Ground Kontrol

Ground Kontrol Stern Army 3 Strike

Updated 6:05pm



Attack From Mars

Esther Ahronheim x



Leslie J Martin

Sean Tuttle x

Champion Pub

Sara Urban x

Nicolette Biskamp

Game Of Thrones

David Hunter x

Julian Narino

Monster Bash

Jason Burton x

Joe Patridge

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Gavin Carrol x

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Donnie Guiou x

Collin Whittemore


Taylor Berrett x

Pierce von Buttlar


Ben Massey

Dana Valatka x

The Mandalorian

Nick Elliott x

Thomas Urban

Fun House

Dawnda Durbin x

Chris Wright

Theatre Of Magic

Zach Marlowe

David Morell x

Black Knight: Sword Of Rage

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock

Joe Patridge x


Nicolette Biskamp

Rhienium x

The Mandalorian

Collin Whittemore x

Ben Massey


Chris Wright x

Pierce von Buttlar

Twilight Zone

Julian Narino

Zach Marlowe x

Judge Dredd

Thomas Urban

Leslie J Martin x

Attack From Mars

Sean Tuttle xx

Dawnda Durbin x

Jurassic Park

Nick Elliott xx

David Hunter x

Ghost Busters

Donnie Guiou xx

David Morell x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Sara Urban xx

Taylor Berrett x

PBR Can Crusher

Gavin Carrol xx

Esther Ahronheim x

Walking Dead

Dana Valatka x

Jason Burton xx

Attack From Mars

Nicolette Biskamp

Ben Massey x


Thomas Urban x

Julian Narino

White Water

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock x

Pierce von Buttlar

Judge Dredd

Zach Marlowe x

David Hunter xx

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Chris Wright xx

Joe Patridge x

Monster Bash

Collin Whittemore x

Rhienium xx

Game Of Thrones

Leslie J Martin x

Taylor Berrett xx

No Good Gofers

David Morell x

Dana Valatka xx


Esther Ahronheim x

Dawnda Durbin xx

Theatre Of Magic

Jason Burton xxx

Sara Urban xx


Donnie Guiou xx

Nick Elliott xxx

Jurassic Park

Sean Tuttle xxx

Gavin Carrol xx


Pierce von Buttlar

Nicolette Biskamp x

Tales Of The Arabian Nights

Julian Narino x

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock x

PBR Can Crusher

Ben Massey x

Zach Marlowe xx


Collin Whittemore xx

Leslie J Martin x

Twilight Zone

Thomas Urban xx

David Morell x

Dr. Dude

Joe Patridge xx

Esther Ahronheim x

Black Knight OG

David Hunter xx

Dawnda Durbin xxx

No Good Gofers

Sara Urban xxx

Gavin Carrol xx

Theatre Of Magic

Rhienium xx

Donnie Guiou xxx

Champion Pub

Dana Valatka xx

Taylor Berrett xxx

Chris Wright xx

Fun House

Pierce von Buttlar x

Leslie J Martin x

Champion Pub

Esther Ahronheim x

Julian Narino xx


Ben Massey x

David Morell xx

Tales Of The Arabian Nights

Nicolette Biskamp x

Gavin Carrol xxx


David Hunter xx

Rhienium xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Thomas Urban xxx

Dana Valatka xx

Ghost Busters

Joe Patridge xx

Zach Marlowe xxx

Attack From Mars

Chris Wright xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock x


Ben Massey x

Leslie J Martin xx

Theatre Of Magic

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Esther Ahronheim x

Dr. Dude

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock xx

Nicolette Biskamp x

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Dana Valatka xxx

Julian Narino xx


Joe Patridge xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

Monster Bash

David Morell xxx

David Hunter xx

Dialed In!

Nicolette Biskamp xx

Esther Ahronheim x


Ben Massey x

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock xxx

Attack From Mars

Leslie J Martin xx

David Hunter xxx


Pierce von Buttlar xx

Julian Narino xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

Black Knight 2000

Ben Massey x

Esther Ahronheim xx

Jurassic Park

Pierce von Buttlar xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

PBR Can Crusher

Leslie J Martin xx

Nicolette Biskamp xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Ben Massey xx

Leslie J Martin xx

Fun House

Collin Whittemore xxx

Esther Ahronheim xx

Tales Of The Arabian Nights

Leslie J Martin xxx

Ben Massey xx

Esther Ahronheim xx

Walking Dead

Ben Massey xx

Esther Ahronheim xxx

Ben Massey xx

Round 11

Ben Massey W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Walking Dead 13:05

