AARP Tournament- Claire's Birthday

Updated 4:25am

Round 12

Mitch Anderson vs.
Gordon Ornelas Fish Tails 06:09:42


Bad Cats

Simon Stocker x

Karl Lind


Rod Olsen

Lucy Smith x


William Scott Gordon x

John Robinson WA

Mitch Anderson x

Julie Gray

Nitro Ground Shaker

Brad Hayden x

Patrick Carlson

Indy 500

Michael Adcock x

Tony B

Guns N Roses

Aaron Bendickson

Heather Willott x


Jon Jacob x

Matt Hamlin

Fun House

John Lim

Cathy Cartoon x

Evel Kinevel

Sherry Smith x

Gordon Ornelas


Alan Wiley

Claire Sutcliffe x

The Sopranos

Shannon Hutchins x

Matt Lauro

The Addams Family

Michael Spinetta x

Geoff Simons

Fun House

Kirk Jong

Brian Headly x


Timm x

Brad D

Surf Champ

Steven Ackley x

Chris Bronson


Mark Williams

Isaac Harney x

Attack From Mars

Ryan Newstrum x

David Rauschenberg

Eight Ball Deluxe

Jason Hatch

Deb Raftus x


Jackie O'Malley

Brieana White x

Greg Gunther


Chris Bronson x

Greg Gunther

Indy 500

Matt Hamlin x

Julie Gray


Brad D

David Rauschenberg x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Karl Lind x

Aaron Bendickson

Nitro Ground Shaker

Alan Wiley

Mark Williams x

Matt Lauro

Jackie O'Malley x

Fun House

John Robinson WA x

Geoff Simons

Evel Kinevel

Jason Hatch

Kirk Jong x


Patrick Carlson x

John Lim

The Addams Family

Tony B

Rod Olsen x


Simon Stocker x

Timm xx


Cathy Cartoon xx

Lucy Smith x

The Sopranos

William Scott Gordon xx

Brian Headly x

Guns N Roses

Michael Spinetta xx

Isaac Harney x

Attack From Mars

Mitch Anderson x

Sherry Smith xx


Brieana White x

Michael Adcock xx

Who Dunnit

Deb Raftus x

Ryan Newstrum xx

Surf Champ

Brad Hayden xx

Heather Willott x

Bad Cats

Claire Sutcliffe x

Steven Ackley xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Jon Jacob x

Shannon Hutchins xx

Gordon Ornelas

Surf Champ

Julie Gray x

Gordon Ornelas


Tony B x

Greg Gunther

The Addams Family

John Lim x

Aaron Bendickson

Indy 500

Matt Lauro x

Brad D

Nitro Ground Shaker

Jason Hatch

Geoff Simons x


Jon Jacob xx

Karl Lind x


Jackie O'Malley x

David Rauschenberg xx

Fun House

Heather Willott x

Matt Hamlin xx

Fish Tails

Chris Bronson xx

John Robinson WA x


Brian Headly x

Claire Sutcliffe xx

Guns N Roses

Brieana White xx

Deb Raftus x

Evel Kinevel

Simon Stocker x

Isaac Harney xx


Patrick Carlson x

Lucy Smith xx

Rod Olsen xx

Mark Williams x

Surf Champ

Kirk Jong xx

Mitch Anderson x

Fun House

Steven Ackley xx

Michael Adcock xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Ryan Newstrum xx

William Scott Gordon xxx

The Sopranos

Timm xx

Sherry Smith xxx

Bad Cats

Brad Hayden xxx

Shannon Hutchins xx

Attack From Mars

Cathy Cartoon xx

Michael Spinetta xxx

Alan Wiley

Jason Hatch

Greg Gunther x

Indy 500

Aaron Bendickson

Gordon Ornelas x

Fish Tails

Brad D x

Alan Wiley


Patrick Carlson xx

Tony B x


John Lim x

Julie Gray xx

Evel Kinevel

Heather Willott x

Matt Lauro xx

Bad Cats

Mitch Anderson x

Deb Raftus xx

Guns N Roses

Simon Stocker xx

Mark Williams x


Brian Headly xx

John Robinson WA x

Attack From Mars

Geoff Simons x

Jackie O'Malley xx

The Addams Family

Karl Lind x

Cathy Cartoon xxx


Chris Bronson xx

Jon Jacob xxx

Surf Champ

Shannon Hutchins xx

Claire Sutcliffe xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Lucy Smith xx

