FCP C Bar 2/6

Updated 4:57pm

Round 8

David Morell vs.
Karl Lind High Speed 2: The Getaway 18:12:33

Round 8

Derek Miazga vs.
Jon Jacob

Erik Graciosa vs.
Mathew Peterson

JohnNils Olson vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX vs.
Daniel Rone

Attack From Mars

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

High Speed 2: The Getaway

John "Big Fudge" Fujita

Kurt Slottke x

Cactus Canyon

Aaron Hand x

Jesse Bartolotta

Flash Gordon

Dana Valatka

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz x


Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff x

John Gimera


Eric Reinert x

Daniel Rone

Fish Tales

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Karl Lind

Medieval Madness

James "COW" Adamson x

Derek Miazga

Attack From Mars

Patrick Degiovanni x

Chris Sly

Flash Gordon

Noah Davis x

Jon Jacob

Tales From The Crypt

Stephanie Davidson

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer x


Esther Ahronheim

Jason Burton x

Nine Ball

Dawnda Durbin x

Dennis Ayres

High Speed 2: The Getaway

Zachary Reno x

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Mathew Peterson

David Krueger x

Who Dunnit?

David Morell

Bill Bailey x

Star Wars

Erik Graciosa

Bill Lascher x

The Walking Dead

Leslie Martin x

Ken Martin

Medieval Madness

Melissa Schwegel x

Steve Bond

JohnNils Olson

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

John Gimera x

Attack From Mars

Daniel Rone

David Morell x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz x

Jon Jacob

The Walking Dead

Jesse Bartolotta x

Derek Miazga


Chris Sly x

Erik Graciosa

Cactus Canyon

Ken Martin

Steve Bond x

Star Wars

Karl Lind x

JohnNils Olson


Dana Valatka

Stephanie Davidson x

Tales From The Crypt

Mathew Peterson

Esther Ahronheim x

The Walking Dead

John "Big Fudge" Fujita x

Eric Reinert x

Flash Gordon

Melissa Schwegel xx

Zachary Reno x


John "Hambone" Hartman x

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xx

Who Dunnit?

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff x

Jason Burton xx

Fish Tales

Noah Davis x

David Krueger xx

Star Wars

Bill Bailey xx

James "COW" Adamson x

High Speed 2: The Getaway

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

Bill Lascher xx

Medieval Madness

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer xx

Leslie Martin x

Medieval Madness

Kurt Slottke xx

Dawnda Durbin x

Flash Gordon

Patrick Degiovanni xx

Aaron Hand x

Dennis Ayres

Star Wars

Daniel Rone x

Ken Martin

Flash Gordon

Dennis Ayres x

Derek Miazga

Tales From The Crypt

JohnNils Olson

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Who Dunnit?

Jon Jacob

Dana Valatka x


Erik Graciosa

Aaron Hand xx

Attack From Mars

John Gimera xx

Jesse Bartolotta x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

John "Big Fudge" Fujita xx

Zachary Reno x

Flash Gordon

Esther Ahronheim xx

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff x

Who Dunnit?

Eric Reinert xx

Chris Sly x

Tales From The Crypt

Leslie Martin xx

Noah Davis x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Steve Bond x

William "Hypebeast" Kerney xx

High Speed 2: The Getaway

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Stephanie Davidson xx

Medieval Madness

David Morell x

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx


Dawnda Durbin xx

James "COW" Adamson x

The Walking Dead

Karl Lind x

Patrick Degiovanni xxx

Star Wars

David Krueger xxx

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer xx


Jason Burton xx

Kurt Slottke xxx

Cactus Canyon

Bill Bailey xx

Melissa Schwegel xxx

Fish Tales

Bill Lascher xx

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xxx

Mathew Peterson

Fish Tales

Jon Jacob x

Ken Martin

The Walking Dead

Mathew Peterson x

JohnNils Olson

Tales From The Crypt

Erik Graciosa

Derek Miazga x

Who Dunnit?

