Hounds Tooth Weekly! 8-17

Updated 4:41am



Iron Maiden

Jenny Pickens x

Skye Fleming


Kyle Condell x

Dave Stewart

Hot Wheels

Andrew Hopper

Jonathan Vermillion x

Fish Tales

Aaron Shervin x

Alexander Corbin


Marin Alexander

Tyler Albery x

Fish Tales

Taryn Knopf x

Nick Gibson

Charlies Angels

Gavin Carrol x

Jason Roselander

Cactus Canyon

Alex Singleterry

Andrew Nunes x

Pistol Poker

Danielle Wilcox x

Dan Cevetello


Paul White

Philippe Siruno x


Elliott Johnson

Genny Salvotore x

Iron Man

Shawn Mandel x

Zolaire Arcade

The Beattles

Chad Adams WA

Olivia bourgeois x

Cactus Canyon

Chad Adams WA

Marin Alexander x


Zolaire Arcade x

Dan Cevetello

Charlies Angels

Alexander Corbin

Dave Stewart x

Pistol Poker

Andrew Hopper

Elliott Johnson x

The Beattles

Paul White x

Jason Roselander


Alex Singleterry

Nick Gibson x

Iron Man

Skye Fleming

Andrew Nunes xx


Danielle Wilcox x

Jonathan Vermillion xx


Shawn Mandel x

Olivia bourgeois xx


Genny Salvotore xx

Kyle Condell x

Iron Maiden

Gavin Carrol x

Tyler Albery xx

Hot Wheels

Taryn Knopf xx

Aaron Shervin x

Fish Tales

Philippe Siruno x

Jenny Pickens xx

Fish Tales

Skye Fleming

Alex Singleterry x

Iron Man

Dan Cevetello x

Alexander Corbin

Hot Wheels

Chad Adams WA x

Jason Roselander

Charlies Angels

Andrew Hopper x

Danielle Wilcox x


Elliott Johnson x

Philippe Siruno xx


Marin Alexander x

Gavin Carrol xx


Paul White xx

Aaron Shervin x

Cactus Canyon

Shawn Mandel xx

Dave Stewart x

The Beattles

Zolaire Arcade xx

Nick Gibson x

Iron Maiden

Kyle Condell xx

Andrew Nunes xx

Charlies Angels

Genny Salvotore xx

Jenny Pickens xxx

Pistol Poker

Olivia bourgeois xx

Tyler Albery xxx


Jonathan Vermillion xxx

Taryn Knopf xx


Alexander Corbin

Jason Roselander x

Cactus Canyon

Skye Fleming

Danielle Wilcox xx

Charlies Angels

Alex Singleterry x

Aaron Shervin xx


Elliott Johnson xx

Dan Cevetello x


Andrew Hopper xx

Chad Adams WA x

Hot Wheels

Nick Gibson x

Marin Alexander xx

Iron Man

Dave Stewart x

Gavin Carrol xxx

Iron Maiden

Philippe Siruno xx

Taryn Knopf xxx

Pistol Poker

Kyle Condell xx

Zolaire Arcade xxx

The Beattles

Shawn Mandel xx

Andrew Nunes xxx

Fish Tales

Paul White xx

Genny Salvotore xxx

Olivia bourgeois xx


Skye Fleming x

Alexander Corbin


Alex Singleterry xx

Jason Roselander x

The Beattles

Dan Cevetello x

Dave Stewart xx


Nick Gibson xx

Chad Adams WA x

Charlies Angels

Philippe Siruno xx

Marin Alexander xxx


Shawn Mandel xxx

Kyle Condell xx

Cactus Canyon

Aaron Shervin xx

Andrew Hopper xxx

Iron Man

Olivia bourgeois xxx

Danielle Wilcox xx

Hot Wheels

Paul White xx

Elliott Johnson xxx

Pistol Poker

Alexander Corbin

Chad Adams WA xx

Charlies Angels

Skye Fleming x

Dan Cevetello xx

Cactus Canyon

Jason Roselander xx

Nick Gibson xx

Iron Man

Philippe Siruno xx

Aaron Shervin xxx

Iron Maiden

Dave Stewart xx

Paul White xxx

The Beattles

Danielle Wilcox xx

Alex Singleterry xxx

Kyle Condell xx

Hot Wheels

Alexander Corbin x

Skye Fleming x


Chad Adams WA xx

Danielle Wilcox xxx


Philippe Siruno xxx

Dave Stewart xx

Iron Man

Kyle Condell xxx

Jason Roselander xx

Iron Maiden

Dan Cevetello xxx

Nick Gibson xx


Alexander Corbin x

Skye Fleming xx

Fish Tales

Dave Stewart xx

Chad Adams WA xxx

Pistol Poker

Jason Roselander xx

Nick Gibson xxx

Iron Maiden

Alexander Corbin x

Jason Roselander xxx

Pistol Poker

Skye Fleming xxx

Dave Stewart xx

Cactus Canyon

Alexander Corbin xx

Dave Stewart xx


Dave Stewart xx

Alexander Corbin xxx

Dave Stewart xx

Round 11

Dave Stewart W vs.
Alexander Corbin L 24 22:01

Round 10

Alexander Corbin L vs.
Dave Stewart W Cactus Canyon 18:51

Round 9

Alexander Corbin W vs.
Jason Roselander L Iron Maiden 12:47

Skye Fleming L vs.
Dave Stewart W Pistol Poker 13:06

Round 8

Alexander Corbin W vs.
Skye Fleming L Mandalorian 16:47

Dave Stewart W vs.
Chad Adams WA L Fish Tales 11:51

Jason Roselander W vs.
Nick Gibson L Pistol Poker 17:03

Round 7

Alexander Corbin L vs.
Skye Fleming W Hot Wheels 14:48

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Mandalorian 15:39

Dan Cevetello L vs.
Nick Gibson W Iron Maiden 15:46

Kyle Condell L vs.
Jason Roselander W Iron Man 18:23

Philippe Siruno L vs.
Dave Stewart W Dolly 08:39

Round 6

Alexander Corbin W vs.
Chad Adams WA L Pistol Poker 12:44

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Alex Singleterry L The Beattles 18:54

