Updated 3:22pm




Tim Klaus

Dana Valatka x


Chad Sulloway

Cameron Sanderson x

Beat The Clock

Daniel Rone x

Bill Lascher


Karl Lind

Leslie Martin x

Harlem Globetrotters

David Morell

Jason Burton x


Esther Ahronheim

Zoe Vrabel x


Mathew Peterson

John Fujita x

World Cup Soccer

James Adamson

Greg Dunlap x

Grand Prix

Ken Martin

William Kerney x


JohnNils Olson x

Mike Smith PDX


Jonathan Illig

Kris Fast x

Charles Olson


Tim Klaus x

David Morell


Karl Lind

Mathew Peterson x

Harlem Globetrotters

Mike Smith PDX

James Adamson x

Grand Prix

Charles Olson

Bill Lascher x


Esther Ahronheim x

Jonathan Illig


Ken Martin

Daniel Rone xx

World Cup Soccer

Cameron Sanderson x

Leslie Martin xx


Kris Fast xx

Jason Burton x


Dana Valatka xx

Zoe Vrabel x

Beat The Clock

William Kerney xx

John Fujita x


JohnNils Olson xx

Greg Dunlap x

Chad Sulloway


Jonathan Illig

Chad Sulloway x


Karl Lind

Charles Olson x

World Cup Soccer

Ken Martin

Mike Smith PDX x


David Morell x

Greg Dunlap x


James Adamson x

Bill Lascher xx


Cameron Sanderson x

Mathew Peterson xx


Jason Burton xx

Tim Klaus x

Harlem Globetrotters

John Fujita x

Zoe Vrabel xx

Grand Prix

Esther Ahronheim xx

Dana Valatka xx


Daniel Rone xx

William Kerney xxx

Beat The Clock

Leslie Martin xx

Kris Fast xxx

JohnNils Olson xx

Harlem Globetrotters

Jonathan Illig x

Ken Martin

Grand Prix

Karl Lind

John Fujita xx


Greg Dunlap xx

Cameron Sanderson x

Beat The Clock

James Adamson x

Charles Olson xx


Tim Klaus xx

Chad Sulloway x


David Morell x

Zoe Vrabel xxx


Esther Ahronheim xxx

Leslie Martin xx


Jason Burton xxx

Dana Valatka xx

World Cup Soccer

Daniel Rone xxx

Mathew Peterson xx


JohnNils Olson xx

Bill Lascher xxx

Mike Smith PDX x


Ken Martin

Karl Lind x

Grand Prix

James Adamson xx

Jonathan Illig x

Beat The Clock

David Morell x

Chad Sulloway xx


Mike Smith PDX x

Cameron Sanderson xx


Tim Klaus xx

Greg Dunlap xxx

Harlem Globetrotters

Mathew Peterson xx

Dana Valatka xxx


John Fujita xx

Leslie Martin xxx


Charles Olson xxx

JohnNils Olson xx


Ken Martin x

David Morell x


Jonathan Illig x

Mike Smith PDX xx


Karl Lind x

James Adamson xxx

Harlem Globetrotters

Tim Klaus xx

Cameron Sanderson xxx

Grand Prix

Mathew Peterson xx

JohnNils Olson xxx


John Fujita xxx

Chad Sulloway xx

Beat The Clock

Karl Lind xx

Ken Martin x

World Cup Soccer

David Morell x

Jonathan Illig xx


Chad Sulloway xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

Grand Prix

Mike Smith PDX xxx

Tim Klaus xx


David Morell x

Ken Martin xx

Beat The Clock

Tim Klaus xx

Jonathan Illig xxx

Harlem Globetrotters

Karl Lind xxx

Chad Sulloway xx


David Morell x

Tim Klaus xxx


Ken Martin xx

Chad Sulloway xxx


David Morell xx

Ken Martin xx

Grand Prix

Ken Martin xx

David Morell xxx

Ken Martin xx

Round 11

Ken Martin W vs.
David Morell L Grand Prix 05:09

Round 10

David Morell L vs.
Ken Martin W Volley 05:10

Round 9

David Morell W vs.
Tim Klaus L Getaway 08:19

Ken Martin W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Magic 08:35

Round 8

David Morell W vs.
Ken Martin L Embryon 08:58

Karl Lind L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Harlem Globetrotters 04:19

