SportsZone Winter Cornhole League Wildcard Week

Updated 5:19pm



Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
(bye) (64)
Baggers (33)
D Baggers (32)
Dirty Bags (17)
(bye) (48)
(bye) (49)
Bags Deep (16)
Spinners (9)
(bye) (56)
(bye) (41)
Bags Of Fury (24)
Dopplegangers (25)
(bye) (40)
(bye) (57)
Funbaggers (8)
Palm My Bag (5)
(bye) (60)
Bruins (37)
Put It In The Hole (28)
Dirty Crackers (21)
(bye) (44)
(bye) (53)
Game Of Throws (12)
Granite Men (13)
(bye) (52)
(bye) (45)
Threes Company (20)
Bag Busters (29)
Team North Side (36)
(bye) (61)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
(bye) (62)
Dont Worry About It (35)
Bagzinga (30)
KMT (19)
(bye) (46)
(bye) (51)
Jason/Ryan (14)
Dilly Dilly (11)
(bye) (54)
(bye) (43)
Sad Baggers (22)
Old Baggers (27)
Corn Dawgs (38)
(bye) (59)
Pop And Son (6)
Cornstars (7)
(bye) (58)
Team Merry Macs II (39)
Holefillers (26)
The Muppets (23)
(bye) (42)
(bye) (55)
Why Not? (10)
Bag Ticklers (15)
(bye) (50)
(bye) (47)
F-bomb Throwers (18)
Compadres In The Hole (31)
Fleabags (34)
(bye) (63)
Road Warriors (2)
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
Baggers (33)
Dirty Bags (17)
Bags Deep (16)
Spinners (9)
Bags Of Fury (24)
Dopplegangers (25)
Funbaggers (8)
Palm My Bag (5)
Put It In The Hole (28)
Dirty Crackers (21)
Game Of Throws (12)
Granite Men (13)
Threes Company (20)
Team North Side (36)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
Dont Worry About It (35)
KMT (19)
Jason/Ryan (14)
Dilly Dilly (11)
Sad Baggers (22)
Old Baggers (27)
Pop And Son (6)
Cornstars (7)
Holefillers (26)
The Muppets (23)
Why Not? (10)
Bag Ticklers (15)
F-bomb Throwers (18)
Compadres In The Hole (31)
Road Warriors (2)
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
Bags Deep (16)
Spinners (9)
Dopplegangers (25)
Palm My Bag (5)
Game Of Throws (12)
Threes Company (20)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
KMT (19)
Dilly Dilly (11)
Pop And Son (6)
Cornstars (7)
The Muppets (23)
F-bomb Throwers (18)
Road Warriors (2)
Bags Deep (16)
Spinners (9)
Palm My Bag (5)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
Pop And Son (6)
The Muppets (23)
Road Warriors (2)
Bags Deep (16)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Pop And Son (6)
Road Warriors (2)
Bags Deep (16)
Pop And Son (6)
Bags Deep (16)
Game Of Throws (12)
Bags Deep (16)
(bye) (64)
D Baggers (32)
(bye) (48)
(bye) (49)
(bye) (56)
(bye) (41)
(bye) (40)
(bye) (57)
(bye) (60)
Bruins (37)
(bye) (44)
(bye) (53)
(bye) (52)
(bye) (45)
Bag Busters (29)
(bye) (61)
(bye) (62)
Bagzinga (30)
(bye) (46)
(bye) (51)
(bye) (54)
(bye) (43)
Corn Dawgs (38)
(bye) (59)
(bye) (58)
Team Merry Macs II (39)
(bye) (42)
(bye) (55)
(bye) (50)
(bye) (47)
Fleabags (34)
(bye) (63)
D Baggers (32)
Compadres In The Hole (31)
(bye) (49)
Bag Ticklers (15)
(bye) (41)
Why Not? (10)
(bye) (57)
Holefillers (26)
Bruins (37)
Old Baggers (27)
(bye) (53)
Sad Baggers (22)
(bye) (45)
Jason/Ryan (14)
Bag Busters (29)
Dont Worry About It (35)
Bagzinga (30)
Team North Side (36)
(bye) (51)
Granite Men (13)
(bye) (43)
Dirty Crackers (21)
Corn Dawgs (38)
Put It In The Hole (28)
Team Merry Macs II (39)
Funbaggers (8)
(bye) (55)
Bags Of Fury (24)
(bye) (47)
Dirty Bags (17)
Fleabags (34)
Baggers (33)
Compadres In The Hole (31)
Bag Ticklers (15)
Why Not? (10)
Holefillers (26)
Old Baggers (27)
Sad Baggers (22)
Jason/Ryan (14)
Dont Worry About It (35)
Team North Side (36)
Granite Men (13)
Dirty Crackers (21)
Put It In The Hole (28)
Funbaggers (8)
Bags Of Fury (24)
Dirty Bags (17)
Baggers (33)
Bag Ticklers (15)
Threes Company (20)
Why Not? (10)
Game Of Throws (12)
Old Baggers (27)
Dopplegangers (25)
Jason/Ryan (14)
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
Team North Side (36)
F-bomb Throwers (18)
Dirty Crackers (21)
Cornstars (7)
Funbaggers (8)
Dilly Dilly (11)
Dirty Bags (17)
KMT (19)
Threes Company (20)
Game Of Throws (12)
Old Baggers (27)
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
F-bomb Throwers (18)
Cornstars (7)
Funbaggers (8)
Dirty Bags (17)
Game Of Throws (12)
The Muppets (23)
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
Cornstars (7)
Palm My Bag (5)
Dirty Bags (17)
Spinners (9)
Game Of Throws (12)
Sons Of Pitches (3)
Palm My Bag (5)
Dirty Bags (17)
Game Of Throws (12)
Drop It Like Its Hot (4)
Dirty Bags (17)
Road Warriors (2)
Game Of Throws (12)
Road Warriors (2)
Game Of Throws (12)
Pop And Son (6)
Game Of Throws (12)


