Hot Shots 9 Ball Singles 10/26

Updated 1:21am



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6 Frankie Swilley
8 Dedric
6 Brett Onley
5 Lindsey
6 Dwayne Boyd
5 Kenny M
5 Doyle Monk
8 Lil John
6 Ryan Jones
5 Jon Rogers
9 Dwight Anderson
4 Luke
7 Bingo
6 Ethan Richardson
5Josh Walker
7 Guy Ward
5 George Lewis
5 Richie Darby
7 Dorian Crawford
5 Jc Devine
5 James Hosey
5 Jamie Dunaway
5 Slim Greer
David Jordan 4
5 Jacob Felton
6 Austin P
6 Frankie Swilley
6 Brett Onley
5 Lindsey
5 Kenny M
8 Lil John
5 Jon Rogers
9 Dwight Anderson
7 Bingo
6 Ethan Richardson
5Josh Walker
5 George Lewis
7 Dorian Crawford
5 James Hosey
5 Slim Greer
5 Jacob Felton
6 Austin P
6 Frankie Swilley
5 Lindsey
8 Lil John
9 Dwight Anderson
5Josh Walker
7 Dorian Crawford
5 James Hosey
6 Austin P
5 Lindsey
8 Lil John
7 Dorian Crawford
6 Austin P
5 Lindsey
6 Austin P
5 Lindsey
6 Austin P
5 Lindsey
8 Dedric
6 Dwayne Boyd
5 Doyle Monk
6 Ryan Jones
4 Luke
7 Guy Ward
5 Richie Darby
5 Jc Devine
5 Jamie Dunaway
David Jordan 4
8 Dedric
5 Jacob Felton
6 Dwayne Boyd
5 Slim Greer
6 Ryan Jones
5 George Lewis
4 Luke
6 Ethan Richardson
7 Guy Ward
7 Bingo
5 Richie Darby
5 Jon Rogers
5 Jamie Dunaway
5 Kenny M
David Jordan 4
6 Brett Onley
8 Dedric
6 Dwayne Boyd
5 George Lewis
4 Luke
7 Guy Ward
5 Jon Rogers
5 Jamie Dunaway
6 Brett Onley
8 Dedric
9 Dwight Anderson
5 George Lewis
6 Frankie Swilley
5 Jon Rogers
5 James Hosey
6 Brett Onley
5Josh Walker
9 Dwight Anderson
6 Frankie Swilley
5 James Hosey
5Josh Walker
6 Frankie Swilley
7 Dorian Crawford
5 James Hosey
8 Lil John
6 Frankie Swilley
5 James Hosey
6 Frankie Swilley
6 Austin P
6 Austin P


  5 Lindsey


  6 Austin P


  6 Frankie Swilley


  5 James Hosey


  7 Dorian Crawford

  8 Lil John


  9 Dwight Anderson

  5Josh Walker


  8 Dedric

  5 George Lewis

  5 Jon Rogers

  6 Brett Onley


  6 Dwayne Boyd

  4 Luke

  7 Guy Ward

  5 Jamie Dunaway


  5 Jacob Felton

  5 Slim Greer

  6 Ryan Jones

  6 Ethan Richardson

  7 Bingo

  5 Richie Darby

  5 Kenny M

  David Jordan 4


  5 Doyle Monk

  5 Jc Devine


5 Lindsey W vs.
6 Austin P L 13:39:04

Elimination Final

6 Frankie Swilley L vs.
6 Austin P W 31:42

Elimination Semi-final

6 Frankie Swilley W vs.
5 James Hosey L 01:05:49

Winners Final

5 Lindsey W vs.
6 Austin P L 00:06

Elimination 6

5 James Hosey W vs.
8 Lil John L 32:57

6 Frankie Swilley W vs.
7 Dorian Crawford L 35:10

Elimination 5

5 James Hosey W vs.
5Josh Walker L 00:03

9 Dwight Anderson L vs.
6 Frankie Swilley W 01:02:48

Winners Semi-finals

5 Lindsey W vs.
8 Lil John L 35:48

7 Dorian Crawford L vs.
6 Austin P W 39:02

Elimination 4

5 George Lewis L vs.
6 Frankie Swilley W 28:30

5 Jon Rogers L vs.
5 James Hosey W 36:14

6 Brett Onley L vs.
5Josh Walker W 27:20

8 Dedric L vs.
9 Dwight Anderson W 44:55

Elimination 3

5 George Lewis W vs.
4 Luke L 30:41

5 Jamie Dunaway L vs.
6 Brett Onley W 28:56

7 Guy Ward L vs.
5 Jon Rogers W 41:39

8 Dedric W vs.
6 Dwayne Boyd L 42:53

Winners 2

5 James Hosey L vs.
6 Austin P W 44:28

5Josh Walker L vs.
7 Dorian Crawford W 05:59

6 Frankie Swilley L vs.
5 Lindsey W 20:51

8 Lil John W vs.
9 Dwight Anderson L 01:00:54

Elimination 2

4 Luke W vs.
6 Ethan Richardson L 33:00

5 Jamie Dunaway W vs.
5 Kenny M L 39:32

5 Richie Darby L vs.
5 Jon Rogers W 25:12

6 Dwayne Boyd W vs.
5 Slim Greer L 36:33

6 Ryan Jones L vs.
5 George Lewis W 43:50

7 Guy Ward W vs.
7 Bingo L 37:55

8 Dedric W vs.
5 Jacob Felton L 49:54

David Jordan 4 L vs.
6 Brett Onley W 32:45

Elimination 1

5 Jc Devine L vs.
5 Jamie Dunaway W 30:52

6 Dwayne Boyd W vs.
5 Doyle Monk L 49:04

Winners 1

5 George Lewis L vs.
7 Dorian Crawford W 38:01

5 Jacob Felton L vs.
6 Austin P W 47:12

5 James Hosey W vs.
5 Slim Greer L 24:52

5 Lindsey W vs.
5 Kenny M L 42:21

6 Ethan Richardson L vs.
5Josh Walker W 34:51

6 Frankie Swilley W vs.
6 Brett Onley L 25:00

8 Lil John W vs.
5 Jon Rogers L 47:08

9 Dwight Anderson W vs.
7 Bingo L 58:47

Round 1

5 George Lewis W vs.
5 Richie Darby L 38:10

5 Jamie Dunaway L vs.
5 Slim Greer W 41:40

5 Jc Devine L vs.
5 James Hosey W 27:49

5 Kenny M W vs.
5 Doyle Monk L 59:55

5 Lindsey W vs.
6 Dwayne Boyd L 55:50

5Josh Walker W vs.
7 Guy Ward L 35:33

6 Ryan Jones L vs.
5 Jon Rogers W 43:12

8 Dedric L vs.
6 Brett Onley W 49:51

9 Dwight Anderson W vs.
4 Luke L 59:26

David Jordan 4 L vs.
5 Jacob Felton W 23:49

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20