towers (19) W Court 1 41:07

Clarkston Eagles (13) W vs.
Grusome Twosome (4) L Court 2 28:23

Dont Hurt Em (1) L vs.
Huge Kitn (17) W Court 5 24:36

Fat Sacs (18) W vs.
All In (2) L Court 1 17:28

Harry N Lloyd (9) W vs.
84 Baggers (8) L Court 1 17:31

Rajun Cajuns (5) W vs.
Vehicle City Baggers (12) L Court 3 27:34

Shaun Jim (11) L vs.
Beans N Rice (6) W 27:40

Slap The Bags (7) L vs.
Woody N Buzz (10) W Court 5 15:43

Round 1

(bye) (21) L vs.
Vehicle City Baggers (12) W 14:47

(bye) (23) L vs.
Woody N Buzz (10) W 14:46

(bye) (25) L vs.
84 Baggers (8) W 14:47

(bye) (27) L vs.
Beans N Rice (6) W 14:47

(bye) (29) L vs.
Grusome Twosome (4) W 14:46

(bye) (31) L vs.
All In (2) W 14:47

Blue Collar Babes (3) W vs.
(bye) (30) L 14:47

Blue Collar Towers (19) W vs.
New Bags On The Block (14) L Court 4 37:39

Clarkston Eagles (13) W vs.
Alli Bear (20) L Court 5 28:04

Cocktail Suckers (15) L vs.
Fat Sacs (18) W Court 2 16:03

Dont Hurt Em (1) W vs.
King "The Undecided" Wood (32) L Court 2 25:04

Harry N Lloyd (9) W vs.
(bye) (24) L 14:46

Huge Kitn (17) W vs.
Bro-bones (16) L Court 4 25:40

Rajun Cajuns (5) W vs.
(bye) (28) L 14:46

Shaun Jim (11) W vs.
(bye) (22) L 14:47

Slap The Bags (7) W vs.
(bye) (26) L 14:47

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20