  Bags Deep (16)


  Game Of Throws (12)


  Pop And Son (6)


  Road Warriors (2)


  Drop It Like Its Hot (4)

  Dirty Bags (17)


  Sons Of Pitches (3)

  Palm My Bag (5)


  The Muppets (23)

  Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1)

  Cornstars (7)

  Spinners (9)


  Threes Company (20)

  Old Baggers (27)

  F-bomb Throwers (18)

  Funbaggers (8)


  Bag Ticklers (15)

  Why Not? (10)

  Dopplegangers (25)

  Jason/Ryan (14)

  Team North Side (36)

  Dirty Crackers (21)

  Dilly Dilly (11)

  KMT (19)


  Compadres In The Hole (31)

  Holefillers (26)

  Sad Baggers (22)

  Dont Worry About It (35)

  Granite Men (13)

  Put It In The Hole (28)

  Bags Of Fury (24)

  Baggers (33)


  D Baggers (32)

  (bye) (49)

  (bye) (41)

  (bye) (57)

  Bruins (37)

  (bye) (53)

  (bye) (45)

  Bag Busters (29)

  Bagzinga (30)

  (bye) (51)

  (bye) (43)

  Corn Dawgs (38)

  Team Merry Macs II (39)

  (bye) (55)

  (bye) (47)

  Fleabags (34)


  (bye) (64)

  (bye) (48)

  (bye) (56)

  (bye) (40)

  (bye) (60)

  (bye) (44)

  (bye) (52)

  (bye) (61)

  (bye) (62)

  (bye) (46)

  (bye) (54)

  (bye) (59)

  (bye) (58)

  (bye) (42)

  (bye) (50)

  (bye) (63)


Bags Deep (16) W vs.
Game Of Throws (12) L 02:42

Elimination Final

Game Of Throws (12) W vs.
Pop And Son (6) L 08:30

Elimination Semi-final

Game Of Throws (12) W vs.
Road Warriors (2) L 14:58

Winners Final

Bags Deep (16) W vs.
Pop And Son (6) L 19:27

Elimination 8

Dirty Bags (17) L vs.
Road Warriors (2) W 13:55

Game Of Throws (12) W vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) L 12:00

