Flip City Weekly: My Father's Place 11/12/24

Updated 1:18am

Round 10

Nick Elliott vs.
Vincent Poudrier Iron Maiden 02:53:08


Johnny Mnemonic

Nathan Stellhorn

Laura Kirby x

Attack From Mars

James Adamson x

David Krueger

Stranger Things

Nick Elliott

Nick Higgins x


Vincent Poudrier x

Kaiden Tompkins

Foo Fighters

Mike Smith PDX x

Jason Galginaitis

Iron Maiden

David Morell x

Mikkel Nielsen WA

The Walking Dead

Joe Patridge x

Rick Abruzzo


John Grey x

Dawnda Durbin

Ben Massey

Theatre of Magic

Ben Massey x

Dawnda Durbin

Iron Maiden

Jason Galginaitis

Kaiden Tompkins x


David Krueger

Mikkel Nielsen WA x


Nathan Stellhorn x

Rick Abruzzo

Johnny Mnemonic

Nick Higgins xx

Vincent Poudrier x

Foo Fighters

James Adamson x

John Grey xx

Stranger Things

Joe Patridge xx

Mike Smith PDX x


Laura Kirby xx

David Morell x

Nick Elliott

Johnny Mnemonic

Dawnda Durbin x

Nick Elliott


Jason Galginaitis x

David Krueger

The Walking Dead

Mike Smith PDX x

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Theatre of Magic

David Morell xx

James Adamson x

Stranger Things

Vincent Poudrier xx

Ben Massey x

Foo Fighters

Mikkel Nielsen WA x

Kaiden Tompkins xx


John Grey xxx

Joe Patridge xx

Attack From Mars

Laura Kirby xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Rick Abruzzo

Foo Fighters

David Krueger x

Rick Abruzzo

Theatre of Magic

Nick Elliott

Mike Smith PDX xx

The Walking Dead

Dawnda Durbin x

James Adamson xx


Ben Massey xx

Jason Galginaitis x

Attack From Mars

Kaiden Tompkins xxx

Nathan Stellhorn xx


Nick Higgins xx

David Morell xxx


Joe Patridge xxx

Vincent Poudrier xx

Mikkel Nielsen WA x


Rick Abruzzo

Nick Elliott x

Theatre of Magic

Jason Galginaitis x

Mikkel Nielsen WA xx


Dawnda Durbin xx

David Krueger x

Iron Maiden

Nick Higgins xx

Nathan Stellhorn xxx


Mike Smith PDX xxx

Vincent Poudrier xx

Johnny Mnemonic

James Adamson xx

Ben Massey xxx

Johnny Mnemonic

Rick Abruzzo x

Jason Galginaitis x

The Walking Dead

Nick Elliott x

David Krueger xx

Attack From Mars

Mikkel Nielsen WA xxx

Vincent Poudrier xx


James Adamson xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Attack From Mars

Nick Elliott x

Jason Galginaitis xx

Stranger Things

Rick Abruzzo xx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Iron Maiden

Vincent Poudrier xx

David Krueger xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Foo Fighters

Nick Elliott xx

Vincent Poudrier xx

Theatre of Magic

Rick Abruzzo xxx

Nick Higgins xx


Jason Galginaitis xxx

Dawnda Durbin xx


Nick Elliott xx

Nick Higgins xxx

The Walking Dead

Vincent Poudrier xx

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Iron Maiden

Nick Elliott xx

Vincent Poudrier xx

Round 9

Nick Elliott W vs.
Nick Higgins L Pinbot 08:15

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L The Walking Dead 10:13

Round 8

Jason Galginaitis L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Spider-Man 08:55

Nick Elliott L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Foo Fighters 22:27

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Nick Higgins W Theatre of Magic 14:23

Round 7

Nick Elliott W vs.
Jason Galginaitis L Attack From Mars 12:25

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Stranger Things 09:02

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
David Krueger L Iron Maiden 22:59

Round 6

James Adamson L vs.
Nick Higgins W Deadpool 20:38

Mikkel Nielsen WA L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Attack From Mars 16:47

Nick Elliott W vs.
David Krueger L The Walking Dead 12:16

Rick Abruzzo L vs.
Jason Galginaitis W Johnny Mnemonic 13:22

Round 5

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
David Krueger W Pinbot 12:56

James Adamson W vs.
Ben Massey L Johnny Mnemonic 16:38

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L Theatre of Magic 15:57

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Deadpool 25:36

Nick Higgins W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Iron Maiden 13:58

Rick Abruzzo W vs.
Nick Elliott L Spider-Man 13:10

Round 4

Ben Massey L vs.
Jason Galginaitis W Pinbot 08:30

David Krueger L vs.
Rick Abruzzo W Foo Fighters 12:38

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
James Adamson L The Walking Dead 11:11

Joe Patridge L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Deadpool 25:43

Kaiden Tompkins L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Attack From Mars 13:30

Nick Elliott W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Theatre of Magic 11:37

Nick Higgins W vs.
David Morell L Spider-Man 18:00

Round 3

David Morell L vs.
James Adamson W Theatre of Magic 23:40

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Nick Elliott W Johnny Mnemonic 13:28

Jason Galginaitis L vs.
David Krueger W Deadpool 17:14

John Grey L vs.
Joe Patridge W Pinbot 05:41

Laura Kirby L vs.
Nick Higgins W Attack From Mars 19:57

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L The Walking Dead 11:23

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
Kaiden Tompkins L Foo Fighters 19:21

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Ben Massey W Stranger Things 13:06

Round 2

Ben Massey L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Theatre of Magic 13:47

David Krueger W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L Spider-Man 14:34

James Adamson W vs.
John Grey L Foo Fighters 15:50

Jason Galginaitis W vs.
Kaiden Tompkins L Iron Maiden 10:41

Joe Patridge L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Stranger Things 08:30

Laura Kirby L vs.
David Morell W Deadpool 08:41

Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Rick Abruzzo W Pinbot 10:28

Nick Higgins L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Johnny Mnemonic 09:21

Round 1

David Morell L vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA W Iron Maiden 19:28

James Adamson L vs.
David Krueger W Attack From Mars 24:14

Joe Patridge L vs.
Rick Abruzzo W The Walking Dead 14:20

John Grey L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Deadpool 23:11

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Jason Galginaitis W Foo Fighters 23:15

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Laura Kirby L Johnny Mnemonic 23:46

Nick Elliott W vs.
Nick Higgins L Stranger Things 23:36

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Kaiden Tompkins W Pinbot 22:19

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20