FCP GK III // 3-21-17

Updated 3:42pm



Terminator 2

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer

John Fujita x

Scared Stiff

Leslie Martin x

Karl Lind

Walking Dead

Chris Coyle

Tim Klaus x

Attack From Mars

Mathew Peterson

Meg Griffin x

Wizard Of Oz

Chad Sulloway x

Brandon Bras

Judge Dredd

Adam Jones x

Sara Fields

Twilight Zone

Jeff Hart x

Kane MacAniff


Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz x

Stefan "STEFan" Novak


Daniel Rone

Jeff Lee OR x

Theatre of Magic

David Morell x

John Gimera

Lord Of The Rings

Kris Fast

Dennis Ayres x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Mike Maraia x

James "COW" Adamson

Doctor Who

Mary Dempsey x

Sebastian Taylor


Jeff Freeman x

John "Hambone" Hartman

Monster Bash

Erik Graciosa

John Martin x

Noah Poole

Addams Family

Sara Fields x

Noah Poole

Doctor Who

John "Hambone" Hartman

Kane MacAniff x

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Brandon Bras x

James "COW" Adamson

Walking Dead

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer

Erik Graciosa x

Haunted House

Stefan "STEFan" Novak

Daniel Rone x

Lord Of The Rings

Karl Lind x

Sebastian Taylor

Scared Stiff

Chris Coyle x

John Gimera


Kris Fast

Chad Sulloway xx

Terminator 2

Mary Dempsey xx

Mike Maraia x


Dennis Ayres x

John Fujita xx

Wizard Of Oz

Jeff Lee OR x

Meg Griffin xx

Judge Dredd

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz x

David Morell xx

Theatre of Magic

Adam Jones xx

Jeff Hart x


Leslie Martin xx

Tim Klaus x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Jeff Freeman xx

John Martin x

Mathew Peterson

Addams Family

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Sebastian Taylor

Theatre of Magic

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Kris Fast

John Gimera x

Wizard Of Oz

Mathew Peterson

James "COW" Adamson x

Haunted House

Noah Poole x

Mike Maraia x


Tim Klaus x

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xx

Twilight Zone

Chris Coyle x

Karl Lind xx


Brandon Bras xx

John Martin x

Doctor Who

Jeff Lee OR x

Erik Graciosa xx

Walking Dead

Dennis Ayres x

Sara Fields xx

Lord Of The Rings

Kane MacAniff xx

Daniel Rone x

Judge Dredd

Jeff Hart x

Jeff Freeman xxx

Attack From Mars

Chad Sulloway xxx

Leslie Martin xx

Scared Stiff

Adam Jones xx

John Fujita xxx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

David Morell xxx

Mary Dempsey xx

Meg Griffin xx


Kris Fast x

Mathew Peterson

Attack From Mars

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer x

Sebastian Taylor

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Chris Coyle xx

Dennis Ayres x

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Daniel Rone x

Tim Klaus xx


Mike Maraia xx

Jeff Lee OR x


Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

John Martin xx

Lord Of The Rings

Noah Poole xx

Jeff Hart x


James "COW" Adamson xx

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Wizard Of Oz

Adam Jones xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Terminator 2

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xx

Meg Griffin xxx

Judge Dredd

Karl Lind xx

Kane MacAniff xxx

Walking Dead

Mary Dempsey xx

Leslie Martin xxx


Sara Fields xxx

Brandon Bras xx

John Gimera x


Sebastian Taylor x

Mathew Peterson


Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer x

Dennis Ayres xx

Walking Dead

John "Hambone" Hartman xx

John Gimera x

Wizard Of Oz

Daniel Rone xx

Jeff Hart x

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

Jeff Lee OR xx

Twilight Zone

Kris Fast x

James "COW" Adamson xxx


Erik Graciosa xxx

Karl Lind xx

Doctor Who

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xx

Noah Poole xxx


Tim Klaus xxx

Mike Maraia xx

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Chris Coyle xx

John Martin xxx

Scared Stiff

Mary Dempsey xx

Brandon Bras xxx

Terminator 2

Mathew Peterson x

John Gimera x

Wizard Of Oz

