Wednesday Flip Off 05/31/23

Updated 8:11am



Dead Pool

Zac Petersen

Ren Logan x

Attack From Mars

Paul White x

Christopher Callister

Eight Ball Deluxe

Ben Simmons

Billy Musselman x

Black Knight

Rick Abruzzo x

Michael Ulmen

Bad Cats

Lauren Aiello x

Anthony Giles

Cactus Canyon

Heather Loudon x

Chad Adams WA

Foo Fighters

Guadalupe Bryan x

Daniel Belarmino

Nitro Ground Shaker

Matthew Greene

Michael Tomber x


Pword Kelly

Bre Lloyd x


Jake Hei x

John Davenhall

Medieval Madness

Chelsie Hulka

Conehand Luke x


Leah Lynch

Mickey Nussbaumer x

Monster Bash

Kareem Williams x

Chloe LeGrow

Indiana Jones

Jon Salzman

Patrick Wees x

Party Animal

Emma Frost

Mika Rollin x

Attack From Mars

Michael Ulmen

Chloe LeGrow x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Emma Frost x

Pword Kelly

Dead Pool

Jon Salzman

Anthony Giles x


Ben Simmons x

Chad Adams WA


Zac Petersen

Christopher Callister x


Leah Lynch x

Chelsie Hulka


Daniel Belarmino x

John Davenhall

Cactus Canyon

Matthew Greene x

Jake Hei x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Mickey Nussbaumer x

Paul White xx

Foo Fighters

Conehand Luke xx

Ren Logan x

Indiana Jones

Rick Abruzzo xx

Mika Rollin x


Lauren Aiello xx

Bre Lloyd x

Monster Bash

Michael Tomber x

Patrick Wees xx

Bad Cats

Billy Musselman x

Kareem Williams xx

Jurassic Park

Heather Loudon x

Guadalupe Bryan xx

The Mandalorian

Chelsie Hulka x

Zac Petersen


Pword Kelly x

Jon Salzman

Party Animal

Michael Ulmen

John Davenhall x


Chad Adams WA

Billy Musselman xx

Black Knight

Heather Loudon xx

Michael Tomber x

Indiana Jones

Ren Logan x

Christopher Callister xx

Attack From Mars

Emma Frost x

Matthew Greene xx


Chloe LeGrow x

Bre Lloyd xx

Foo Fighters

Jake Hei x

Mika Rollin xx


Daniel Belarmino x

Mickey Nussbaumer xx

Monster Bash

Anthony Giles xx

Ben Simmons x

Dead Pool

Leah Lynch xx

Patrick Wees xx


Guadalupe Bryan xx

Lauren Aiello xxx


Paul White xx

Kareem Williams xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Rick Abruzzo xx

Conehand Luke xxx


Chad Adams WA

Jon Salzman x

Foo Fighters

Zac Petersen x

Michael Ulmen


Chelsie Hulka xx

Chloe LeGrow x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Emma Frost x

Daniel Belarmino xx


Pword Kelly x

Ren Logan xx


Michael Tomber xx

Ben Simmons x


Jake Hei xx

Anthony Giles xx


Mickey Nussbaumer xx

Patrick Wees xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Bre Lloyd xxx

Christopher Callister xx

Cactus Canyon

Guadalupe Bryan xx

Billy Musselman xxx

Dead Pool

Paul White xx

Mika Rollin xxx

Bad Cats

Rick Abruzzo xxx

Matthew Greene xx

Party Animal

Heather Loudon xxx

Leah Lynch xx

John Davenhall x

The Mandalorian

Michael Ulmen

Pword Kelly xx

Black Knight

Ben Simmons xx

Zac Petersen x


Emma Frost x

John Davenhall xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Chloe LeGrow x

