
Updated 3:42pm




Chris Ackerson

Michael Miller x


Karen Ellis x

Mimi Ramirez


Anthony Ramirez x

Aidan Lancaster

Bride Of Pinbot

Dave Andersen

Mike Passananti x

Fun House

Zach McCarthy

Will Schlatmann x


Kevin McCarthy x

Elliott Layne


Brian Sanz

Tim Van Zant x


Brenna Valentine x

Victor Garcia


Paul Kardell x

Chloe Saccol


Todd Triplett

Liz Triplett x


Mimi Ramirez x

Dave Andersen

Scared Stiff

Zach McCarthy x

Victor Garcia


Chris Ackerson

Aidan Lancaster x


Todd Triplett x

Elliott Layne

Walking Dead

Brian Sanz x

Chloe Saccol

Star Trek

Paul Kardell xx

Will Schlatmann x


Karen Ellis xx

Liz Triplett x


Anthony Ramirez x

Michael Miller xx

Dialed In

Tim Van Zant xx

Kevin McCarthy x

Monster Bash

Mike Passananti x

Brenna Valentine xx

Indy Williams

Elliott Layne x

Chloe Saccol

Bride Of Pinbot

Chris Ackerson

Victor Garcia x


Dave Andersen x

Todd Triplett x


Anthony Ramirez x

Liz Triplett xx

Adams Family

Aidan Lancaster xx

Mimi Ramirez x


Zach McCarthy x

Kevin McCarthy xx


Will Schlatmann xx

Brian Sanz x


Mike Passananti x

Karen Ellis xxx


Michael Miller xx

Tim Van Zant xxx

Scared Stiff

Brenna Valentine xxx

Paul Kardell xx


Chris Ackerson x

Chloe Saccol


Victor Garcia xx

Mimi Ramirez x


Zach McCarthy x

Elliott Layne xx

Dialed In

Brian Sanz x

Todd Triplett xx

Indy Williams

Dave Andersen x

Anthony Ramirez xx


Kevin McCarthy xx

Paul Kardell xxx


Will Schlatmann xx

Aidan Lancaster xxx

Monster Bash

Michael Miller xx

Liz Triplett xxx

Mike Passananti x


Chloe Saccol

Mimi Ramirez xx


Brian Sanz x

Mike Passananti xx

Star Trek

Dave Andersen x

Chris Ackerson xx


Zach McCarthy x

Todd Triplett xxx


Elliott Layne xx

Victor Garcia xxx


Michael Miller xx

Will Schlatmann xxx

Adams Family

Kevin McCarthy xx

Anthony Ramirez xxx


Chloe Saccol x

Zach McCarthy x

Monster Bash

Brian Sanz x

Dave Andersen xx

Dialed In

Kevin McCarthy xx

Michael Miller xxx


Chris Ackerson xxx

Mike Passananti xx


Elliott Layne xxx

Mimi Ramirez xx

Adams Family

Brian Sanz x

Chloe Saccol xx

Indy Williams

Mimi Ramirez xxx

Mike Passananti xx


Dave Andersen xxx

Kevin McCarthy xx

Zach McCarthy x

Walking Dead

Zach McCarthy xx

Mike Passananti xx


Kevin McCarthy xx

Chloe Saccol xxx

Brian Sanz x

Indy Williams

Brian Sanz x

Zach McCarthy xxx


Kevin McCarthy xx

Mike Passananti xxx


Brian Sanz xx

Kevin McCarthy xx


Brian Sanz xxx

Kevin McCarthy xx

Kevin McCarthy xx

Round 11

Brian Sanz L vs.
Kevin McCarthy W Banzai 06:20

Round 10

Brian Sanz L vs.
Kevin McCarthy W Attack 12:37

Round 9

Brian Sanz W vs.
Zach McCarthy L Indy Williams 15:42

Kevin McCarthy W vs.
Mike Passananti L Ghostbusters 16:09

Round 8

Kevin McCarthy W vs.
Chloe Saccol L Ironman 10:06

Zach McCarthy L vs.
Mike Passananti W Walking Dead 09:11

Round 7

Brian Sanz W vs.