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xx

Sebastian Taylor x

Haunted House

Jeff Hart x

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer xx


Kris Fast xx

John "Hambone" Hartman xx

Addams Family

Mike Maraia xxx

Karl Lind xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Daniel Rone xx

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz xxx


Chris Coyle xxx

Jeff Lee OR xx

Twilight Zone

Mary Dempsey xxx

Dennis Ayres xx

Walking Dead

Mathew Peterson xx

Jeff Hart x

Haunted House

Sebastian Taylor xx

John Gimera x

Judge Dredd

Jeff Lee OR xxx

John "Hambone" Hartman xx


Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer xx

Karl Lind xxx


Dennis Ayres xx

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xxx

Terminator 2

Daniel Rone xxx

Kris Fast xx


John Gimera xx

Jeff Hart x

Twilight Zone

Mathew Peterson xxx

John "Hambone" Hartman xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Kris Fast xx

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer xxx

Terminator 2

Dennis Ayres xx

Sebastian Taylor xxx

Scared Stiff

Jeff Hart xx

Kris Fast xx


Dennis Ayres xxx

John Gimera xx

John "Hambone" Hartman xx

Judge Dredd

Kris Fast xxx

John Gimera xx

Terminator 2

John "Hambone" Hartman xxx

Jeff Hart xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

John Gimera xx

Jeff Hart xxx

John Gimera xx

Round 11

John Gimera W vs.
Jeff Hart L Creature From The Black Lagoon 46:17

Round 10

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Jeff Hart W Terminator 2 08:35

Kris Fast L vs.
John Gimera W Judge Dredd 08:10

Round 9

Dennis Ayres L vs.
John Gimera W Kiss 23:05

Jeff Hart L vs.
Kris Fast W Scared Stiff 21:06

Round 8

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Sebastian Taylor L Terminator 2 14:42

John Gimera L vs.
Jeff Hart W Metallica 18:10

Kris Fast W vs.
Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer L Creature From The Black Lagoon 12:18

Mathew Peterson L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Twilight Zone 11:04

Round 7

Daniel Rone L vs.
Kris Fast W Terminator 2 20:07

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak L Dracula 11:21

Jeff Lee OR L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Judge Dredd 11:05

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Jeff Hart W Walking Dead 17:33

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer W vs.
Karl Lind L Metallica 22:35

Sebastian Taylor L vs.
John Gimera W Haunted House 10:18

Round 6

Chris Coyle L vs.
Jeff Lee OR W Metallica 13:54

Daniel Rone W vs.
Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L Creature From The Black Lagoon 11:09

Jeff Hart W vs.
Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer L Haunted House 09:23

Kris Fast L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W AC/DC 09:09

Mary Dempsey L vs.
Dennis Ayres W Twilight Zone 13:18

Mathew Peterson L vs.
John Gimera W Terminator 2 13:09

Mike Maraia L vs.
Karl Lind W Addams Family 11:24

Stefan "STEFan" Novak L vs.
Sebastian Taylor W Wizard Of Oz 13:45

Round 5

Chris Coyle W vs.
John Martin L Star Trek: The Next Generation 07:59

Daniel Rone L vs.
Jeff Hart W Wizard Of Oz 17:58

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Karl Lind W Dracula 13:15

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz W vs.
Noah Poole L Doctor Who 20:20

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
John Gimera W Walking Dead 13:36

Kris Fast W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Twilight Zone 12:06

Mary Dempsey W vs.
Brandon Bras L Scared Stiff 20:06

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer W vs.
Dennis Ayres L AC/DC 10:01

Sebastian Taylor L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Kiss 15:13

Stefan "STEFan" Novak W vs.
Jeff Lee OR L Creature From The Black Lagoon 08:07

Tim Klaus L vs.
Mike Maraia W Metallica 16:05

Round 4

Adam Jones L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Wizard Of Oz 19:50