Tim Klaus W vs.
Jonathan Illig L Beat The Clock 11:49

Round 7

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Volley 07:06

David Morell W vs.
Jonathan Illig L World Cup Soccer 06:57

Karl Lind L vs.
Ken Martin W Beat The Clock 08:43

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Tim Klaus W Grand Prix 07:02

Round 6

John Fujita L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Paragon 04:16

Jonathan Illig W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Magic 04:05

Karl Lind W vs.
James Adamson L Volley 05:11

Ken Martin L vs.
David Morell W Getaway 06:26

Mathew Peterson W vs.
JohnNils Olson L Grand Prix 07:44

Tim Klaus W vs.
Cameron Sanderson L Harlem Globetrotters 06:55

Round 5

Charles Olson L vs.
JohnNils Olson W Magic 09:54

David Morell W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Beat The Clock 13:16

James Adamson L vs.
Jonathan Illig W Grand Prix 08:14

John Fujita W vs.
Leslie Martin L Getaway 08:06

Ken Martin W vs.
Karl Lind L Nip-It 10:47

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Dana Valatka L Harlem Globetrotters 05:29

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Cameron Sanderson L Volley 05:22

Tim Klaus W vs.
Greg Dunlap L Embryon 07:58

Round 4

Daniel Rone L vs.
Mathew Peterson W World Cup Soccer 05:34

David Morell W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Magic 03:14

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Leslie Martin W Paragon 07:42

Greg Dunlap L vs.
Cameron Sanderson W Getaway 05:52

James Adamson W vs.
Charles Olson L Beat The Clock 12:33

Jason Burton L vs.
Dana Valatka W Embryon 06:13

JohnNils Olson W vs.
Bill Lascher L Nip-It 06:34

Jonathan Illig L vs.
Ken Martin W Harlem Globetrotters 06:07

Karl Lind W vs.
John Fujita L Grand Prix 10:22

Tim Klaus L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Volley 05:12

Round 3

Cameron Sanderson W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Magic 04:52

Daniel Rone W vs.
William Kerney L Volley 07:48

David Morell L vs.
Greg Dunlap W Nip-It 07:54

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Dana Valatka W Grand Prix 06:15

James Adamson W vs.
Bill Lascher L Embryon 07:23

Jason Burton L vs.
Tim Klaus W Magic 05:25

John Fujita W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Harlem Globetrotters 06:38

Jonathan Illig W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Getaway 09:34

Karl Lind W vs.
Charles Olson L Paragon 08:01

Ken Martin W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L World Cup Soccer 13:29

Leslie Martin W vs.
Kris Fast L Beat The Clock 11:03

Round 2

Cameron Sanderson W vs.
Leslie Martin L World Cup Soccer 11:02

Charles Olson W vs.
Bill Lascher L Grand Prix 07:55

Dana Valatka L vs.
Zoe Vrabel W Nip-It 08:03

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Jonathan Illig W Embryon 07:15

JohnNils Olson L vs.
Greg Dunlap W Volley 05:48

Karl Lind W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Getaway 07:10

Ken Martin W vs.
Daniel Rone L Paragon 09:14

Kris Fast L vs.
Jason Burton W Magic 05:39

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
James Adamson L Harlem Globetrotters 06:20

Tim Klaus L vs.
David Morell W Paragon 05:05

William Kerney L vs.
John Fujita W Beat The Clock 14:29

Round 1

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Cameron Sanderson L Embryon 05:57

Daniel Rone L vs.
Bill Lascher W Beat The Clock 09:20

David Morell W vs.
Jason Burton L Harlem Globetrotters 05:43

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Zoe Vrabel L Getaway 06:20

James Adamson W vs.
Greg Dunlap L World Cup Soccer 11:09

JohnNils Olson L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Paragon 08:16

Jonathan Illig W vs.
Kris Fast L Volley 07:01

Karl Lind W vs.
Leslie Martin L Magic 05:10

Ken Martin W vs.
William Kerney L Grand Prix 09:32

Mathew Peterson W vs.
John Fujita L Nip-It 10:04

Tim Klaus W vs.
Dana Valatka L Magic 02:49

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20