Elimination 7

Game Of Throws (12) W vs.
Sons Of Pitches (3) L 12:31

Palm My Bag (5) L vs.
Dirty Bags (17) W 25:31

Winners Semi-finals

Bags Deep (16) W vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) L 12:15

Pop And Son (6) W vs.
Road Warriors (2) L 12:10

Elimination 6

Cornstars (7) L vs.
Palm My Bag (5) W 16:52

Dirty Bags (17) W vs.
Spinners (9) L 07:02

Game Of Throws (12) W vs.
The Muppets (23) L 12:45

Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) L vs.
Sons Of Pitches (3) W 09:03

Elimination 5

F-bomb Throwers (18) L vs.
Cornstars (7) W 12:50

Funbaggers (8) L vs.
Dirty Bags (17) W 15:48

Old Baggers (27) L vs.
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) W 14:02

Threes Company (20) L vs.
Game Of Throws (12) W 14:49

Winners 3

Bags Deep (16) W vs.
Spinners (9) L 13:45

Palm My Bag (5) L vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) W 14:37

Sons Of Pitches (3) L vs.
Pop And Son (6) W 21:31

The Muppets (23) L vs.
Road Warriors (2) W 11:01

Elimination 4

Bag Ticklers (15) L vs.
Threes Company (20) W 17:28

Dirty Bags (17) W vs.
KMT (19) L 16:00

Dirty Crackers (21) L vs.
Cornstars (7) W 11:25

Funbaggers (8) W vs.
Dilly Dilly (11) L 14:26

Jason/Ryan (14) L vs.
Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) W 15:00

Old Baggers (27) W vs.
Dopplegangers (25) L 18:11

Team North Side (36) L vs.
F-bomb Throwers (18) W 18:48

Why Not? (10) L vs.
Game Of Throws (12) W 06:55

Elimination 3

Compadres In The Hole (31) L vs.
Bag Ticklers (15) W 15:35

Dirty Bags (17) W vs.
Baggers (33) L 17:13

Dirty Crackers (21) W vs.
Put It In The Hole (28) L 15:11

Funbaggers (8) W vs.
Bags Of Fury (24) L 25:39

Jason/Ryan (14) W vs.
Dont Worry About It (35) L 24:35

Old Baggers (27) W vs.
Sad Baggers (22) L 18:58

Team North Side (36) W vs.
Granite Men (13) L 23:40

Why Not? (10) W vs.
Holefillers (26) L 14:09

Winners 2

Cornstars (7) L vs.
The Muppets (23) W 10:07

Dilly Dilly (11) L vs.
Pop And Son (6) W 05:46

F-bomb Throwers (18) L vs.
Road Warriors (2) W 13:31

Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) L vs.
Bags Deep (16) W 11:48

Palm My Bag (5) W vs.
Game Of Throws (12) L 17:22

Sons Of Pitches (3) W vs.
KMT (19) L 20:49

Spinners (9) W vs.
Dopplegangers (25) L 17:01

Threes Company (20) L vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) W 15:42