Jon Salzman xx

Indiana Jones

Michael Tomber xx

Paul White xxx

Party Animal

Christopher Callister xx

Guadalupe Bryan xxx

Foo Fighters

Chelsie Hulka xx

Mickey Nussbaumer xxx


Daniel Belarmino xx

Anthony Giles xxx


Matthew Greene xx

Leah Lynch xxx


Ren Logan xx

Jake Hei xxx

Chad Adams WA

Nitro Ground Shaker

Chad Adams WA x

Michael Ulmen

Indiana Jones

Emma Frost xx

Zac Petersen x

Cactus Canyon

Chloe LeGrow xx

Daniel Belarmino xx


Ren Logan xxx

Matthew Greene xx

Attack From Mars

John Davenhall xx

Jon Salzman xxx


Michael Tomber xx

Chelsie Hulka xxx


Christopher Callister xx

Ben Simmons xxx

Pword Kelly xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Michael Ulmen

Zac Petersen xx

Indiana Jones

Chad Adams WA xx

John Davenhall xx

Cactus Canyon

Michael Tomber xxx

Emma Frost xx

Party Animal

Matthew Greene xxx

Pword Kelly xx


Christopher Callister xxx

Daniel Belarmino xx

Chloe LeGrow xx

Dead Pool

Michael Ulmen

Daniel Belarmino xxx


Emma Frost xx

Chad Adams WA xxx


John Davenhall xx

Pword Kelly xxx

Bad Cats

Chloe LeGrow xxx

Zac Petersen xx


Michael Ulmen

Emma Frost xxx

Cactus Canyon

Zac Petersen xx

John Davenhall xxx


Michael Ulmen x

Zac Petersen xx


Michael Ulmen xx

Zac Petersen xx


Michael Ulmen xx

Zac Petersen xxx

Michael Ulmen xx

Round 12

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Zac Petersen L Radical 09:28

Round 11

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Zac Petersen W 007 06:09

Round 10

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Zac Petersen W Paragon 13:47

Round 9

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Emma Frost L Godzilla 12:15

Zac Petersen W vs.
John Davenhall L Cactus Canyon 06:24

Round 8

Chloe LeGrow L vs.
Zac Petersen W Bad Cats 08:25

Emma Frost W vs.
Chad Adams WA L Dragonfist 11:23

John Davenhall W vs.
Pword Kelly L Paragon 21:05

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Daniel Belarmino L Dead Pool 15:31

Round 7

Chad Adams WA L vs.
John Davenhall W Indiana Jones 15:04

Christopher Callister L vs.
Daniel Belarmino W Dragonfist 11:24

Matthew Greene L vs.
Pword Kelly W Party Animal 08:37

Michael Tomber L vs.
Emma Frost W Cactus Canyon 17:27

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Zac Petersen L Eight Ball Deluxe 15:35

Round 6

Chad Adams WA L vs.
Michael Ulmen W Nitro Ground Shaker 09:52

Chloe LeGrow L vs.
Daniel Belarmino W Cactus Canyon 09:09

Christopher Callister W vs.
Ben Simmons L Paragon 10:59

Emma Frost L vs.
Zac Petersen W Indiana Jones 12:29

John Davenhall W vs.
Jon Salzman L Attack From Mars 08:59

Michael Tomber W vs.
Chelsie Hulka L 007 15:18

Ren Logan L vs.
Matthew Greene W Radical 11:57

Round 5

Ben Simmons L vs.
Zac Petersen W Black Knight 23:26

Chelsie Hulka W vs.
Mickey Nussbaumer L Foo Fighters 14:11

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Jon Salzman L Nitro Ground Shaker 09:43

Christopher Callister W vs.
Guadalupe Bryan L Party Animal 15:08

Daniel Belarmino W vs.
Anthony Giles L Godzilla 15:46

Emma Frost W vs.
John Davenhall L Radical 26:59

Matthew Greene W vs.
Leah Lynch L Paragon 19:23

Michael Tomber W vs.
Paul White L Indiana Jones 15:32

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Pword Kelly L The Mandalorian 16:52

Ren Logan W vs.
Jake Hei L Fathom 18:49

Round 4

Bre Lloyd L vs.
Christopher Callister W Nitro Ground Shaker 13:32

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Jon Salzman L 007 24:26

Chelsie Hulka L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Paragon 12:23

Emma Frost W vs.
Daniel Belarmino L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:02

