Theo Pinball Tournament

Updated 7:14pm



The Munsters

Stanley Oliva x

Lauren Ragen

Royal Rumble

Kim Guzman

Ellie Birtley x

Attack From Mars

Katy Radtke x

Mandy Arroyo

Medieval Madness

Katy Fuller x

Emily Miller

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Jay Wilson

Sue Barton x

Scared Stiff

Spencer Shultz

Phil Ayers x

The Game Show

Morgan Jones x

Betsy Mielke

Eight Ball Deluxe

Michael Harper

Carmen Altamirano x


Lynne Rowan x

Lisa Holland

Batman 66

Skyler Bloomenfarm x

Jordan Beeching

Bad Cats

Huber Cruz

Ana Gallegos x


Chad Fuhreck

Jason Lafferty x


Baptiste LeBeau

Max Benas x

White Water

Ivy Ho x

Chase Dye

Surf Champ

Evan Miglorie

Matthew Coleman x

The Addams Family

Rodney Semley

Maria Smith x

Iron Maiden

Jordan Olsen

Christine Zess x

Rene Lawton

Monster Bash

Emily Miller

Betsy Mielke x


Jordan Olsen x

Jay Wilson


Michael Harper

Chad Fuhreck x


Spencer Shultz x

Rene Lawton

Royal Rumble

Chase Dye

Mandy Arroyo x

Judge Dredd

Lauren Ragen

Huber Cruz x

Medieval Madness

Evan Miglorie

Jordan Beeching x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Kim Guzman x

Lisa Holland

Batman 66

Baptiste LeBeau

Christine Zess xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Ellie Birtley x

Matthew Coleman xx

Attack From Mars

Ivy Ho xx

Jason Lafferty x

White Water

Katy Radtke x

Maria Smith xx

Bad Cats

Lynne Rowan x

Carmen Altamirano xx

Surf Champ

Sue Barton xx

Ana Gallegos x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Morgan Jones x

Max Benas xx

Indiana Jones

Skyler Bloomenfarm x

Stanley Oliva xx

The Game Show

Phil Ayers xx

Katy Fuller x

Rodney Semley

Royal Rumble

Emily Miller

Lauren Ragen x

Attack From Mars

Rodney Semley x

Evan Miglorie

Surf Champ

Michael Harper

Jay Wilson x

The Munsters

Lisa Holland

Baptiste LeBeau x

Medieval Madness

Rene Lawton

Chase Dye x


Jordan Beeching x

Betsy Mielke xx

Monster Bash

Jordan Olsen xx

Chad Fuhreck x

Scared Stiff

Morgan Jones xx

Katy Fuller x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Skyler Bloomenfarm x

Katy Radtke xx

White Water

Ellie Birtley xx

Spencer Shultz x

Iron Maiden

Ana Gallegos xx

Kim Guzman x

The Game Show

Huber Cruz xx

Mandy Arroyo x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Lynne Rowan x

Jason Lafferty xx

Judge Dredd

Rene Lawton

Lisa Holland x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Evan Miglorie

Emily Miller x

Indiana Jones

Michael Harper

Rodney Semley xx

White Water

Lauren Ragen xx

Lynne Rowan x

White Water

Jay Wilson xx

Katy Fuller x

The Game Show

Spencer Shultz x

Chase Dye xx


Jordan Beeching xx

Kim Guzman x

Medieval Madness

Mandy Arroyo x

Skyler Bloomenfarm xx

The Addams Family

Chad Fuhreck xx

Baptiste LeBeau x


Evan Miglorie x

Rene Lawton


Michael Harper

Lisa Holland xx


Kim Guzman xx

Lynne Rowan x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Emily Miller xx

Mandy Arroyo x


Katy Fuller x

Spencer Shultz xx

Baptiste LeBeau x

Monster Bash

Rene Lawton

Michael Harper x

The Game Show

Baptiste LeBeau x

Lynne Rowan xx

Iron Maiden

Mandy Arroyo xx

Evan Miglorie x

Katy Fuller x

The Addams Family

Rene Lawton

Katy Fuller xx

Scared Stiff

Baptiste LeBeau xx

Michael Harper x

Evan Miglorie x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Rene Lawton

Evan Miglorie xx

Michael Harper x

Iron Maiden

Rene Lawton x

Michael Harper x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Rene Lawton xx

