FCP QW 11/12/2019

Updated 3:01pm



Lord of the Rings

Edmund Nash x

Stephanie Davidson

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Tis Lais

Dan McLane x

Iron Maiden

Andrew Van Roekel x

Jeff Hart

Star Wars

Jessica Reinert x

Sarah Flowerday


James Adamson

Chad Sulloway x


Matt Fentress x

Derek Miazga

Iron Man

Connor Stowe

Nicolette Biskamp x

White Water

Jason Galginaitis

Bill Bailey x

Banzai Run

Bill Palmer

Linda Volckening x

Batman 66

Esther Ahronheim x

Mike Smith PDX

Gilligan’s Island

Lexi Whittemore x

Zoe Vrabel

Theatre of Magic

Tyda Chhaysy x

Adam Sturm


Whitney Fentress x

Ken Martin

Attack From Mars

Patrick DeGiovanni

Bill Volckening x


Matthew Kimball

Alexander Simchuk x

Indiana Jones

Dana Valatka x

Kane MacAniff

Guardians of the Galaxy

Eric Lee

Dawnda Durbin x

Monster Bash

Eric Reinert

Matt Blodgett x

David Morell

White Water

Eric Lee

Patrick DeGiovanni x

Jurassic Park

Bill Palmer x

David Morell

Monster Bash

Adam Sturm x

James Adamson

Medieval Madness

Mike Smith PDX

Derek Miazga x


Kane MacAniff

Connor Stowe x

Family Guy

Ken Martin

Jason Galginaitis x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Jeff Hart

Matthew Kimball x


Zoe Vrabel

Tis Lais x


Stephanie Davidson

Sarah Flowerday x


Dana Valatka x

Jessica Reinert xx

Iron Man

Esther Ahronheim xx

Whitney Fentress x

Banzai Run

Dan McLane xx

Bill Volckening x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Tyda Chhaysy x

Dawnda Durbin xx

Gilligan’s Island

Edmund Nash x

Bill Bailey xx

Theatre of Magic

Matt Blodgett xx

Chad Sulloway x

Star Wars

Alexander Simchuk x

Lexi Whittemore xx

The Addams Family

Matt Fentress x

Linda Volckening xx


Andrew Van Roekel xx

Nicolette Biskamp x

Eric Reinert

Attack From Mars

Eric Lee

Zoe Vrabel x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

David Morell x

Jeff Hart

The Addams Family

Kane MacAniff x

Ken Martin

Elvira and the Party Monsters

Mike Smith PDX x

Eric Reinert

Star Wars

Stephanie Davidson

Connor Stowe xx


Bill Palmer xx

Matt Fentress x

Medieval Madness

Nicolette Biskamp x

Bill Volckening xx


Dana Valatka x

Tis Lais xx

Family Guy

Derek Miazga x

Patrick DeGiovanni xx

Iron Man

Adam Sturm xx

Sarah Flowerday x

Indiana Jones

Tyda Chhaysy x

Chad Sulloway xx

White Water

Edmund Nash x

Whitney Fentress xx

Jurassic Park

Alexander Simchuk x

Jason Galginaitis xx


Matthew Kimball xx

Linda Volckening xx


Matt Blodgett xxx

Dan McLane xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Esther Ahronheim xx

Jessica Reinert xxx

Theatre of Magic

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Andrew Van Roekel xx

Guardians of the Galaxy

Lexi Whittemore xxx

Bill Bailey xx

James Adamson

Iron Maiden

Eric Reinert x

James Adamson

Batman 66

Stephanie Davidson

Eric Lee x

Jurassic Park

Jeff Hart x

Ken Martin

Guardians of the Galaxy

Nicolette Biskamp xx

David Morell x


Dana Valatka x

Alexander Simchuk xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Matt Fentress xx