David Rauschenberg xxx

The Sopranos

Steven Ackley xx

Matt Hamlin xxx


Brieana White xxx

Kirk Jong xx

Fun House

Timm xx

Isaac Harney xxx


Rod Olsen xxx

Ryan Newstrum xx

Indy 500

Alan Wiley x

Jason Hatch


Aaron Bendickson

Brad D xx

Surf Champ

Greg Gunther x

John Lim xx


Gordon Ornelas x

Tony B xx


Mitch Anderson x

Heather Willott xx


Mark Williams x

John Robinson WA xx


Karl Lind x

Geoff Simons xx

Attack From Mars

Julie Gray xx

Lucy Smith xxx

Evel Kinevel

Timm xx

Shannon Hutchins xxx

Guns N Roses

Jackie O'Malley xxx

Chris Bronson xx

The Addams Family

Patrick Carlson xx

Kirk Jong xxx

The Sopranos

Simon Stocker xx

Ryan Newstrum xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Brian Headly xxx

Matt Lauro xx


Deb Raftus xxx

Steven Ackley xx

Fish Tails

Jason Hatch x

Aaron Bendickson

Evel Kinevel

Alan Wiley x

Karl Lind xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Greg Gunther xx

Gordon Ornelas x

Fun House

Mitch Anderson x

Mark Williams xx

Who Dunnit

Simon Stocker xx

Chris Bronson xxx


Julie Gray xx

Steven Ackley xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Heather Willott xx

Brad D xxx

Bad Cats

John Robinson WA xx

John Lim xxx


Patrick Carlson xxx

Matt Lauro xx

Indy 500

Timm xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Tony B xx


Aaron Bendickson x

Mitch Anderson x


Alan Wiley xx

Gordon Ornelas x

Surf Champ

Jason Hatch xx

Simon Stocker xx


Heather Willott xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Fish Tails

Karl Lind xx

Tony B xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Greg Gunther xx

John Robinson WA xxx

Bad Cats

Matt Lauro xxx

Julie Gray xx

Mark Williams xx

The Sopranos

Gordon Ornelas xx

Mitch Anderson x

Who Dunnit

Aaron Bendickson xx

Julie Gray xx


Mark Williams xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Fun House

Alan Wiley xxx

Simon Stocker xx

Attack From Mars

Greg Gunther xxx

Karl Lind xx

Jason Hatch xx

Guns N Roses

Mitch Anderson x

Geoff Simons xxx


Gordon Ornelas xx

Jason Hatch xxx

The Sopranos

Karl Lind xx

Julie Gray xxx

Attack From Mars

Aaron Bendickson xxx

Simon Stocker xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Mitch Anderson xx