Michael Harper x

Michael Harper x

Round 10

Rene Lawton L vs.
Michael Harper W Guardians Of The Galaxy 08:01

Round 9

Rene Lawton L vs.
Michael Harper W Iron Maiden 11:08

Round 8

Rene Lawton W vs.
Evan Miglorie L Nitro Ground Shaker 08:15

Round 7

Baptiste LeBeau L vs.
Michael Harper W Scared Stiff 02:16

Rene Lawton W vs.
Katy Fuller L The Addams Family 00:09

Round 6

Baptiste LeBeau W vs.
Lynne Rowan L The Game Show 09:56

Mandy Arroyo L vs.
Evan Miglorie W Iron Maiden 09:03

Rene Lawton W vs.
Michael Harper L Monster Bash 11:12

Round 5

Emily Miller L vs.
Mandy Arroyo W Guardians Of The Galaxy 09:44

Evan Miglorie L vs.
Rene Lawton W JackBot 17:45

Katy Fuller W vs.
Spencer Shultz L AC⚡️DC 08:52

Kim Guzman L vs.
Lynne Rowan W Dragonfist 05:42

Michael Harper W vs.
Lisa Holland L Fathom 08:03

Round 4

Chad Fuhreck L vs.
Baptiste LeBeau W The Addams Family 10:22

Evan Miglorie W vs.
Emily Miller L Eight Ball Deluxe 14:03

Jay Wilson L vs.
Katy Fuller W White Water 11:14

Jordan Beeching L vs.
Kim Guzman W AC⚡️DC 09:42

Lauren Ragen L vs.
Lynne Rowan W White Water 06:47

Mandy Arroyo W vs.
Skyler Bloomenfarm L Medieval Madness 14:36

Michael Harper W vs.
Rodney Semley L Indiana Jones 11:21

Rene Lawton W vs.
Lisa Holland L Judge Dredd 13:36

Spencer Shultz W vs.
Chase Dye L The Game Show 06:28

Round 3

Ana Gallegos L vs.
Kim Guzman W Iron Maiden 11:22

Ellie Birtley L vs.
Spencer Shultz W White Water 14:03

Emily Miller W vs.
Lauren Ragen L Royal Rumble 11:11

Huber Cruz L vs.
Mandy Arroyo W The Game Show 10:12

Jordan Beeching W vs.
Betsy Mielke L JackBot 11:50

Jordan Olsen L vs.
Chad Fuhreck W Monster Bash 10:37

Lisa Holland W vs.
Baptiste LeBeau L The Munsters 12:50

Lynne Rowan W vs.
Jason Lafferty L Nitro Ground Shaker 12:04

Michael Harper W vs.
Jay Wilson L Surf Champ 11:27

Morgan Jones L vs.
Katy Fuller W Scared Stiff 10:05

Rene Lawton W vs.
Chase Dye L Medieval Madness 10:25

Rodney Semley L vs.
Evan Miglorie W Attack From Mars 11:40

Skyler Bloomenfarm W vs.
Katy Radtke L Eight Ball Deluxe 10:20

Round 2

Baptiste LeBeau W vs.
Christine Zess L Batman 66 01:58

Chase Dye W vs.
Mandy Arroyo L Royal Rumble 08:27

Ellie Birtley W vs.
Matthew Coleman L Eight Ball Deluxe 19:14

Emily Miller W vs.
Betsy Mielke L Monster Bash 11:02

Evan Miglorie W vs.
Jordan Beeching L Medieval Madness 20:28

Ivy Ho L vs.
Jason Lafferty W Attack From Mars 19:06

Jordan Olsen L vs.
Jay Wilson W AC⚡️DC 11:30

Katy Radtke W vs.
Maria Smith L White Water 00:54

Kim Guzman L vs.
Lisa Holland W Nitro Ground Shaker 09:56

Lauren Ragen W vs.
Huber Cruz L Judge Dredd 10:35

Lynne Rowan W vs.
Carmen Altamirano L Bad Cats 00:44

Michael Harper W vs.
Chad Fuhreck L JackBot 09:31

Morgan Jones W vs.
Max Benas L Guardians Of The Galaxy 14:46

Phil Ayers L vs.
Katy Fuller W The Game Show 09:43

Skyler Bloomenfarm W vs.
Stanley Oliva L Indiana Jones 20:33

Spencer Shultz L vs.
Rene Lawton W Dragonfist 07:24

Sue Barton L vs.
Ana Gallegos W Surf Champ 19:22

Round 1

Baptiste LeBeau W vs.
Max Benas L JackBot 12:49

Chad Fuhreck W vs.
Jason Lafferty L Dragonfist 14:43

Evan Miglorie W vs.
Matthew Coleman L Surf Champ 17:53

Huber Cruz W vs.
Ana Gallegos L Bad Cats 24:03

Ivy Ho L vs.
Chase Dye W White Water 14:53

Jay Wilson W vs.
Sue Barton L Guardians Of The Galaxy 19:08

Jordan Olsen W vs.
Christine Zess L Iron Maiden 24:16

Katy Fuller L vs.
Emily Miller W Medieval Madness 15:06

Katy Radtke L vs.
Mandy Arroyo W Attack From Mars 20:14

Kim Guzman W vs.
Ellie Birtley L Royal Rumble 17:59

Lynne Rowan L vs.
Lisa Holland W AC⚡️DC 15:20

Michael Harper W vs.
Carmen Altamirano L Eight Ball Deluxe 05:28

Morgan Jones L vs.
Betsy Mielke W The Game Show 23:21

Rodney Semley W vs.
Maria Smith L The Addams Family 07:34

Skyler Bloomenfarm L vs.
Jordan Beeching W Batman 66 17:44

Spencer Shultz W vs.
Phil Ayers L Scared Stiff 23:38

Stanley Oliva L vs.
Lauren Ragen W The Munsters 15:32

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20