Hounds Tooth Wednesday Tournament

Updated 3:41pm



Pistol Poker

Alex Singleterry

Danielle Wilcox x


Pete Schatz

Chad Adams x

Charlie's Angels

Andy Glass x

Skye Flemming

Big Buck Hunter

Chris Borgstadt x

Nathan Martin

Frank Sposaro

Big Buck Hunter

Frank Sposaro

Alex Singleterry x

Charlie's Angels

Skye Flemming x

Nathan Martin


Andy Glass x

Danielle Wilcox xx

Pistol Poker

Chris Borgstadt x

Chad Adams xx

Pete Schatz


Nathan Martin x

Pete Schatz


Frank Sposaro

Chris Borgstadt xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Alex Singleterry xx

Andy Glass x

Charlie's Angels

Chad Adams xxx

Danielle Wilcox xx

Skye Flemming x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Frank Sposaro x

Pete Schatz

Pistol Poker

Andy Glass x

Nathan Martin xx


Skye Flemming xx

Alex Singleterry xx


Chris Borgstadt xx

Danielle Wilcox xxx

Big Buck Hunter

Pete Schatz

Andy Glass xx


Frank Sposaro x

Skye Flemming xxx

Charlie's Angels

Nathan Martin xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Chris Borgstadt xx

Pistol Poker

Pete Schatz x

Frank Sposaro x


Andy Glass xx

Chris Borgstadt xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Charlie's Angels

Pete Schatz x

Frank Sposaro xx


Alex Singleterry xxx

Andy Glass xx

Charlie's Angels

Pete Schatz xx

Frank Sposaro xx

Andy Glass xx


Frank Sposaro xxx

Andy Glass xx

Pete Schatz xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Andy Glass xxx

Pete Schatz xx

Pete Schatz xx

Round 10

Andy Glass L vs.
Pete Schatz W Guardians Of The Galaxy 15:36

Round 9

Frank Sposaro L vs.
Andy Glass W Aerosmith 20:38

Round 8

Pete Schatz L vs.
Frank Sposaro W Charlie's Angels 12:20

Round 7

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Andy Glass W Ghostbusters 08:32

Pete Schatz W vs.
Frank Sposaro L Charlie's Angels 12:54

Round 6

Andy Glass W vs.
Chris Borgstadt L Ghostbusters 15:01

Pete Schatz L vs.
Frank Sposaro W Pistol Poker 13:32

Round 5

Frank Sposaro W vs.
Skye Flemming L Ghostbusters 11:14

Nathan Martin L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Charlie's Angels 14:30

Pete Schatz W vs.
Andy Glass L Big Buck Hunter 14:38

Round 4

Andy Glass W vs.
Nathan Martin L Pistol Poker 10:06

Chris Borgstadt W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Ghostbusters 11:33

Frank Sposaro L vs.
Pete Schatz W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:11

Skye Flemming L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Aerosmith 12:57

Round 3

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Andy Glass W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:12

Chad Adams L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Charlie's Angels 12:38

Frank Sposaro W vs.
Chris Borgstadt L Aerosmith 15:05

Nathan Martin L vs.
Pete Schatz W Ghostbusters 13:24

Round 2

Andy Glass W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Aerosmith 07:37

Chris Borgstadt W vs.
Chad Adams L Pistol Poker 09:45

Frank Sposaro W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Big Buck Hunter 11:02

Skye Flemming L vs.
Nathan Martin W Charlie's Angels 15:03

Round 1

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Pistol Poker 08:48

Andy Glass L vs.
Skye Flemming W Charlie's Angels 09:05

Chris Borgstadt L vs.
Nathan Martin W Big Buck Hunter 15:27

Pete Schatz W vs.
Chad Adams L Aerosmith 15:20

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20