1up Lodo Pinball On A Monday?

Updated 3:43pm




Kevin Ryan

Joe Kennedy x

Medeval Madness

Zach Burnside x

Donavan Stepp

The Flintstones

Kyle Delaney x

Walt Wood

Attack From Mars

Dave Andersen CO

Curt Heiner x

The Hobbit

Steve Dyer x

Nathan Wright


Kody O'Donnell

Alex Winston x

Indiana Jones STERN

Nathan Haas x

Bridget Loeper

Game Of Thrones

Steve Schau x

Bill Reeves


Bridge Morgan x

Ryan Wanger

World Cup Soccer

Echa Schneider

Cory Moren x

The Walking Dead

Amanda Thomas

Snow Galvin x

Scott Carney

Medeval Madness

Bridget Loeper

Dave Andersen CO x

The Flintstones

Nathan Wright

Kevin Ryan x

World Cup Soccer

Walt Wood x

Donavan Stepp


Echa Schneider

Kody O'Donnell x


Scott Carney

Amanda Thomas x

Attack From Mars

Bill Reeves x

Zach Burnside x

The Hobbit

Joe Kennedy xx

Steve Schau x

Star Trek

Nathan Haas x

Snow Galvin xx

Indiana Jones STERN

Alex Winston xx

Bridge Morgan x

The Walking Dead

Curt Heiner xx

Cory Moren x

Game Of Thrones

Kyle Delaney xx

Steve Dyer x

Ryan Wanger


Bridget Loeper x

Ryan Wanger

Attack From Mars

Scott Carney x

Echa Schneider

Medeval Madness

Donavan Stepp

Nathan Wright x


Walt Wood x

Amanda Thomas xx

Star Trek

Bridge Morgan x

Steve Dyer xx

Indiana Jones STERN

Bill Reeves xx

Cory Moren x

The Hobbit

Kody O'Donnell x

Zach Burnside xx

World Cup Soccer

Dave Andersen CO x

Nathan Haas xx

The Walking Dead

Kevin Ryan x

Kyle Delaney xxx

The Flintstones

Joe Kennedy xxx

Snow Galvin xx

Game Of Thrones

Curt Heiner xxx

Alex Winston xx

Steve Schau x

Indiana Jones STERN

Ryan Wanger

Echa Schneider x

Attack From Mars

Donavan Stepp

Bridget Loeper xx

The Flintstones

Steve Schau xx

Dave Andersen CO x

Star Trek

Kody O'Donnell xx

Kevin Ryan x


Cory Moren xx

Nathan Wright x

The Hobbit

Walt Wood x

Scott Carney xx

Game Of Thrones

Bridge Morgan x

Zach Burnside xxx


Snow Galvin xx

Steve Dyer xxx

World Cup Soccer

Amanda Thomas xx

Bill Reeves xxx

The Walking Dead

Nathan Haas xx

Alex Winston xxx

Star Trek

Ryan Wanger

Donavan Stepp x

The Flintstones

Bridge Morgan x

Echa Schneider xx

Attack From Mars

Walt Wood xx

Kevin Ryan x

The Walking Dead

Dave Andersen CO xx

Nathan Wright x

World Cup Soccer

Steve Schau xxx

Bridget Loeper xx

The Hobbit

Cory Moren xx

Amanda Thomas xxx

Game Of Thrones

Snow Galvin xx

Scott Carney xxx

Medeval Madness

Nathan Haas xx

Kody O'Donnell xxx

Game Of Thrones

Ryan Wanger

Nathan Wright xx


Bridge Morgan xx

Donavan Stepp x

Medeval Madness

Kevin Ryan xx

Echa Schneider xx

The Hobbit

Snow Galvin xxx

Bridget Loeper xx

Star Trek

Dave Andersen CO xx

Walt Wood xxx

Attack From Mars

Nathan Haas xx

Cory Moren xxx

The Flintstones

Ryan Wanger

Donavan Stepp xx

World Cup Soccer

Bridge Morgan xx

Nathan Wright xxx


Kevin Ryan xxx

Nathan Haas xx

Star Trek

Bridget Loeper xx

Echa Schneider xxx

Dave Andersen CO xx

Game Of Thrones

Ryan Wanger

Nathan Haas xxx

The Hobbit

Dave Andersen CO xx

Donavan Stepp xxx

The Walking Dead

Bridge Morgan xxx

Bridget Loeper xx

The Walking Dead

Ryan Wanger x

Dave Andersen CO xx

Bridget Loeper xx


Dave Andersen CO xx

Bridget Loeper xxx

Ryan Wanger x

The Hobbit

Ryan Wanger x

Dave Andersen CO xxx

Ryan Wanger x

Round 11

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Dave Andersen CO L The Hobbit 36:54

Round 10

Dave Andersen CO W vs.
Bridget Loeper L Kiss 24:00

Round 9

Ryan Wanger L vs.
Dave Andersen CO W The Walking Dead 14:38

Round 8

Bridge Morgan L vs.
Bridget Loeper W The Walking Dead 18:00

Dave Andersen CO W vs.
Donavan Stepp L The Hobbit 24:09

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Nathan Haas L Game Of Thrones 13:56