Noah Davis xx

Daniel Rone x


Steve Bond x

Zachary Reno xx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

David Morell x

Dennis Ayres xx

Cactus Canyon

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Chris Sly xx

High Speed 2: The Getaway

Jesse Bartolotta xx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x


Karl Lind x

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xx

Attack From Mars

James "COW" Adamson x

Dana Valatka xx

Flash Gordon

Eric Reinert xxx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Fish Tales

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

William "Hypebeast" Kerney xxx

Medieval Madness

John "Big Fudge" Fujita xx

Esther Ahronheim xxx

Star Wars

Aaron Hand xxx

Leslie Martin xx


Bill Lascher xxx

John Gimera xx

Attack From Mars

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer xx

Jason Burton xxx


Stephanie Davidson xx

Bill Bailey xxx

Attack From Mars

JohnNils Olson

Ken Martin x

Flash Gordon

Erik Graciosa x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

High Speed 2: The Getaway

Daniel Rone x

Derek Miazga xx


John "Hambone" Hartman xx

Mathew Peterson x

Cactus Canyon

Jon Jacob xx

James "COW" Adamson x

Tales From The Crypt

Karl Lind x

Steve Bond xx

The Walking Dead

Noah Davis xx

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Medieval Madness

Stephanie Davidson xx

Dennis Ayres xxx

Star Wars

John Gimera xxx

Dana Valatka xx

Who Dunnit?

Leslie Martin xx

John "Big Fudge" Fujita xxx

Fish Tales

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xx

Zachary Reno xxx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Chris Sly xx

Jesse Bartolotta xxx


Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer xxx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

David Morell x

Fish Tales

JohnNils Olson x

Daniel Rone x

The Walking Dead

James "COW" Adamson xx

Erik Graciosa x

Medieval Madness

Mathew Peterson x

Ken Martin xx


Karl Lind x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Tales From The Crypt

David Morell xx

Jon Jacob xx

Attack From Mars

Derek Miazga xx

Leslie Martin xxx

Flash Gordon

Chris Sly xxx

Steve Bond xx

Star Wars

Stephanie Davidson xx

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xxx

Cactus Canyon

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

Dana Valatka xxx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

John "Hambone" Hartman xxx

Noah Davis xx

Medieval Madness

Erik Graciosa x

JohnNils Olson xx

Cactus Canyon

Mathew Peterson x

Karl Lind xx

Tales From The Crypt

Daniel Rone xx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

Fish Tales

David Morell xx

James "COW" Adamson xxx


Steve Bond xxx

Derek Miazga xx

The Walking Dead

Jon Jacob xx

Stephanie Davidson xxx

High Speed 2: The Getaway

Noah Davis xx

Ken Martin xxx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Erik Graciosa x

Mathew Peterson x

High Speed 2: The Getaway

David Morell xx

Karl Lind xx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Daniel Rone xx

Derek Miazga xx

Jon Jacob xx

JohnNils Olson xx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

Noah Davis xx

Round 7

Daniel Rone L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W Tales From The Crypt 15:31

David Morell W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Fish Tales 09:06

Erik Graciosa W vs.
JohnNils Olson L Medieval Madness 08:15

Jon Jacob W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L The Walking Dead 09:25

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Karl Lind L Cactus Canyon 07:33

Noah Davis W vs.
Ken Martin L High Speed 2: The Getaway 08:30

Steve Bond L vs.
Derek Miazga W Metallica 11:40

Round 6

Chris Sly L vs.
Steve Bond W Flash Gordon 06:01

David Morell L vs.
Jon Jacob W Tales From The Crypt 11:44

Derek Miazga W vs.
Leslie Martin L Attack From Mars 08:23

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Erik Graciosa W The Walking Dead 09:59

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Noah Davis W Total Nuclear Annihilation 14:03

JohnNils Olson L vs.
Daniel Rone W Fish Tales 10:59

Karl Lind W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Metallica 10:15

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Ken Martin L Medieval Madness 11:59

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W vs.
Dana Valatka L Cactus Canyon 09:48

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L Star Wars 10:35

Round 5

Chris Sly W vs.
Jesse Bartolotta L Total Nuclear Annihilation 06:26

Daniel Rone W vs.
Derek Miazga L High Speed 2: The Getaway 19:33

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Flash Gordon 06:15

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Metallica 14:54

John Gimera L vs.
Dana Valatka W Star Wars 12:37

JohnNils Olson W vs.
Ken Martin L Attack From Mars 08:23

Jon Jacob L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Cactus Canyon 10:23

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W vs.
Zachary Reno L Fish Tales 08:09

Karl Lind W vs.
Steve Bond L Tales From The Crypt 11:10

Leslie Martin W vs.
John "Big Fudge" Fujita L Who Dunnit? 11:47

Noah Davis W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L The Walking Dead 08:49

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W Spiderman 11:23

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Medieval Madness 11:40

Round 4

Aaron Hand L vs.
Leslie Martin W Star Wars 10:07

Bill Lascher L vs.
John Gimera W Metallica 16:42

David Morell W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:57

Eric Reinert L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Flash Gordon 13:12

