
Updated 8:22pm

Winners 2

Michael Anthony (5) vs.
Matt Delshon (4) Court 4 11:11:51


Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Collin Logan (1)
(bye) (32)
Makeya Vanilla (17)
Court 4
Bailey Selena (16)
Ma'Rai Rachel (9)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
Lane Dakota (8)
Michael Anthony (5)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
Ruby Heather (12)
Michael Josh (13)
(bye) (20)
(bye) (29)
Matt Delshon (4)
Kylie Reiley (3)
(bye) (30)
(bye) (19)
Nick Jordan (14)
Madison Alexis (11)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
Kayla Kellen (6)
Erick Austin (7)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
Christine Jessica (10)
Maria Jacob (15)
Court 2
LaReshia Madison (18)
(bye) (31)
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
Court 2
Bailey Selena (16)
Ma'Rai Rachel (9)
Court 2
Lane Dakota (8)
Michael Anthony (5)
Court 1
Ruby Heather (12)
Michael Josh (13)
Court 3
Matt Delshon (4)
Kylie Reiley (3)
Court 1
Nick Jordan (14)
Madison Alexis (11)
Court 4
Kayla Kellen (6)
Erick Austin (7)
Court 3
Christine Jessica (10)
Maria Jacob (15)
Court 1
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
Court 1
Lane Dakota (8)
Michael Anthony (5)
Court 4
Matt Delshon (4)
Kylie Reiley (3)
Court 3
Kayla Kellen (6)
Erick Austin (7)
Court 2
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
Court 3
Matt Delshon (4)
Kayla Kellen (6)
Court 4
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
Court 2
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
Court 4
Nick Eric (2)
Collin Logan (1)
(bye) (32)
Makeya Vanilla (17)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
(bye) (20)
(bye) (29)
(bye) (30)
(bye) (19)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
LaReshia Madison (18)
(bye) (31)
Makeya Vanilla (17)
Court 3
Maria Jacob (15)
(bye) (25)
Christine Jessica (10)
(bye) (21)
Madison Alexis (11)
(bye) (29)
Nick Jordan (14)
(bye) (19)
Michael Josh (13)
(bye) (27)
Ruby Heather (12)
(bye) (23)
Ma'Rai Rachel (9)
LaReshia Madison (18)
Court 1
Bailey Selena (16)
Maria Jacob (15)
Court 4
Christine Jessica (10)
Madison Alexis (11)
Court 2
Nick Jordan (14)
Michael Josh (13)
Court 1
Ruby Heather (12)
Ma'Rai Rachel (9)
Court 3
Bailey Selena (16)
Maria Jacob (15)
Court 3
Michael Anthony (5)
Madison Alexis (11)
Court 1
Lane Dakota (8)
Ruby Heather (12)
Court 4
Erick Austin (7)
Bailey Selena (16)
Court 2
Kylie Reiley (3)
Michael Anthony (5)
Court 3
Madison Alexis (11)
Erick Austin (7)
Court 4
Kylie Reiley (3)
Michael Anthony (5)
Court 2
Kayla Kellen (6)
Erick Austin (7)
Court 1
Matt Delshon (4)
Kayla Kellen (6) 2
Court 2
Matt Delshon (4) 2
Matt Delshon (4)
Court 3
Nick Eric (2)
Nick Eric (2)


  Collin Logan (1)


  Nick Eric (2)


  Matt Delshon (4)


  Kayla Kellen (6)


  Michael Anthony (5)

  Erick Austin (7)


  Madison Alexis (11)

  Kylie Reiley (3)


  Maria Jacob (15)

  Lane Dakota (8)

  Ruby Heather (12)

  Bailey Selena (16)


  Christine Jessica (10)

  Nick Jordan (14)

  Michael Josh (13)

  Ma'Rai Rachel (9)


  Makeya Vanilla (17)

  (bye) (25)

  (bye) (21)

  (bye) (29)

  (bye) (19)

  (bye) (27)

  (bye) (23)

  LaReshia Madison (18)


  (bye) (32)

  (bye) (24)

  (bye) (28)

  (bye) (20)

  (bye) (30)

  (bye) (22)

  (bye) (26)

  (bye) (31)