Round 7

Bridge Morgan W vs.
Nathan Wright L World Cup Soccer 12:51

Bridget Loeper W vs.
Echa Schneider L Star Trek 17:56

Kevin Ryan L vs.
Nathan Haas W Ghostbusters 18:14

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Donavan Stepp L The Flintstones 16:43

Round 6

Bridge Morgan L vs.
Donavan Stepp W Ghostbusters 21:14

Dave Andersen CO W vs.
Walt Wood L Star Trek 18:38

Kevin Ryan L vs.
Echa Schneider W Medeval Madness 16:49

Nathan Haas W vs.
Cory Moren L Attack From Mars 10:42

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Nathan Wright L Game Of Thrones 17:31

Snow Galvin L vs.
Bridget Loeper W The Hobbit 21:24

Round 5

Bridge Morgan W vs.
Echa Schneider L The Flintstones 22:14

Cory Moren W vs.
Amanda Thomas L The Hobbit 16:07

Dave Andersen CO L vs.
Nathan Wright W The Walking Dead 23:53

Nathan Haas W vs.
Kody O'Donnell L Medeval Madness 15:05

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Donavan Stepp L Star Trek 24:06

Snow Galvin W vs.
Scott Carney L Game Of Thrones 12:26

Steve Schau L vs.
Bridget Loeper W World Cup Soccer 15:15

Walt Wood L vs.
Kevin Ryan W Attack From Mars 24:04

Round 4

Amanda Thomas W vs.
Bill Reeves L World Cup Soccer 13:18

Bridge Morgan W vs.
Zach Burnside L Game Of Thrones 13:21

Cory Moren L vs.
Nathan Wright W Kiss 18:37

Donavan Stepp W vs.
Bridget Loeper L Attack From Mars 15:04

Kody O'Donnell L vs.
Kevin Ryan W Star Trek 25:59

Nathan Haas W vs.
Alex Winston L The Walking Dead 09:54

Ryan Wanger W vs.
Echa Schneider L Indiana Jones STERN 21:52

Snow Galvin W vs.
Steve Dyer L Ghostbusters 25:31

Steve Schau L vs.
Dave Andersen CO W The Flintstones 20:41

Walt Wood W vs.
Scott Carney L The Hobbit 23:09

Round 3

Bill Reeves L vs.
Cory Moren W Indiana Jones STERN 19:33

Bridge Morgan W vs.
Steve Dyer L Star Trek 16:55

Bridget Loeper L vs.
Ryan Wanger W Ghostbusters 11:22

Curt Heiner L vs.
Alex Winston W Game Of Thrones 13:12

Dave Andersen CO W vs.
Nathan Haas L World Cup Soccer 17:28

Donavan Stepp W vs.
Nathan Wright L Medeval Madness 16:07

Joe Kennedy L vs.
Snow Galvin W The Flintstones 11:30

Kevin Ryan W vs.
Kyle Delaney L The Walking Dead 12:11

Kody O'Donnell W vs.
Zach Burnside L The Hobbit 18:53

Scott Carney L vs.
Echa Schneider W Attack From Mars 11:01

Walt Wood W vs.
Amanda Thomas L Kiss 20:24

Round 2

Alex Winston L vs.
Bridge Morgan W Indiana Jones STERN 17:34

Bill Reeves L vs.
Zach Burnside W Attack From Mars 13:32

Bridget Loeper W vs.
Dave Andersen CO L Medeval Madness 14:35

Curt Heiner L vs.
Cory Moren W The Walking Dead 09:30

Echa Schneider W vs.
Kody O'Donnell L Kiss 08:03

Joe Kennedy L vs.
Steve Schau W The Hobbit 14:39

Kyle Delaney L vs.
Steve Dyer W Game Of Thrones 21:12

Nathan Haas W vs.
Snow Galvin L Star Trek 12:42

Nathan Wright W vs.
Kevin Ryan L The Flintstones 09:42

Scott Carney W vs.
Amanda Thomas L Ghostbusters 09:20

Walt Wood L vs.
Donavan Stepp W World Cup Soccer 12:25

Round 1

Amanda Thomas W vs.
Snow Galvin L The Walking Dead 11:45

Bridge Morgan L vs.
Ryan Wanger W Kiss 19:06

Dave Andersen CO W vs.
Curt Heiner L Attack From Mars 18:56

Echa Schneider W vs.
Cory Moren L World Cup Soccer 09:46

Kevin Ryan W vs.
Joe Kennedy L Simpsons 19:14

Kody O'Donnell W vs.
Alex Winston L Ghostbusters 15:12

Kyle Delaney L vs.
Walt Wood W The Flintstones 20:43

Nathan Haas L vs.
Bridget Loeper W Indiana Jones STERN 14:53

Steve Dyer L vs.
Nathan Wright W The Hobbit 19:24

Steve Schau L vs.
Bill Reeves W Game Of Thrones 16:34

Zach Burnside L vs.
Donavan Stepp W Medeval Madness 16:57

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20