Mike Smith PDX x


Edmund Nash xx

Zoe Vrabel x

Banzai Run

Tyda Chhaysy x

Kane MacAniff xx

Gilligan’s Island

Sarah Flowerday x

Bill Palmer xxx


Whitney Fentress xx

Dan McLane xxx

White Water

Andrew Van Roekel xx

Adam Sturm xxx

Iron Man

Jason Galginaitis xx

Patrick DeGiovanni xxx

Monster Bash

Bill Bailey xx

Bill Volckening xxx

Star Wars

Matthew Kimball xxx

Tis Lais xx

Medieval Madness

Linda Volckening xx

Connor Stowe xxx

Cactus Canyon

Esther Ahronheim xxx

Chad Sulloway xx

Derek Miazga x

Indiana Jones

James Adamson x

Ken Martin

Jurassic Park

Mike Smith PDX x

Dana Valatka xx


Eric Reinert x

Jeff Hart xx

Iron Man

Derek Miazga x

Eric Lee xx


Zoe Vrabel x

Sarah Flowerday xx


David Morell x

Tyda Chhaysy xx

Theatre of Magic

Kane MacAniff xxx

Bill Bailey xx

Cactus Canyon

Matt Fentress xx

Whitney Fentress xxx

Banzai Run

Jason Galginaitis xx

Nicolette Biskamp xxx

The Munsters

Linda Volckening xxx

Alexander Simchuk xx

Monster Bash

Edmund Nash xx

Andrew Van Roekel xxx

Attack From Mars

Chad Sulloway xxx

Tis Lais xx

Stephanie Davidson

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ken Martin

Stephanie Davidson x


Derek Miazga x

Zoe Vrabel xx


Eric Reinert xx

David Morell x

Gilligan’s Island

James Adamson xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Elvira and the Party Monsters

Sarah Flowerday xxx

Edmund Nash xx

Banzai Run

Alexander Simchuk xx

Tis Lais xxx

Jurassic Park

Tyda Chhaysy xxx

Jason Galginaitis xx


Bill Bailey xxx

Matt Fentress xx

Iron Maiden

Dana Valatka xx

Eric Lee xxx

Jeff Hart xx

Medieval Madness

Ken Martin

David Morell xx

Jurassic Park

Derek Miazga xx

Stephanie Davidson x

Indiana Jones

Mike Smith PDX x

Alexander Simchuk xxx


Zoe Vrabel xx

Eric Reinert xxx


Dana Valatka xxx

James Adamson xx

The Munsters

Jason Galginaitis xx

Edmund Nash xxx

Theatre of Magic

Jeff Hart xxx

Matt Fentress xx

Monster Bash

Ken Martin x

Mike Smith PDX x

Iron Maiden

Stephanie Davidson x

Jason Galginaitis xxx

Jurassic Park

David Morell xx

Zoe Vrabel xxx

The Munsters

Derek Miazga xxx

James Adamson xx

Matt Fentress xx


Mike Smith PDX x

Stephanie Davidson xx

White Water

Ken Martin x

Matt Fentress xxx

Banzai Run

David Morell xx

James Adamson xxx

Star Wars

Mike Smith PDX xx

Ken Martin x

White Water

Stephanie Davidson xx

David Morell xxx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Ken Martin x

Stephanie Davidson xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx

Jurassic Park

Ken Martin x

Mike Smith PDX xxx

Round 12

Ken Martin W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Jurassic Park 09:27

Round 11

Ken Martin W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 14:21

Round 10

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Ken Martin W Star Wars 18:24

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
David Morell L White Water 09:58

Round 9

David Morell W vs.
James Adamson L Banzai Run 12:13

Ken Martin W vs.
Matt Fentress L White Water 14:54

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Gorgar 06:07

Round 8

David Morell W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Jurassic Park 10:47

Derek Miazga L vs.
James Adamson W The Munsters 10:54

Ken Martin L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Monster Bash 10:44

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Jason Galginaitis L Iron Maiden 13:33

Round 7

Dana Valatka L vs.
James Adamson W Goldeneye 18:00

Derek Miazga L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Jurassic Park 23:52

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Edmund Nash L The Munsters 14:27

Jeff Hart L vs.
Matt Fentress W Theatre of Magic 10:37

Ken Martin W vs.
David Morell L Medieval Madness 23:33

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Indiana Jones 07:45

Zoe Vrabel W vs.
Eric Reinert L Deadpool 07:23

Round 6

Alexander Simchuk W vs.
Tis Lais L Banzai Run 05:43

Bill Bailey L vs.
Matt Fentress W Gorgar 06:36

Dana Valatka W vs.
Eric Lee L Iron Maiden 12:00

Derek Miazga W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Oktoberfest 30:29

Eric Reinert L vs.
David Morell W Metallica 07:33

James Adamson L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Gilligan’s Island 06:42

Ken Martin W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Guardians of the Galaxy 20:08

Sarah Flowerday L vs.
Edmund Nash W Elvira and the Party Monsters 11:10

Tyda Chhaysy L vs.
Jason Galginaitis W Jurassic Park 12:26

Round 5

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Tis Lais W Attack From Mars 10:15

David Morell W vs.
Tyda Chhaysy L Deadpool 09:17

Derek Miazga W vs.
Eric Lee L Iron Man 09:36

Edmund Nash W vs.
Andrew Van Roekel L Monster Bash 14:49

Eric Reinert W vs.
Jeff Hart L Centaur 12:08

James Adamson L vs.
Ken Martin W Indiana Jones 14:47

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Banzai Run 14:07

Kane MacAniff L vs.
Bill Bailey W Theatre of Magic 16:18

Linda Volckening L vs.
Alexander Simchuk W The Munsters 09:20

Matt Fentress W vs.
Whitney Fentress L Cactus Canyon 13:24

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Dana Valatka L Jurassic Park 12:32