Collin Logan (1) W vs.
Nick Eric (2) L Court 4 08:10

Elimination Final

Matt Delshon (4) L vs.
Nick Eric (2) W Court 3 10:42

Elimination Semi-final

Kayla Kellen (6) 2 L vs.
Matt Delshon (4) 2 W Court 2 07:15

Winners Final

Collin Logan (1) W vs.
Nick Eric (2) L Court 2 08:33

Elimination 6

Erick Austin (7) L vs.
Matt Delshon (4) W Court 1 09:16

Michael Anthony (5) L vs.
Kayla Kellen (6) W Court 2 07:54

Elimination 5

Erick Austin (7) W vs.
Kylie Reiley (3) L Court 4 10:23

Michael Anthony (5) W vs.
Madison Alexis (11) L Court 3 10:00

Winners Semi-finals

Collin Logan (1) W vs.
Matt Delshon (4) L Court 3 04:25

Kayla Kellen (6) L vs.
Nick Eric (2) W Court 4 04:21

Elimination 4

Bailey Selena (16) L vs.
Kylie Reiley (3) W Court 2 04:48

Madison Alexis (11) W vs.
Lane Dakota (8) L Court 1 14:23

Maria Jacob (15) L vs.
Michael Anthony (5) W Court 3 06:36

Ruby Heather (12) L vs.
Erick Austin (7) W Court 4 06:48

Elimination 3

Ma'Rai Rachel (9) L vs.
Bailey Selena (16) W Court 3 08:12

Madison Alexis (11) W vs.
Nick Jordan (14) L Court 2 09:39

Maria Jacob (15) W vs.
Christine Jessica (10) L Court 4 06:10

Michael Josh (13) L vs.
Ruby Heather (12) W Court 1 08:10

Winners 2

Collin Logan (1) W vs.
Lane Dakota (8) L Court 1 06:14

Erick Austin (7) L vs.
Nick Eric (2) W Court 2 07:10

Kylie Reiley (3) L vs.
Kayla Kellen (6) W Court 3 01:33:32

Elimination 2

(bye) (19) L vs.
Michael Josh (13) W 39:30

(bye) (21) L vs.
Madison Alexis (11) W 47:09

(bye) (23) L vs.
Ma'Rai Rachel (9) W 39:20

(bye) (25) L vs.
Christine Jessica (10) W 47:33

(bye) (27) L vs.
Ruby Heather (12) W 39:35

(bye) (29) L vs.
Nick Jordan (14) W 47:19

LaReshia Madison (18) L vs.
Bailey Selena (16) W Court 1 00:13

Makeya Vanilla (17) L vs.
Maria Jacob (15) W Court 3 09:29

Elimination 1

(bye) (20) L vs.
(bye) (29) W 28:57

(bye) (22) L vs.
(bye) (27) W 28:57

(bye) (24) L vs.
(bye) (25) W 28:57

(bye) (26) L vs.
(bye) (23) W 28:57

(bye) (28) L vs.
(bye) (21) W 28:57

(bye) (30) L vs.
(bye) (19) W 28:57

(bye) (32) L vs.
Makeya Vanilla (17) W 39:40

LaReshia Madison (18) W vs.
(bye) (31) L 47:27

Winners 1

Collin Logan (1) W vs.
Bailey Selena (16) L Court 2 01:33:51

Erick Austin (7) W vs.
Christine Jessica (10) L Court 3 05:20

Kylie Reiley (3) W vs.
Nick Jordan (14) L Court 1 05:12

Ma'Rai Rachel (9) L vs.
Lane Dakota (8) W Court 2 07:13

Madison Alexis (11) L vs.
Kayla Kellen (6) W Court 4 04:33

Maria Jacob (15) L vs.
Nick Eric (2) W Court 1 01:32:30

Michael Anthony (5) W vs.
Ruby Heather (12) L Court 1 05:58

Michael Josh (13) L vs.
Matt Delshon (4) W Court 3 05:38

Round 1

(bye) (19) L vs.
Nick Jordan (14) W 28:56

(bye) (21) L vs.
Ruby Heather (12) W 28:56

(bye) (23) L vs.
Christine Jessica (10) W 28:56

(bye) (25) L vs.
Lane Dakota (8) W 28:56

(bye) (27) L vs.
Kayla Kellen (6) W 28:56

(bye) (29) L vs.
Matt Delshon (4) W 28:56

(bye) (31) L vs.
Nick Eric (2) W 28:56

Collin Logan (1) W vs.
(bye) (32) L 28:56

Erick Austin (7) W vs.
(bye) (26) L 28:56

Kylie Reiley (3) W vs.
(bye) (30) L 28:56

Ma'Rai Rachel (9) W vs.
(bye) (24) L 28:56

Madison Alexis (11) W vs.
(bye) (22) L 28:56

Makeya Vanilla (17) L vs.
Bailey Selena (16) W Court 4 07:15

Maria Jacob (15) W vs.
LaReshia Madison (18) L Court 2 05:37

Michael Anthony (5) W vs.
(bye) (28) L 28:56

Michael Josh (13) W vs.
(bye) (20) L 28:56

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20