Simon Stocker xx


Gordon Ornelas xx

Karl Lind xxx


Gordon Ornelas xx

Simon Stocker xxx

Mitch Anderson xx

Fish Tails

Mitch Anderson xx

Gordon Ornelas xx

Round 11

Gordon Ornelas W vs.
Simon Stocker L Taxi 19:11

Round 10

Gordon Ornelas W vs.
Karl Lind L Earthshaker 13:04

Mitch Anderson L vs.
Simon Stocker W Eight Ball Deluxe 18:10

Round 9

Aaron Bendickson L vs.
Simon Stocker W Attack From Mars 20:13

Gordon Ornelas W vs.
Jason Hatch L Radical 21:13

Karl Lind W vs.
Julie Gray L The Sopranos 21:08

Mitch Anderson W vs.
Geoff Simons L Guns N Roses 24:24

Round 8

Aaron Bendickson L vs.
Julie Gray W Who Dunnit 24:03

Alan Wiley L vs.
Simon Stocker W Fun House 17:46

Gordon Ornelas L vs.
Mitch Anderson W The Sopranos 19:01

Greg Gunther L vs.
Karl Lind W Attack From Mars 18:50

Mark Williams L vs.
Geoff Simons W Earthshaker 02:50

Round 7

Aaron Bendickson L vs.
Mitch Anderson W Taxi 15:41

Alan Wiley L vs.
Gordon Ornelas W Stars 16:58

Greg Gunther W vs.
John Robinson WA L Nitro Ground Shaker 15:05

Heather Willott L vs.
Geoff Simons W Popeye 16:07

Jason Hatch L vs.
Simon Stocker W Surf Champ 24:59

Karl Lind W vs.
Tony B L Fish Tails 10:42

Matt Lauro L vs.
Julie Gray W Bad Cats 14:58

Round 6

Alan Wiley W vs.
Karl Lind L Evel Kinevel 12:21

Greg Gunther L vs.
Gordon Ornelas W Eight Ball Deluxe 09:06

Heather Willott W vs.
Brad D L Nitro Ground Shaker 13:37

Jason Hatch L vs.
Aaron Bendickson W Fish Tails 11:36

John Robinson WA W vs.
John Lim L Bad Cats 19:43

Julie Gray W vs.
Steven Ackley L Radical 16:06

Mitch Anderson W vs.
Mark Williams L Fun House 17:46

Patrick Carlson L vs.
Matt Lauro W Taxi 13:27

Simon Stocker W vs.
Chris Bronson L Who Dunnit 24:17

Timm L vs.
Geoff Simons W Indy 500 12:15

Round 5

Aaron Bendickson W vs.
Brad D L Stars 10:26

Alan Wiley L vs.
Jason Hatch W Indy 500 17:54

Brian Headly L vs.
Matt Lauro W Nitro Ground Shaker 28:06

Deb Raftus L vs.
Steven Ackley W Earthshaker 18:48

Gordon Ornelas W vs.
Tony B L Popeye 20:41

Greg Gunther W vs.
John Lim L Surf Champ 12:09

Jackie O'Malley L vs.
Chris Bronson W Guns N Roses 14:57

Julie Gray W vs.
Lucy Smith L Attack From Mars 11:55

Karl Lind W vs.
Geoff Simons L Taxi 27:32

Mark Williams W vs.
John Robinson WA L Radical 11:27

Mitch Anderson W vs.
Heather Willott L Stars 22:10

Patrick Carlson W vs.
Kirk Jong L The Addams Family 24:25

Simon Stocker W vs.
Ryan Newstrum L The Sopranos 29:19

Timm W vs.
Shannon Hutchins L Evel Kinevel 14:28

Round 4

Aaron Bendickson W vs.
Gordon Ornelas L Indy 500 17:14

Brad D L vs.
Alan Wiley W Fish Tails 19:26

Brian Headly L vs.
John Robinson WA W Popeye 22:38

Brieana White L vs.
Kirk Jong W Radical 18:31

Chris Bronson W vs.
Jon Jacob L Earthshaker 16:18

Geoff Simons W vs.
Jackie O'Malley L Attack From Mars 14:43

Heather Willott W vs.
Matt Lauro L Evel Kinevel 21:48

Jason Hatch W vs.
Greg Gunther L 18:08

John Lim W vs.
Julie Gray L Stars 23:15

Karl Lind W vs.
Cathy Cartoon L The Addams Family 28:46

Lucy Smith W vs.
David Rauschenberg L Eight Ball Deluxe 19:34

Mitch Anderson W vs.
Deb Raftus L Bad Cats 13:08

Patrick Carlson L vs.
Tony B W Stars 13:25

Rod Olsen L vs.
Ryan Newstrum W Taxi 24:56

Shannon Hutchins W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L Surf Champ 13:42

Simon Stocker L vs.
Mark Williams W Guns N Roses 28:12

Steven Ackley W vs.
Matt Hamlin L The Sopranos 24:26

Timm W vs.
Isaac Harney L Fun House 08:36

Round 3

Brad Hayden L vs.
Shannon Hutchins W Bad Cats 21:45

Brian Headly W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L Earthshaker 21:34

