Flip City Weekly: MFP 1/21/25

Updated 12:46am

Round 11

Mathew Peterson vs.
Nathan Stellhorn Theatre of Magic 02:18:03


Foo Fighters

Peter Durbin

Brenna Bechtold x

The Walking Dead Pro

Aeden McRea

Nate Tayloe x


David Morell

Phil Bailey x

The Sopranos

Dawnda Durbin

Nicholas Curtis x

Lord of the Rings

John Grey x

Zach Marlowe

Theatre of Magic

Laura Kirby x

Isaac Ruiz

Stranger Things

Nick Elliott

Scott Helgason x

Attack From Mars

Pierce von Buttlar

Nathan Stellhorn x

Iron Maiden

Bill Lascher x

Mathew Peterson

Johnny Mnemonic

Doug Mandell x


Deadpool Pro

Colin Bridges

Lexi Whittemore x

Deadpool Pro

Zach Marlowe

Peter Durbin x

The Sopranos

John Grey x

Nate Tayloe xx

Lord of the Rings

Colin Bridges x

Mathew Peterson

Theatre of Magic

Phil Bailey xx

Doug Mandell x

Stranger Things

Nicholas Curtis x

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Johnny Mnemonic

Isaac Ruiz

Nick Elliott x

Foo Fighters

Pierce von Buttlar

Dawnda Durbin x


Lexi Whittemore x

Aeden McRea x

The Walking Dead Pro

Brenna Bechtold xx

Laura Kirby x

Attack From Mars

David Morell x

Bill Lascher x

Iron Maiden

Scott Helgason x

Rhienium x

The Walking Dead Pro

Dawnda Durbin x

Peter Durbin xx

Iron Maiden

Doug Mandell xx

Nicholas Curtis x

The Sopranos

Lexi Whittemore x

Mathew Peterson x

Lord of the Rings

David Morell xx

Pierce von Buttlar

Johnny Mnemonic

Nathan Stellhorn xx

John Grey xx

Deadpool Pro

Laura Kirby x

Nate Tayloe xxx

Theatre of Magic

Aeden McRea x

Nick Elliott xx

Attack From Mars

Brenna Bechtold xx

Scott Helgason xx

Foo Fighters

Bill Lascher x

Isaac Ruiz x

Stranger Things

Phil Bailey xx

Colin Bridges xx


Zach Marlowe

Rhienium xx

The Sopranos

Colin Bridges xxx

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Lord of the Rings

Nick Elliott xx

Rhienium xxx

Foo Fighters

Lexi Whittemore xx

Zach Marlowe

Theatre of Magic

Scott Helgason xx

David Morell xxx

Stranger Things

Bill Lascher x

Dawnda Durbin xx

The Walking Dead Pro

Pierce von Buttlar x

Mathew Peterson x

Iron Maiden

Brenna Bechtold xx

John Grey xxx

Deadpool Pro

Phil Bailey xx

Nicholas Curtis xx

Attack From Mars

Peter Durbin xxx

Isaac Ruiz x


Doug Mandell xx

Laura Kirby xx

Aeden McRea x

Iron Maiden

Laura Kirby xxx

Lexi Whittemore xx

Johnny Mnemonic

Brenna Bechtold xxx

Zach Marlowe

Theatre of Magic

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Nicholas Curtis xx

The Walking Dead Pro

Doug Mandell xxx

Nathan Stellhorn xx

The Sopranos

Scott Helgason xx

Bill Lascher xx

Foo Fighters

Mathew Peterson x

Phil Bailey xxx

Deadpool Pro

Dawnda Durbin xx

Nick Elliott xxx

Stranger Things

Aeden McRea x

Isaac Ruiz xx

Iron Maiden

Dawnda Durbin xx

Aeden McRea xx

Deadpool Pro

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Isaac Ruiz xxx

Attack From Mars

Mathew Peterson x

Nicholas Curtis xxx

Stranger Things

Zach Marlowe x

Pierce von Buttlar xx

The Walking Dead Pro

Bill Lascher xxx

Lexi Whittemore xx

Scott Helgason xx

Lord of the Rings

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Aeden McRea xxx

Johnny Mnemonic

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Lexi Whittemore xxx

Theatre of Magic

Zach Marlowe xx

Mathew Peterson x


Scott Helgason xx

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Deadpool Pro

Scott Helgason xxx

Mathew Peterson x

The Sopranos

Pierce von Buttlar xxx

Zach Marlowe xx

Nathan Stellhorn xx


Nathan Stellhorn xx

Mathew Peterson xx

Zach Marlowe xx

Iron Maiden

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Zach Marlowe xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Theatre of Magic