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Derek Miazga L Tales From The Crypt 18:29

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Dana Valatka L Attack From Mars 09:42

Jesse Bartolotta L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W High Speed 2: The Getaway 10:16

John "Big Fudge" Fujita W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Medieval Madness 13:30

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Chris Sly L Cactus Canyon 11:05

Jon Jacob L vs.
Ken Martin W Fish Tales 08:56

Karl Lind W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L Spiderman 23:56

Mathew Peterson L vs.
JohnNils Olson W The Walking Dead 11:17

Noah Davis L vs.
Daniel Rone W Who Dunnit? 31:14

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer W vs.
Jason Burton L Attack From Mars 04:40

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L Fish Tales 04:48

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Bill Bailey L Spiderman 07:58

Steve Bond W vs.
Zachary Reno L Ghostbusters 11:55

Round 3

Bill Bailey W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Cactus Canyon 14:57

Bill Lascher W vs.
Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L Fish Tales 10:50

Daniel Rone L vs.
Ken Martin W Star Wars 19:23

David Krueger L vs.
Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer W Star Wars 10:59

David Morell W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L Medieval Madness 11:18

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Ghostbusters 13:41

Dennis Ayres L vs.
Derek Miazga W Flash Gordon 15:59

Eric Reinert L vs.
Chris Sly W Who Dunnit? 09:42

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Aaron Hand L Metallica 10:38

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W Flash Gordon 09:36

Jason Burton W vs.
Kurt Slottke L Spiderman 19:01

John "Big Fudge" Fujita L vs.
Zachary Reno W Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:09

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L High Speed 2: The Getaway 10:43

John Gimera L vs.
Jesse Bartolotta W Attack From Mars 12:06

JohnNils Olson W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Tales From The Crypt 05:27

Jon Jacob W vs.
Dana Valatka L Who Dunnit? 09:42

Karl Lind W vs.
Patrick Degiovanni L The Walking Dead 16:26

Leslie Martin L vs.
Noah Davis W Tales From The Crypt 13:02

Steve Bond W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L Total Nuclear Annihilation 06:30

Round 2

Bill Bailey L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Star Wars 09:14

Chris Sly L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Ghostbusters 12:55

Dana Valatka W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Metallica 11:28

Daniel Rone W vs.
David Morell L Attack From Mars 19:24

Jesse Bartolotta L vs.
Derek Miazga W The Walking Dead 08:34

John "Big Fudge" Fujita L vs.
Eric Reinert W The Walking Dead 10:05

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L Spiderman 10:15

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W vs.
Jason Burton L Who Dunnit? 10:35

Karl Lind L vs.
JohnNils Olson W Star Wars 09:16

Ken Martin W vs.
Steve Bond L Cactus Canyon 09:58

Kurt Slottke L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Medieval Madness 06:12

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Tales From The Crypt 12:26

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Zachary Reno W Flash Gordon 06:23

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
John Gimera L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:22

Noah Davis W vs.
David Krueger L Fish Tales 11:21

Patrick Degiovanni L vs.
Aaron Hand W Flash Gordon 05:25

Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer L vs.
Leslie Martin W Medieval Madness 09:39

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L vs.
Jon Jacob W Total Nuclear Annihilation 08:49

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
Bill Lascher L High Speed 2: The Getaway 13:14

Round 1

Aaron Hand L vs.
Jesse Bartolotta W Cactus Canyon 12:55

Dana Valatka W vs.
Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L Flash Gordon 08:03

David Morell W vs.
Bill Bailey L Who Dunnit? 13:26

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Dennis Ayres W Nine Ball 06:16

Eric Reinert L vs.
Daniel Rone W Spiderman 19:12

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Bill Lascher L Star Wars 09:47

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Jason Burton L Metallica 11:08

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Derek Miazga W Medieval Madness 10:02

John "Big Fudge" Fujita W vs.
Kurt Slottke L High Speed 2: The Getaway 07:09

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Karl Lind W Fish Tales 08:23

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L vs.
John Gimera W Ghostbusters 10:54

Leslie Martin L vs.
Ken Martin W The Walking Dead 09:32

Mathew Peterson W vs.
David Krueger L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:09

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Steve Bond W Medieval Madness 11:07

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L Attack From Mars 07:54

Noah Davis L vs.
Jon Jacob W Flash Gordon 07:06

Patrick Degiovanni L vs.
Chris Sly W Attack From Mars 10:12

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Paul "Ipad 1" Schaffer L Tales From The Crypt 12:06

Zachary Reno L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W High Speed 2: The Getaway 08:23

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20