Chloe Saccol L Adams Family 09:49

Dave Andersen L vs.
Kevin McCarthy W Attack 11:03

Mimi Ramirez L vs.
Mike Passananti W Indy Williams 08:05

Round 6

Brian Sanz W vs.
Dave Andersen L Monster Bash 12:49

Chloe Saccol L vs.
Zach McCarthy W Banzai 11:32

Chris Ackerson L vs.
Mike Passananti W Voltair 12:55

Elliott Layne L vs.
Mimi Ramirez W Attack 05:28

Kevin McCarthy W vs.
Michael Miller L Dialed In 12:32

Round 5

Brian Sanz W vs.
Mike Passananti L Gaurdians 19:52

Chloe Saccol W vs.
Mimi Ramirez L GOT 10:59

Dave Andersen W vs.
Chris Ackerson L Star Trek 13:36

Elliott Layne W vs.
Victor Garcia L Twiglight 15:48

Kevin McCarthy W vs.
Anthony Ramirez L Adams Family 09:47

Michael Miller W vs.
Will Schlatmann L Ghostbusters 08:35

Zach McCarthy W vs.
Todd Triplett L Batman 18:21

Round 4

Brian Sanz W vs.
Todd Triplett L Dialed In 12:43

Chris Ackerson L vs.
Chloe Saccol W Medieval 12:15

Dave Andersen W vs.
Anthony Ramirez L Indy Williams 09:07

Kevin McCarthy W vs.
Paul Kardell L Ghostbusters 08:13

Michael Miller W vs.
Liz Triplett L Monster Bash 07:57

Victor Garcia L vs.
Mimi Ramirez W WOZ 09:06

Will Schlatmann W vs.
Aidan Lancaster L Theatre 10:05

Zach McCarthy W vs.
Elliott Layne L Gaurdians 21:04

Round 3

Aidan Lancaster L vs.
Mimi Ramirez W Adams Family 06:44

Anthony Ramirez W vs.
Liz Triplett L Houdini 11:15

Brenna Valentine L vs.
Paul Kardell W Scared Stiff 08:43

Chris Ackerson W vs.
Victor Garcia L Bride Of Pinbot 06:36

Dave Andersen L vs.
Todd Triplett W X-men 14:48

Elliott Layne L vs.
Chloe Saccol W Indy Williams 12:03

Michael Miller W vs.
Tim Van Zant L Theatre 11:38

Mike Passananti W vs.
Karen Ellis L Banzai 09:54

Will Schlatmann L vs.
Brian Sanz W LOTR 14:38

Zach McCarthy W vs.
Kevin McCarthy L ACDC 12:30

Round 2

Anthony Ramirez W vs.
Michael Miller L Theatre 19:38

Brian Sanz L vs.
Chloe Saccol W Walking Dead 11:14

Chris Ackerson W vs.
Aidan Lancaster L Attack 12:58

Karen Ellis L vs.
Liz Triplett W Houdini 11:50

Mike Passananti W vs.
Brenna Valentine L Monster Bash 16:41

Mimi Ramirez L vs.
Dave Andersen W WOZ 26:01

Paul Kardell L vs.
Will Schlatmann W Star Trek 12:06

Tim Van Zant L vs.
Kevin McCarthy W Dialed In 12:11

Todd Triplett L vs.
Elliott Layne W Batman 12:09

Zach McCarthy L vs.
Victor Garcia W Scared Stiff 09:40

Round 1

Anthony Ramirez L vs.
Aidan Lancaster W Banzai 07:36

Brenna Valentine L vs.
Victor Garcia W Batman 11:16

Brian Sanz W vs.
Tim Van Zant L Ironman 13:05

Chris Ackerson W vs.
Michael Miller L WOZ 17:36

Dave Andersen W vs.
Mike Passananti L Bride Of Pinbot 18:04

Karen Ellis L vs.
Mimi Ramirez W Twiglight 09:51

Kevin McCarthy L vs.
Elliott Layne W X-men 13:10

Paul Kardell L vs.
Chloe Saccol W Voltair 21:04

Todd Triplett W vs.
Liz Triplett L Gaurdians 07:51

Zach McCarthy W vs.
Will Schlatmann L Fun House 13:32

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20