
Updated 10:24am



Harley Davidson

Ben Ragsdale

Doug Maisells x

South Park

Aaron Weil x

Sean Stasica

Star Wars

Brian Collins

Matt Gorman x


David Weil x

Nathan Haas

Walking Dead

Matt Gorman x

Nathan Haas x

Player's Choice

Sean Stasica x

Ben Ragsdale

Star Wars

David Weil x

Aaron Weil xx


Doug Maisells x

Brian Collins x


David Weil xx

Ben Ragsdale

Player's Choice

Aaron Weil xx

Doug Maisells xx

Other Player's Choice

Sean Stasica xx

Matt Gorman x

Simpsons Pinball Party

Nathan Haas xx

Brian Collins x


Ben Ragsdale x

Matt Gorman x

Harley Davidson

Nathan Haas xxx

Aaron Weil xx

South Park

David Weil xx

Brian Collins xx

Walking Dead

Doug Maisells xx

Sean Stasica xxx

Simpsons Pinball Party

Aaron Weil xx

Matt Gorman xx

Wizard Of Oz

Doug Maisells xxx

David Weil xx

Walking Dead

Brian Collins xxx

Ben Ragsdale x

Other Player's Choice

Ben Ragsdale xx

Aaron Weil xx

Harley Davidson

David Weil xx

Matt Gorman xxx

Simpsons Pinball Party

David Weil xx

Ben Ragsdale xxx

Aaron Weil xx

Walking Dead

David Weil xx

Aaron Weil xxx

David Weil xx

Round 8

David Weil W vs.
Aaron Weil L Walking Dead 08:30

Round 7

David Weil W vs.
Ben Ragsdale L Simpsons Pinball Party 13:30

Round 6

Ben Ragsdale L vs.
Aaron Weil W Other Player's Choice 21:39

David Weil W vs.
Matt Gorman L Harley Davidson 18:46

Round 5

Aaron Weil W vs.
Matt Gorman L Simpsons Pinball Party 07:55

Brian Collins L vs.
Ben Ragsdale W Walking Dead 12:20

Doug Maisells L vs.
David Weil W Wizard Of Oz 07:03

Round 4

Ben Ragsdale L vs.
Matt Gorman W Xmen 06:42

David Weil W vs.
Brian Collins L South Park 11:18

Doug Maisells W vs.
Sean Stasica L Walking Dead 09:11

Nathan Haas L vs.
Aaron Weil W Harley Davidson 11:16

Round 3

Aaron Weil W vs.
Doug Maisells L Player's Choice 18:55

David Weil L vs.
Ben Ragsdale W Ghostbusters 07:16

Nathan Haas L vs.
Brian Collins W Simpsons Pinball Party 18:43

Sean Stasica L vs.
Matt Gorman W Other Player's Choice 18:46

Round 2

David Weil W vs.
Aaron Weil L Star Wars 10:54

Doug Maisells W vs.
Brian Collins L Ghostbusters 07:49

Matt Gorman W vs.
Nathan Haas L Walking Dead 09:21

Sean Stasica L vs.
Ben Ragsdale W Player's Choice 13:53

Round 1

Aaron Weil L vs.
Sean Stasica W South Park 09:32

Ben Ragsdale W vs.
Doug Maisells L Harley Davidson 10:56

Brian Collins W vs.
Matt Gorman L Star Wars 07:49

David Weil L vs.
Nathan Haas W Xmen 09:57

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20