Mathew Peterson xx

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Round 10

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Zach Marlowe L Iron Maiden 19:37

Round 9

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Spider-Man 06:46

Round 8

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Zach Marlowe W The Sopranos 16:22

Scott Helgason L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Deadpool Pro 17:00

Round 7

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Aeden McRea L Lord of the Rings 24:22

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Lexi Whittemore L Johnny Mnemonic 12:03

Scott Helgason W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Spider-Man 14:45

Zach Marlowe L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Theatre of Magic 14:12

Round 6

Bill Lascher L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W The Walking Dead Pro 11:07

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Aeden McRea L Iron Maiden 12:44

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Nicholas Curtis L Attack From Mars 15:49

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Isaac Ruiz L Deadpool Pro 24:02

Zach Marlowe L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Stranger Things 10:24

Round 5

Aeden McRea W vs.
Isaac Ruiz L Stranger Things 07:52

Brenna Bechtold L vs.
Zach Marlowe W Johnny Mnemonic 10:12

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Nick Elliott L Deadpool Pro 10:01

Doug Mandell L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W The Walking Dead Pro 14:04

Laura Kirby L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Iron Maiden 10:46

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Phil Bailey L Foo Fighters 14:16

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Nicholas Curtis W Theatre of Magic 12:31

Scott Helgason W vs.
Bill Lascher L The Sopranos 12:25

Round 4

Bill Lascher W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Stranger Things 13:39

Brenna Bechtold W vs.
John Grey L Iron Maiden 14:58

Colin Bridges L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W The Sopranos 25:15

Doug Mandell W vs.
Laura Kirby L Spider-Man 14:06

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Zach Marlowe W Foo Fighters 12:28

Nick Elliott W vs.
Rhienium L Lord of the Rings 22:48

Peter Durbin L vs.
Isaac Ruiz W Attack From Mars 12:18

Phil Bailey W vs.
Nicholas Curtis L Deadpool Pro 24:38

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Walking Dead Pro 15:10

Scott Helgason W vs.
David Morell L Theatre of Magic 13:53

Round 3

Aeden McRea W vs.
Nick Elliott L Theatre of Magic 23:41

Bill Lascher W vs.
Isaac Ruiz L Foo Fighters 22:10

Brenna Bechtold W vs.
Scott Helgason L Attack From Mars 21:44

David Morell L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Lord of the Rings 23:04

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Peter Durbin L The Walking Dead Pro 12:55

Doug Mandell L vs.
Nicholas Curtis W Iron Maiden 14:51

Laura Kirby W vs.
Nate Tayloe L Deadpool Pro 18:14

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Mathew Peterson L The Sopranos 28:24

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
John Grey L Johnny Mnemonic 18:29

Phil Bailey W vs.
Colin Bridges L Stranger Things 16:30

Zach Marlowe W vs.
Rhienium L Spider-Man 10:31

Round 2

Brenna Bechtold L vs.
Laura Kirby W The Walking Dead Pro 11:00

Colin Bridges L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Lord of the Rings 19:26

David Morell L vs.
Bill Lascher W Attack From Mars 15:28

Isaac Ruiz W vs.
Nick Elliott L Johnny Mnemonic 16:54

John Grey W vs.
Nate Tayloe L The Sopranos 09:45

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Aeden McRea L Spider-Man 11:30

Nicholas Curtis W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Stranger Things 13:50

Phil Bailey L vs.
Doug Mandell W Theatre of Magic 11:17

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Foo Fighters 08:10

Scott Helgason W vs.
Rhienium L Iron Maiden 15:44

Zach Marlowe W vs.
Peter Durbin L Deadpool Pro 10:04

Round 1

Aeden McRea W vs.
Nate Tayloe L The Walking Dead Pro 11:26

Bill Lascher L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Iron Maiden 14:33

Colin Bridges W vs.
Lexi Whittemore L Deadpool Pro 08:40

David Morell W vs.
Phil Bailey L Spider-Man 06:15

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Nicholas Curtis L The Sopranos 11:13

Doug Mandell L vs.
Rhienium W Johnny Mnemonic 08:27

John Grey L vs.
Zach Marlowe W Lord of the Rings 14:16

Laura Kirby L vs.
Isaac Ruiz W Theatre of Magic 11:19

Nick Elliott W vs.
Scott Helgason L Stranger Things 13:20

Peter Durbin W vs.
Brenna Bechtold L Foo Fighters 10:46

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Attack From Mars 16:11

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20