Dave Stewart W vs.
Paul White L Iron Maiden 17:06

Jason Roselander L vs.
Nick Gibson W Cactus Canyon 24:07

Philippe Siruno W vs.
Aaron Shervin L Iron Man 18:19

Skye Fleming W vs.
Dan Cevetello L Charlies Angels 19:29

Round 5

Aaron Shervin W vs.
Andrew Hopper L Cactus Canyon 18:24

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Jason Roselander W Mandalorian 25:47

Dan Cevetello W vs.
Dave Stewart L The Beattles 14:40

Nick Gibson L vs.
Chad Adams WA W Dolly 11:15

Olivia bourgeois L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Iron Man 15:18

Paul White W vs.
Elliott Johnson L Hot Wheels 25:42

Philippe Siruno W vs.
Marin Alexander L Charlies Angels 26:52

Shawn Mandel L vs.
Kyle Condell W Dolly 27:06

Skye Fleming L vs.
Alexander Corbin W 24 12:03

Round 4

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Aaron Shervin L Charlies Angels 23:49

Alexander Corbin W vs.
Jason Roselander L Dolly 12:56

Andrew Hopper L vs.
Chad Adams WA W 24 23:10

Dave Stewart W vs.
Gavin Carrol L Iron Man 19:19

Elliott Johnson L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Mandalorian 17:07

Kyle Condell W vs.
Zolaire Arcade L Pistol Poker 14:08

Nick Gibson W vs.
Marin Alexander L Hot Wheels 17:31

Paul White W vs.
Genny Salvotore L Fish Tales 13:38

Philippe Siruno W vs.
Taryn Knopf L Iron Maiden 18:38

Shawn Mandel W vs.
Andrew Nunes L The Beattles 13:33

Skye Fleming W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Cactus Canyon 21:43

Round 3

Andrew Hopper L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Charlies Angels 18:50

Chad Adams WA L vs.
Jason Roselander W Hot Wheels 16:32

Dan Cevetello L vs.
Alexander Corbin W Iron Man 08:12

Elliott Johnson W vs.
Philippe Siruno L 24 07:31

Genny Salvotore W vs.
Jenny Pickens L Charlies Angels 11:40

Jonathan Vermillion L vs.
Taryn Knopf W 24 07:09

Kyle Condell L vs.
Andrew Nunes W Iron Maiden 20:46

Marin Alexander W vs.
Gavin Carrol L Mandalorian 19:49

Olivia bourgeois W vs.
Tyler Albery L Pistol Poker 18:03

Paul White L vs.
Aaron Shervin W Dolly 15:37

Shawn Mandel L vs.
Dave Stewart W Cactus Canyon 17:40

Skye Fleming W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Fish Tales 16:14

Zolaire Arcade L vs.
Nick Gibson W The Beattles 10:45

Round 2

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Nick Gibson L 24 13:08

Alexander Corbin W vs.
Dave Stewart L Charlies Angels 16:10

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Elliott Johnson L Pistol Poker 14:10

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Marin Alexander L Cactus Canyon 11:17

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Jonathan Vermillion L Dolly 05:50

Gavin Carrol W vs.
Tyler Albery L Iron Maiden 26:02

Genny Salvotore L vs.
Kyle Condell W 24 07:29

Paul White L vs.
Jason Roselander W The Beattles 13:19

Philippe Siruno W vs.
Jenny Pickens L Fish Tales 14:30

Shawn Mandel W vs.
Olivia bourgeois L Mandalorian 14:21

Skye Fleming W vs.
Andrew Nunes L Iron Man 22:44

Taryn Knopf L vs.
Aaron Shervin W Hot Wheels 21:55

Zolaire Arcade L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Dolly 09:48

Round 1

Aaron Shervin L vs.
Alexander Corbin W Fish Tales 13:24

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Andrew Nunes L Cactus Canyon 18:57

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Jonathan Vermillion L Hot Wheels 15:26

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Olivia bourgeois L The Beattles 20:57

Danielle Wilcox L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Pistol Poker 14:24

Elliott Johnson W vs.
Genny Salvotore L Dolly 16:56

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Jason Roselander W Charlies Angels 22:05

Jenny Pickens L vs.
Skye Fleming W Iron Maiden 19:38

Kyle Condell L vs.
Dave Stewart W Mandalorian 15:27

Marin Alexander W vs.
Tyler Albery L 24 15:35

Paul White W vs.
Philippe Siruno L Mandalorian 14:01

Shawn Mandel L vs.
Zolaire Arcade W Iron Man 14:07

Taryn Knopf L vs.
Nick Gibson W Fish Tales 06:08

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20