TCL Titans U9 Kids Tourney

Updated 5:00pm



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Jace W
Owen H
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Dane R
Tristan B
Sutton S
7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke
Carter M
Sam M
Jake B
Dylon C
8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage
Caden S
Hudson S
Jace W
7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke
Dane R
Tristan B
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Sutton S
Sam M
8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage
Jake B
Dylon C
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Hudson S
Dane R
10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance
Tristan B
Jake B
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Dylon C
Dane R
10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance
Dylon C
Dylon C
3 - Brad Cunningham Real Estate / WFG Title Kristi Cuuningham
Tristan B
Dylon C
Owen H
Carter M
Caden S
Owen H
8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage
Hudson S
Carter M
7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke
Sam M
Sutton S
Caden S
10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance
Jace W
Hudson S
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Carter M
Sutton S
8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage
Caden S
Hudson S
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Tristan B
Caden S
8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage
Jake B
Tristan B
6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight
Caden S
Tristan B
3 - Brad Cunningham Real Estate / WFG Title Kristi Cuuningham
Dane R
Tristan B


  Dylon C


  Tristan B


  Dane R


  Caden S


  Hudson S

  Jake B


  Carter M

  Sutton S


  Owen H

  Sam M

  Jace W


Dylon C W vs.
Tristan B L 3 - Brad Cunningham Real Estate / WFG Title Kristi Cuuningham 05:42

Elimination Final

Tristan B W vs.
Dane R L 3 - Brad Cunningham Real Estate / WFG Title Kristi Cuuningham 07:51

Elimination Semi-final

Tristan B W vs.
Caden S L 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 07:15

Winners Final

Dane R L vs.
Dylon C W 10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance 04:07

Elimination 4

Caden S W vs.
Jake B L 8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage 05:02

Hudson S L vs.
Tristan B W 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 05:56

Elimination 3

Hudson S W vs.
Carter M L 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 05:36

Sutton S L vs.
Caden S W 8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage 06:01

Winners Semi-finals

Dane R W vs.
Tristan B L 10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance 05:45

Jake B L vs.
Dylon C W 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 03:31

Elimination 2

Caden S W vs.
Jace W L 10 - Signs Plus / Josh House Insurance 05:53

Carter M W vs.
Sam M L 7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke 08:30

Owen H L vs.
Hudson S W 8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage 07:37

Winners 1

Dylon C W vs.
Hudson S L 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 04:11

Jace W L vs.
Dane R W 7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke 07:55

Sam M L vs.
Jake B W 8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage 09:06

Tristan B W vs.
Sutton S L 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 09:01

Round 1

Dylon C W vs.
Caden S L 8 - All State Tom Scott / Mid America Mortgage 05:01

Owen H L vs.
Dane R W 6 - Sandcastle Pools / NSight 07:53

Sutton S W vs.
Carter M L 7 - Southwest Greens Golf Grass / Chick Fila Roanoke 08:32

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20