LAPL S44 Kickoff Mixer Knockout!

Updated 5:19pm

Round 8

alex pudlin vs.
Salo Iron Man 15:23:38


medievil madness

john blanco

Sooki x


Sam Colon x

Damien M

Game Of Thrones

Joel Hanek

alex pudlin x

Roller Disco

Jim E

Max Ulaner x

Iron Man

matt harper

Heejin x

Monster Bash

Josh Kessler x

eric martinez

The Sopranos


Josh N x

Star Wars

robert h x

ashley blanco


MaKayla Odom

Stephen x


Cory Casella

Kelly M x

World Cup Soccer

Jim Cantiello

Caitlin Collier x

The Getaway

ryan anderson x

Max Straight

Creature From The Black Lagoon


Tyler x

Fish Tales

David D

Dezzi x

Roller Games

marty p

Michael J x

Estevan V

brad pettigrew x

Banzai Run

Josh Kessler xx

David D


john blanco x

marty p

Roller Games


MaKayla Odom x

The Getaway

Dezzi xx

robert h x

Star Wars

Joel Hanek x

Jim E


Josh N xx

Max Straight

Attack From Mars

alex pudlin x

Sam Colon xx

ryan anderson x

Stephen xx

Sooki xx

Tyler x

Game Of Thrones

Heejin xx

eric martinez

medievil madness

Cory Casella x

matt harper

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Kelly M xx

Damien M

Roller Disco

ashley blanco x

Estevan V

World Cup Soccer

brad pettigrew xx



Michael J xx

Jim Cantiello

Iron Man

Caitlin Collier xx

Max Ulaner x

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Joel Hanek x

Estevan V x


alex pudlin x

Max Straight x

The Sopranos

ashley blanco x

MaKayla Odom xx


eric martinez x

robert h x

Max Ulaner x

marty p x

Fish Tales

matt harper

john blanco xx

Star Wars

David D

Norbert x

Roller Games

Cory Casella x

ryan anderson xx

medievil madness

Tyler xx



Damien M x

Jim Cantiello

Jim E

The Getaway

marty p x

matt harper x


Joel Hanek x

Max Ulaner xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Cory Casella xx


medievil madness

Norbert x

Jim Cantiello x

Banzai Run

robert h xx

Damien M x


ashley blanco xx

alex pudlin x

Jim E x

Max Straight x

Attack From Mars

Estevan V x

David D x

eric martinez x


marty p x

eric martinez xx

David D xx


World Cup Soccer

Damien M xx

Max Straight x


Norbert xx

Estevan V x

The Sopranos

Joel Hanek x

matt harper xx

Banzai Run

Jim Cantiello x

Jim E xx

alex pudlin x

Monster Bash

marty p x

Jim Cantiello xx

Fish Tales

Estevan V xx

alex pudlin x

Attack From Mars

Joel Hanek x

Max Straight xx


Banzai Run

marty p xx

alex pudlin x



Joel Hanek xx

Iron Man

alex pudlin x


Round 7

marty p L vs.
alex pudlin W Banzai Run 12:57

Salo W vs.
Joel Hanek L Stars 32:35

Round 6

Estevan V L vs.
alex pudlin W Fish Tales 12:19

Joel Hanek W vs.
Max Straight L Attack From Mars 20:40

marty p W vs.
Jim Cantiello L Monster Bash 16:29

Round 5

Damien M L vs.
Max Straight W World Cup Soccer 13:26

David D L vs.
Salo W 18:40

Jim Cantiello W vs.
Jim E L Banzai Run 14:15

Joel Hanek W vs.
matt harper L The Sopranos 15:44

marty p W vs.
eric martinez L Avatar 32:59

Norbert L vs.
Estevan V W Stars 10:36

Round 4

ashley blanco L vs.
alex pudlin W Kiss 15:11

Cory Casella L vs.
Salo W Creature From The Black Lagoon 38:10

Estevan V W vs.
David D L Attack From Mars 13:24

Jim E L vs.
Max Straight W 06:53

Joel Hanek W vs.
Max Ulaner L Avatar 13:41

marty p W vs.
matt harper L The Getaway 14:05

Norbert W vs.
Jim Cantiello L medievil madness 14:26

robert h L vs.
Damien M W Banzai Run 15:11

Round 3

alex pudlin W vs.
Max Straight L Monopoly 19:39

ashley blanco W vs.
MaKayla Odom L The Sopranos 29:54

Cory Casella W vs.
ryan anderson L Roller Games 16:46

Damien M L vs.
Jim Cantiello W Avatar 18:15

David D W vs.
Norbert L Star Wars 19:40

eric martinez L vs.
robert h W Kiss 17:43

Joel Hanek W vs.
Estevan V L Creature From The Black Lagoon 17:35

matt harper W vs.
john blanco L Fish Tales 21:12

Max Ulaner W vs.
marty p L 17:39

Tyler L vs.
Salo W medievil madness 40:02

Round 2

alex pudlin W vs.
Sam Colon L Attack From Mars 17:14

ashley blanco L vs.
Estevan V W Roller Disco 23:57

brad pettigrew L vs.
Norbert W World Cup Soccer 18:59

Caitlin Collier L vs.
Max Ulaner W Iron Man 17:00

Cory Casella L vs.
matt harper W medievil madness 18:29

Dezzi L vs.
robert h W The Getaway 15:22

Heejin L vs.
eric martinez W Game Of Thrones 18:03

Joel Hanek L vs.
Jim E W Star Wars 18:44

john blanco L vs.
marty p W Stars 18:55

Josh Kessler L vs.
David D W Banzai Run 17:24

Josh N L vs.
Max Straight W Kiss 23:47

Kelly M L vs.
Damien M W Creature From The Black Lagoon 11:46

Michael J L vs.
Jim Cantiello W Monopoly 14:20

ryan anderson W vs.
Stephen L 30:54

Salo W vs.
MaKayla Odom L Roller Games 16:57

Sooki L vs.
Tyler W 32:50

Round 1

Cory Casella W vs.
Kelly M L Kiss 27:48

David D W vs.
Dezzi L Fish Tales 11:27

Estevan V W vs.
brad pettigrew L 21:35

Jim Cantiello W vs.
Caitlin Collier L World Cup Soccer 23:51

Jim E W vs.
Max Ulaner L Roller Disco 21:13

Joel Hanek W vs.
alex pudlin L Game Of Thrones 18:28

john blanco W vs.
Sooki L medievil madness 34:42

Josh Kessler L vs.
eric martinez W Monster Bash 13:14

MaKayla Odom W vs.
Stephen L Avatar 26:30

marty p W vs.
Michael J L Roller Games 26:08

matt harper W vs.
Heejin L Iron Man 19:00

Norbert W vs.
Tyler L Creature From The Black Lagoon 27:44

robert h L vs.
ashley blanco W Star Wars 23:44

ryan anderson L vs.
Max Straight W The Getaway 14:00

Salo W vs.
Josh N L The Sopranos 23:42

Sam Colon L vs.
Damien M W Stars 21:41

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20