Round 10

Leslie J Martin L vs.
Ben Massey W Tales Of The Arabian Nights 12:43

Round 9

Ben Massey L vs.
Leslie J Martin W Theatre Of Magic 10:13

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Fun House 09:03

Round 8

Ben Massey W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Black Knight 2000 07:53

Leslie J Martin W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L PBR Can Crusher 18:34

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Jurassic Park 12:46

Round 7

Ben Massey W vs.
Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock L Sopranos 10:57

Leslie J Martin W vs.
David Hunter L Attack From Mars 16:26

Nicolette Biskamp L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Dialed In! 10:05

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Julian Narino L Godzilla 11:40

Round 6

Ben Massey W vs.
Leslie J Martin L Kiss 20:45

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Dr. Dude 11:37

Dana Valatka L vs.
Julian Narino W Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 17:59

David Morell L vs.
David Hunter W Monster Bash 17:47

Joe Patridge L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Sopranos 21:47

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Theatre Of Magic 17:35

Round 5

Ben Massey W vs.
David Morell L Godzilla 21:48

Chris Wright L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Attack From Mars 14:20

David Hunter W vs.
Rhienium L Jaws 09:17

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Julian Narino L Champion Pub 17:09

Joe Patridge W vs.
Zach Marlowe L Ghost Busters 12:47

Nicolette Biskamp W vs.
Gavin Carrol L Tales Of The Arabian Nights 11:23

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Leslie J Martin W Fun House 19:13

Thomas Urban L vs.
Dana Valatka W Theatre Of Magic 12:27

Round 4

Ben Massey W vs.
Zach Marlowe L PBR Can Crusher 07:20

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Leslie J Martin W Metallica 18:20

Dana Valatka W vs.
Taylor Berrett L Champion Pub 10:55

David Hunter W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Black Knight OG 10:48

Joe Patridge L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Dr. Dude 06:01

Julian Narino L vs.
Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock W Tales Of The Arabian Nights 10:31

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Sopranos 31:12

Rhienium W vs.
Donnie Guiou L Theatre Of Magic 06:32

Sara Urban L vs.
Gavin Carrol W No Good Gofers 08:53

Thomas Urban L vs.
David Morell W Twilight Zone 13:41

Round 3

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W White Water 18:16

Chris Wright L vs.
Joe Patridge W Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 16:40

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Rhienium L Monster Bash 07:17

David Morell W vs.
Dana Valatka L No Good Gofers 09:13

Donnie Guiou W vs.
Nick Elliott L Metallica 11:42

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L AC/DC 10:33

Jason Burton L vs.
Sara Urban W Theatre Of Magic 09:16

Leslie J Martin W vs.
Taylor Berrett L Game Of Thrones 12:10

Nicolette Biskamp W vs.
Ben Massey L Attack From Mars 12:17

Sean Tuttle L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Jurassic Park 11:17

Thomas Urban L vs.
Julian Narino W Kiss 16:34

Zach Marlowe W vs.
David Hunter L Judge Dredd 09:54

Round 2

Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock W vs.
Joe Patridge L Black Knight: Sword Of Rage 12:00

Chris Wright L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W AC/DC 12:42

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Ben Massey W The Mandalorian 10:02

Dana Valatka W vs.
Jason Burton L Walking Dead 14:03

Donnie Guiou L vs.
David Morell W Ghost Busters 11:22

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W PBR Can Crusher 06:59

Julian Narino W vs.
Zach Marlowe L Twilight Zone 07:34

Nick Elliott L vs.
David Hunter W Jurassic Park 18:54

Nicolette Biskamp W vs.
Rhienium L Junkyard 13:15

Sara Urban L vs.
Taylor Berrett W Guardians Of The Galaxy 14:44

Sean Tuttle L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Attack From Mars 10:23

Thomas Urban W vs.
Leslie J Martin L Judge Dredd 15:14

Round 1

Ben Massey W vs.
Dana Valatka L Metallica 19:01

David Hunter L vs.
Julian Narino W Game Of Thrones 14:22

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Chris Wright W Fun House 18:53

Donnie Guiou L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:00

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Rhienium W Attack From Mars 07:50

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Campbell "Plat Daddy" Hancock W Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 14:37

Jason Burton L vs.
Joe Patridge W Monster Bash 10:11

Leslie J Martin W vs.
Sean Tuttle L Godzilla 17:36

Nick Elliott L vs.
Thomas Urban W The Mandalorian 09:42

Sara Urban L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Champion Pub 10:04

Taylor Berrett L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Deadpool 18:02

Zach Marlowe W vs.
David Morell L Theatre Of Magic 12:51

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20