Zoe Vrabel W vs.
Sarah Flowerday L Gorgar 09:06

Round 4

Andrew Van Roekel W vs.
Adam Sturm L White Water 11:36

Bill Bailey W vs.
Bill Volckening L Monster Bash 07:53

Dana Valatka W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Metallica 09:31

Edmund Nash L vs.
Zoe Vrabel W Goldeneye 23:54

Eric Reinert L vs.
James Adamson W Iron Maiden 19:17

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Cactus Canyon 11:07

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Patrick DeGiovanni L Iron Man 12:38

Jeff Hart L vs.
Ken Martin W Jurassic Park 27:25

Linda Volckening W vs.
Connor Stowe L Medieval Madness 12:17

Matt Fentress L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 11:51

Matthew Kimball L vs.
Tis Lais W Star Wars 11:45

Nicolette Biskamp L vs.
David Morell W Guardians of the Galaxy 27:02

Sarah Flowerday W vs.
Bill Palmer L Gilligan’s Island 12:24

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Eric Lee L Batman 66 15:18

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Kane MacAniff L Banzai Run 10:05

Whitney Fentress W vs.
Dan McLane L Gorgar 10:24

Round 3

Adam Sturm L vs.
Sarah Flowerday W Iron Man 09:13

Alexander Simchuk W vs.
Jason Galginaitis L Jurassic Park 09:34

Bill Palmer L vs.
Matt Fentress W Deadpool 11:50

Dana Valatka W vs.
Tis Lais L Centaur 13:09

David Morell L vs.
Jeff Hart W The Simpsons Pinball Party 16:01

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Andrew Van Roekel W Theatre of Magic 18:00

Derek Miazga W vs.
Patrick DeGiovanni L Family Guy 21:11

Edmund Nash W vs.
Whitney Fentress L White Water 07:54

Eric Lee W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Attack From Mars 11:55

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Jessica Reinert L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 13:36

Kane MacAniff L vs.
Ken Martin W The Addams Family 12:09

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Bill Bailey W Guardians of the Galaxy 13:48

Matt Blodgett L vs.
Dan McLane W Goldeneye 07:37

Matthew Kimball L vs.
Linda Volckening W Oktoberfest 12:15

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Eric Reinert W Elvira and the Party Monsters 07:43

Nicolette Biskamp W vs.
Bill Volckening L Medieval Madness 12:03

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Connor Stowe L Star Wars 07:40

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Indiana Jones 16:14

Round 2

Adam Sturm L vs.
James Adamson W Monster Bash 09:40

Alexander Simchuk W vs.
Lexi Whittemore L Star Wars 08:43

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Oktoberfest 12:55

Bill Palmer L vs.
David Morell W Jurassic Park 13:05

Dan McLane L vs.
Bill Volckening W Banzai Run 10:11

Dana Valatka W vs.
Jessica Reinert L Deadpool 13:37

Edmund Nash W vs.
Bill Bailey L Gilligan’s Island 10:56

Eric Lee W vs.
Patrick DeGiovanni L White Water 10:21

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Whitney Fentress W Iron Man 07:50

Jeff Hart W vs.
Matthew Kimball L Guardians of the Galaxy 19:38

Kane MacAniff W vs.
Connor Stowe L Gorgar 11:07

Ken Martin W vs.
Jason Galginaitis L Family Guy 18:51

Matt Blodgett L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Theatre of Magic 14:07

Matt Fentress W vs.
Linda Volckening L The Addams Family 11:32

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Derek Miazga L Medieval Madness 09:11

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Sarah Flowerday L Centaur 06:40

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 15:17

Zoe Vrabel W vs.
Tis Lais L Metallica 08:36

Round 1

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
Jeff Hart W Iron Maiden 15:15

Bill Palmer W vs.
Linda Volckening L Banzai Run 10:05

Connor Stowe W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Iron Man 11:47

Dana Valatka L vs.
Kane MacAniff W Indiana Jones 18:40

Edmund Nash L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Lord of the Rings 17:58

Eric Lee W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Guardians of the Galaxy 21:56

Eric Reinert W vs.
Matt Blodgett L Monster Bash 11:02

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Batman 66 11:05

James Adamson W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Oktoberfest 12:50

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Bill Bailey L White Water 10:14

Jessica Reinert L vs.
Sarah Flowerday W Star Wars 10:19

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Zoe Vrabel W Gilligan’s Island 10:27

Matt Fentress L vs.
Derek Miazga W Metallica 11:50

Matthew Kimball W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Gorgar 11:40

Patrick DeGiovanni W vs.
Bill Volckening L Attack From Mars 10:31

Tis Lais W vs.
Dan McLane L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 18:32

Tyda Chhaysy L vs.
Adam Sturm W Theatre of Magic 15:09

Whitney Fentress L vs.
Ken Martin W Earthshaker 11:56

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20