Brieana White L vs.
Deb Raftus W Guns N Roses 21:59

Cathy Cartoon W vs.
Michael Spinetta L Attack From Mars 22:37

Chris Bronson L vs.
John Robinson WA W Fish Tails 23:09

Heather Willott W vs.
Matt Hamlin L Fun House 13:16

Jackie O'Malley W vs.
David Rauschenberg L Stars 14:12

Jason Hatch W vs.
Geoff Simons L Nitro Ground Shaker 22:46

John Lim L vs.
Aaron Bendickson W The Addams Family 18:39

Jon Jacob L vs.
Karl Lind W Popeye 27:30

Julie Gray L vs.
Gordon Ornelas W Surf Champ 09:36

Kirk Jong L vs.
Mitch Anderson W Surf Champ 12:38

Matt Lauro L vs.
Brad D W Indy 500 14:06

Patrick Carlson W vs.
Lucy Smith L Radical 18:45

Rod Olsen L vs.
Mark Williams W 17:31

Ryan Newstrum W vs.
William Scott Gordon L Eight Ball Deluxe 22:03

Simon Stocker W vs.
Isaac Harney L Evel Kinevel 15:48

Steven Ackley W vs.
Michael Adcock L Fun House 34:15

Timm W vs.
Sherry Smith L The Sopranos 17:08

Tony B L vs.
Greg Gunther W Taxi 25:04

Round 2

Alan Wiley W vs.
Mark Williams L Nitro Ground Shaker 09:26

Brad D W vs.
David Rauschenberg L Taxi 26:10

Brad Hayden L vs.
Heather Willott W Surf Champ 11:35

Brieana White W vs.
Michael Adcock L Stars 13:45

Cathy Cartoon L vs.
Lucy Smith W Popeye 22:07

Chris Bronson L vs.
Greg Gunther W Radical 10:18

Claire Sutcliffe W vs.
Steven Ackley L Bad Cats 12:37

Deb Raftus W vs.
Ryan Newstrum L Who Dunnit 21:27

Jason Hatch W vs.
Kirk Jong L Evel Kinevel 14:05

John Robinson WA L vs.
Geoff Simons W Fun House 21:38

Jon Jacob W vs.
Shannon Hutchins L Eight Ball Deluxe 10:15

Karl Lind L vs.
Aaron Bendickson W Nitro Ground Shaker 10:10

Matt Hamlin L vs.
Julie Gray W Indy 500 17:12

Matt Lauro W vs.
Jackie O'Malley L 15:27

Michael Spinetta L vs.
Isaac Harney W Guns N Roses 14:14

Mitch Anderson W vs.
Sherry Smith L Attack From Mars 18:50

Patrick Carlson L vs.
John Lim W Popeye 09:10

Simon Stocker W vs.
Timm L Earthshaker 22:23

Tony B W vs.
Rod Olsen L The Addams Family 21:18

William Scott Gordon L vs.
Brian Headly W The Sopranos 29:47

Round 1

Aaron Bendickson W vs.
Heather Willott L Guns N Roses 11:04

Alan Wiley W vs.
Claire Sutcliffe L Radical 15:38

Brad Hayden L vs.
Patrick Carlson W Nitro Ground Shaker 16:39

Jackie O'Malley W vs.
Brieana White L Earthshaker 15:46

Jason Hatch W vs.
Deb Raftus L Eight Ball Deluxe 14:12

John Lim W vs.
Cathy Cartoon L Fun House 29:15

Jon Jacob L vs.
Matt Hamlin W Taxi 10:32

Kirk Jong W vs.
Brian Headly L Fun House 11:29

Mark Williams W vs.
Isaac Harney L Popeye 14:28

Michael Adcock L vs.
Tony B W Indy 500 14:19

Michael Spinetta L vs.
Geoff Simons W The Addams Family 13:07

Mitch Anderson L vs.
Julie Gray W 34:25

Rod Olsen W vs.
Lucy Smith L Stars 17:52

Ryan Newstrum L vs.
David Rauschenberg W Attack From Mars 10:49

Shannon Hutchins L vs.
Matt Lauro W The Sopranos 19:59

Sherry Smith L vs.
Gordon Ornelas W Evel Kinevel 19:16

Simon Stocker L vs.
Karl Lind W Bad Cats 12:20

Steven Ackley L vs.
Chris Bronson W Surf Champ 18:47

Timm L vs.
Brad D W Popeye 08:32

William Scott Gordon L vs.
John Robinson WA W Taxi 27:34

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20