Chris Coyle L vs.
Dennis Ayres W Creature From The Black Lagoon 15:09

Daniel Rone W vs.
Tim Klaus L Star Trek: The Next Generation 10:22

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz W vs.
Meg Griffin L Terminator 2 09:17

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Metallica 12:49

Karl Lind W vs.
Kane MacAniff L Judge Dredd 13:07

Kris Fast L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Metallica 31:23

Mary Dempsey W vs.
Leslie Martin L Walking Dead 16:29

Mike Maraia L vs.
Jeff Lee OR W Kiss 17:50

Noah Poole L vs.
Jeff Hart W Lord Of The Rings 39:16

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer L vs.
Sebastian Taylor W Attack From Mars 16:54

Sara Fields L vs.
Brandon Bras W Dracula 13:13

Stefan "STEFan" Novak W vs.
John Martin L AC/DC 08:29

Round 3

Adam Jones W vs.
John Fujita L Scared Stiff 21:02

Brandon Bras L vs.
John Martin W Kiss 10:33

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Leslie Martin W Attack From Mars 10:20

Chris Coyle W vs.
Karl Lind L Twilight Zone 14:59

David Morell L vs.
Mary Dempsey W Creature From The Black Lagoon 13:39

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Sara Fields L Walking Dead 15:10

Jeff Hart W vs.
Jeff Freeman L Judge Dredd 16:39

Jeff Lee OR W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Doctor Who 13:48

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Sebastian Taylor W Addams Family 16:31

Kane MacAniff L vs.
Daniel Rone W Lord Of The Rings 18:19

Kris Fast W vs.
John Gimera L Star Trek: The Next Generation 14:05

Mathew Peterson W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Wizard Of Oz 22:13

Noah Poole L vs.
Mike Maraia W Haunted House 12:47

Stefan "STEFan" Novak L vs.
Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer W Theatre of Magic 13:27

Tim Klaus W vs.
Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L Dracula 12:31

Round 2

Adam Jones L vs.
Jeff Hart W Theatre of Magic 10:09

Brandon Bras L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Creature From The Black Lagoon 11:46

Chris Coyle L vs.
John Gimera W Scared Stiff 13:56

Dennis Ayres W vs.
John Fujita L Metallica 10:19

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz W vs.
David Morell L Judge Dredd 07:38

Jeff Freeman L vs.
John Martin W The Simpsons Pinball Party 10:49

Jeff Lee OR W vs.
Meg Griffin L Wizard Of Oz 15:05

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Kane MacAniff L Doctor Who 12:21

Karl Lind L vs.
Sebastian Taylor W Lord Of The Rings 10:38

Kris Fast W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Dracula 12:03

Leslie Martin L vs.
Tim Klaus W Kiss 13:04

Mary Dempsey L vs.
Mike Maraia W Terminator 2 06:43

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Walking Dead 10:30

Sara Fields L vs.
Noah Poole W Addams Family 06:51

Stefan "STEFan" Novak W vs.
Daniel Rone L Haunted House 17:03

Round 1

Adam Jones L vs.
Sara Fields W Judge Dredd 07:52

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Brandon Bras W Wizard Of Oz 16:49

Chris Coyle W vs.
Tim Klaus L Walking Dead 15:05

Daniel Rone W vs.
Jeff Lee OR L Dracula 19:30

David Morell L vs.
John Gimera W Theatre of Magic 13:00

Erik Graciosa W vs.
John Martin L Monster Bash 15:51

Isaac "Bracket" Ruiz L vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak W Metallica 11:15

Jeff Freeman L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Kiss 09:32

Jeff Hart L vs.
Kane MacAniff W Twilight Zone 11:06

Kris Fast W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Lord Of The Rings 28:52

Leslie Martin L vs.
Karl Lind W Scared Stiff 16:43

Mary Dempsey L vs.
Sebastian Taylor W Doctor Who 19:01

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Meg Griffin L Attack From Mars 14:31

Mike Maraia L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W The Simpsons Pinball Party 12:12

Paul "Karl Lind" Schaffer W vs.
John Fujita L Terminator 2 11:57

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20