Guadalupe Bryan W vs.
Billy Musselman L Cactus Canyon 20:30

Heather Loudon L vs.
Leah Lynch W Party Animal 14:23

Jake Hei L vs.
Anthony Giles W Radical 22:49

Michael Tomber L vs.
Ben Simmons W Godzilla 21:40

Mickey Nussbaumer W vs.
Patrick Wees L Taxi 14:01

Paul White W vs.
Mika Rollin L Dead Pool 22:12

Pword Kelly W vs.
Ren Logan L Dragonfist 12:52

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Matthew Greene W Bad Cats 10:10

Zac Petersen L vs.
Michael Ulmen W Foo Fighters 19:19

Round 3

Anthony Giles L vs.
Ben Simmons W Monster Bash 11:58

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Billy Musselman L Radical 17:31

Chelsie Hulka L vs.
Zac Petersen W The Mandalorian 09:14

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Bre Lloyd L Fathom 07:42

Daniel Belarmino W vs.
Mickey Nussbaumer L Paragon 12:38

Emma Frost W vs.
Matthew Greene L Attack From Mars 12:04

Guadalupe Bryan W vs.
Lauren Aiello L Taxi 22:48

Heather Loudon L vs.
Michael Tomber W Black Knight 17:22

Jake Hei W vs.
Mika Rollin L Foo Fighters 13:27

Leah Lynch L vs.
Patrick Wees W Dead Pool 13:20

Michael Ulmen W vs.
John Davenhall L Party Animal 11:47

Paul White W vs.
Kareem Williams L Dragonfist 12:59

Pword Kelly L vs.
Jon Salzman W Godzilla 15:49

Ren Logan W vs.
Christopher Callister L Indiana Jones 12:30

Rick Abruzzo W vs.
Conehand Luke L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:48

Round 2

Ben Simmons L vs.
Chad Adams WA W Fathom 09:46

Billy Musselman W vs.
Kareem Williams L Bad Cats 12:51

Conehand Luke L vs.
Ren Logan W Foo Fighters 09:10

Daniel Belarmino L vs.
John Davenhall W 007 18:29

Emma Frost L vs.
Pword Kelly W Nitro Ground Shaker 18:53

Heather Loudon W vs.
Guadalupe Bryan L Jurassic Park 17:16

Jon Salzman W vs.
Anthony Giles L Dead Pool 15:20

Lauren Aiello L vs.
Bre Lloyd W Paragon 12:21

Leah Lynch L vs.
Chelsie Hulka W Dragonfist 20:31

Matthew Greene L vs.
Jake Hei W Cactus Canyon 08:55

Michael Tomber W vs.
Patrick Wees L Monster Bash 17:00

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Chloe LeGrow L Attack From Mars 11:28

Mickey Nussbaumer W vs.
Paul White L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:33

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Mika Rollin W Indiana Jones 09:29

Zac Petersen W vs.
Christopher Callister L Taxi 20:45

Round 1

Ben Simmons W vs.
Billy Musselman L Eight Ball Deluxe 17:05

Chelsie Hulka W vs.
Conehand Luke L Medieval Madness 12:09

Emma Frost W vs.
Mika Rollin L Party Animal 12:36

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Daniel Belarmino W Foo Fighters 14:43

Heather Loudon L vs.
Chad Adams WA W Cactus Canyon 21:08

Jake Hei L vs.
John Davenhall W Dragonfist 17:43

Jon Salzman W vs.
Patrick Wees L Indiana Jones 19:16

Kareem Williams L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Monster Bash 11:30

Lauren Aiello L vs.
Anthony Giles W Bad Cats 15:35

Leah Lynch W vs.
Mickey Nussbaumer L Radical 14:00

Matthew Greene W vs.
Michael Tomber L Nitro Ground Shaker 15:43

Paul White L vs.
Christopher Callister W Attack From Mars 15:09

Pword Kelly W vs.
Bre Lloyd L 007 16:57

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Michael Ulmen W Black Knight 18:21

Zac Petersen W vs.
Ren Logan L Dead Pool 22:01

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20