Goat Weekly 7/16

Updated 5:28am

Round 10

Justice vs.
John Garnett Playboy 07:29:17



Rick Simpson x

Geoff Fluegel

No Fear

Neil Kubath x

Josh Neuens

Tales From The Crypt

John Garnett x

Nigel Colbert


Tim Heuett x


Fish Tales

Dave Ritter

Patrick Law x

Cue Ball Wizard

Michael Adcock

Gentry Seipert x


Mark Wistrom x

John Clotfelter

Viper Night Drivin'

Matt Anderson x

Mark McClure

South Park

Carl Davis

Emily Tower x


Josh Neuens x

Carl Davis

Game Show

John Clotfelter

Dave Ritter x


Mark McClure x

Nigel Colbert


Michael Adcock

Geoff Fluegel x

Viper Night Drivin'

Justice x

Rick Simpson x


Patrick Law x

Neil Kubath xx

Tales From The Crypt

Matt Anderson x

Mark Wistrom xx

Fish Tales

Emily Tower xx

John Garnett x

World Cup Soccer

Gentry Seipert xx

Tim Heuett x

Pin Bot

John Clotfelter x

Michael Adcock


Carl Davis x

Nigel Colbert

Game Show

Patrick Law xx

Mark McClure x

Viper Night Drivin'

Josh Neuens xx

John Garnett x

South Park

Tim Heuett xx

Rick Simpson x

Fish Tales

Geoff Fluegel xx

Justice x


Matt Anderson xx

Dave Ritter x

Tales From The Crypt

Gentry Seipert xxx

Neil Kubath xx

World Cup Soccer

Mark Wistrom xxx

Emily Tower xx


Nigel Colbert

Michael Adcock x

No Fear

Justice x

Dave Ritter xx

Pin Bot

Mark McClure x

Carl Davis xx


Rick Simpson xx

John Garnett x

Tales From The Crypt

John Clotfelter x

Tim Heuett xxx


Josh Neuens xxx

Patrick Law xx

World Cup Soccer

Matt Anderson xx

Geoff Fluegel xxx

Star Wars

Emily Tower xxx

Neil Kubath xx

Fish Tales

Nigel Colbert x

John Clotfelter x


Justice x

Michael Adcock xx

World Cup Soccer

John Garnett x

Mark McClure xx

Pin Bot

Neil Kubath xxx

Matt Anderson xx

No Fear

Rick Simpson xx

Patrick Law xxx


Dave Ritter xxx

Carl Davis xx


John Garnett x

John Clotfelter xx

World Cup Soccer

Nigel Colbert x

Rick Simpson xxx

Cue Ball Wizard

Carl Davis xxx

Matt Anderson xx

Star Wars

Mark McClure xx

Michael Adcock xxx

Justice x


John Garnett xx

Justice x

South Park

Nigel Colbert xx

Matt Anderson xx


John Clotfelter xxx

Mark McClure xx


Justice x

Mark McClure xxx

Game Show

Nigel Colbert xxx

John Garnett xx

Matt Anderson xx


Justice x

Matt Anderson xxx

John Garnett xx


Justice x

John Garnett xx

Round 9

Justice W vs.
Matt Anderson L Checkpoint 17:44

Round 8

Justice W vs.
Mark McClure L Aerosmith 09:33

Nigel Colbert L vs.
John Garnett W Game Show 13:39

Round 7

John Clotfelter L vs.
Mark McClure W Checkpoint 14:04

John Garnett L vs.
Justice W Breakshot 24:20

Nigel Colbert L vs.
Matt Anderson W South Park 13:58

Round 6

Carl Davis L vs.
Matt Anderson W Cue Ball Wizard 11:31

John Garnett W vs.
John Clotfelter L ACDC 16:55

Mark McClure W vs.
Michael Adcock L Star Wars 16:45

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Rick Simpson L World Cup Soccer 12:08

Round 5

Dave Ritter L vs.
Carl Davis W Breakshot 16:24

John Garnett W vs.
Mark McClure L World Cup Soccer 16:15

Justice W vs.
Michael Adcock L ACDC 14:59

Neil Kubath L vs.
Matt Anderson W Pin Bot 15:35

Nigel Colbert L vs.
John Clotfelter W Fish Tales 15:04

Rick Simpson W vs.
Patrick Law L No Fear 15:42

Round 4

Emily Tower L vs.
Neil Kubath W Star Wars 18:04

John Clotfelter W vs.
Tim Heuett L Tales From The Crypt 18:40

Josh Neuens L vs.
Patrick Law W ACDC 29:49

Justice W vs.
Dave Ritter L No Fear 17:53

Mark McClure W vs.
Carl Davis L Pin Bot 18:11

Matt Anderson W vs.
Geoff Fluegel L World Cup Soccer 18:17

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Michael Adcock L Ghostbusters 18:30

Rick Simpson L vs.
John Garnett W Checkpoint 18:25

Round 3

Carl Davis L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Checkpoint 14:03

Gentry Seipert L vs.
Neil Kubath W Tales From The Crypt 13:17

Geoff Fluegel L vs.
Justice W Fish Tales 14:21

John Clotfelter L vs.
Michael Adcock W Pin Bot 15:04

Josh Neuens L vs.
John Garnett W Viper Night Drivin' 13:54

Mark Wistrom L vs.
Emily Tower W World Cup Soccer 14:56

Matt Anderson L vs.
Dave Ritter W Playboy 14:40

Patrick Law L vs.
Mark McClure W Game Show 13:27

Tim Heuett L vs.
Rick Simpson W South Park 15:11

Round 2

Emily Tower L vs.
John Garnett W Fish Tales 14:06

Gentry Seipert L vs.
Tim Heuett W World Cup Soccer 16:52

John Clotfelter W vs.
Dave Ritter L Game Show 17:24

Josh Neuens L vs.
Carl Davis W Aerosmith 14:56

Justice L vs.
Rick Simpson W Viper Night Drivin' 15:09

Mark McClure L vs.
Nigel Colbert W ACDC 17:06

Matt Anderson W vs.
Mark Wistrom L Tales From The Crypt 14:46

Michael Adcock W vs.
Geoff Fluegel L Breakshot 16:21

Patrick Law W vs.
Neil Kubath L Playboy 12:25

Round 1

Carl Davis W vs.
Emily Tower L South Park 16:40

Dave Ritter W vs.
Patrick Law L Fish Tales 13:19

John Garnett L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Tales From The Crypt 14:05

Mark Wistrom L vs.
John Clotfelter W Breakshot 12:53

Matt Anderson L vs.
Mark McClure W Viper Night Drivin' 16:00

Michael Adcock W vs.
Gentry Seipert L Cue Ball Wizard 18:56

Neil Kubath L vs.
Josh Neuens W No Fear 13:25

Rick Simpson L vs.
Geoff Fluegel W Playboy 13:33

Tim Heuett L vs.
Justice W Ghostbusters 12:24

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20