Elimination 2

(bye) (41) L vs.
Why Not? (10) W 30:18

(bye) (43) L vs.
Dirty Crackers (21) W 14:29

(bye) (45) L vs.
Jason/Ryan (14) W 25:51

(bye) (47) L vs.
Dirty Bags (17) W 10:35

(bye) (49) L vs.
Bag Ticklers (15) W 07:18

(bye) (51) L vs.
Granite Men (13) W 18:14

(bye) (53) L vs.
Sad Baggers (22) W 20:25

(bye) (55) L vs.
Bags Of Fury (24) W 27:58

(bye) (57) L vs.
Holefillers (26) W 22:59

Bag Busters (29) L vs.
Dont Worry About It (35) W 19:02

Bagzinga (30) L vs.
Team North Side (36) W 10:31

Bruins (37) L vs.
Old Baggers (27) W 11:27

Corn Dawgs (38) L vs.
Put It In The Hole (28) W 11:35

D Baggers (32) L vs.
Compadres In The Hole (31) W 03:36

Fleabags (34) L vs.
Baggers (33) W 13:43

Team Merry Macs II (39) L vs.
Funbaggers (8) W 14:09

Elimination 1

(bye) (40) L vs.
(bye) (57) W 39:18

(bye) (42) L vs.
(bye) (55) W 39:17

(bye) (44) L vs.
(bye) (53) W 39:18

(bye) (46) L vs.
(bye) (51) W 39:18

(bye) (48) L vs.
(bye) (49) W 39:17

(bye) (50) L vs.
(bye) (47) W 39:18

(bye) (52) L vs.
(bye) (45) W 39:18

(bye) (54) L vs.
(bye) (43) W 39:18

(bye) (56) L vs.
(bye) (41) W 39:18

(bye) (58) L vs.
Team Merry Macs II (39) W 13:39

(bye) (60) L vs.
Bruins (37) W 20:05

(bye) (62) L vs.
Bagzinga (30) W 18:54

(bye) (64) L vs.
D Baggers (32) W 06:55

Bag Busters (29) W vs.
(bye) (61) L 09:38

Corn Dawgs (38) W vs.
(bye) (59) L 11:56

Fleabags (34) W vs.
(bye) (63) L 12:22

Winners 1

Bag Ticklers (15) L vs.
F-bomb Throwers (18) W 09:41

Compadres In The Hole (31) L vs.
Road Warriors (2) W 08:31

Cornstars (7) W vs.
Holefillers (26) L 09:11

Dilly Dilly (11) W vs.
Sad Baggers (22) L 22:42

Dirty Bags (17) L vs.
Bags Deep (16) W 12:40

Dirty Crackers (21) L vs.
Game Of Throws (12) W 07:24

Dopplegangers (25) W vs.
Funbaggers (8) L 13:59

Granite Men (13) L vs.
Threes Company (20) W 10:48

KMT (19) W vs.
Jason/Ryan (14) L 16:05

Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) W vs.
Baggers (33) L 24:46

Old Baggers (27) L vs.
Pop And Son (6) W 16:47

Palm My Bag (5) W vs.
Put It In The Hole (28) L 16:54

Sons Of Pitches (3) W vs.
Dont Worry About It (35) L 16:18

Spinners (9) W vs.
Bags Of Fury (24) L 12:08

Team North Side (36) L vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) W 14:48

The Muppets (23) W vs.
Why Not? (10) L 08:54

Round 1

(bye) (41) L vs.
Bags Of Fury (24) W 39:16

(bye) (43) L vs.
Sad Baggers (22) W 39:15

(bye) (45) L vs.
Threes Company (20) W 39:16

(bye) (47) L vs.
F-bomb Throwers (18) W 39:15

(bye) (49) L vs.
Bags Deep (16) W 39:16

(bye) (51) L vs.
Jason/Ryan (14) W 39:15

(bye) (53) L vs.
Game Of Throws (12) W 39:15

(bye) (55) L vs.
Why Not? (10) W 39:16

(bye) (57) L vs.
Funbaggers (8) W 39:16

(bye) (59) L vs.
Pop And Son (6) W 39:15

(bye) (61) L vs.
Drop It Like Its Hot (4) W 39:16

(bye) (63) L vs.
Road Warriors (2) W 39:15

Bag Busters (29) L vs.
Team North Side (36) W 12:43

Bag Ticklers (15) W vs.
(bye) (50) L 39:15

Baggers (33) W vs.
D Baggers (32) L 09:55

Bruins (37) L vs.
Put It In The Hole (28) W 22:58

Compadres In The Hole (31) W vs.
Fleabags (34) L 15:08

Cornstars (7) W vs.
(bye) (58) L 39:15

Dilly Dilly (11) W vs.
(bye) (54) L 39:15

Dirty Bags (17) W vs.
(bye) (48) L 39:16

Dirty Crackers (21) W vs.
(bye) (44) L 39:15

Dont Worry About It (35) W vs.
Bagzinga (30) L 21:34

Dopplegangers (25) W vs.
(bye) (40) L 39:15

Granite Men (13) W vs.
(bye) (52) L 39:15

KMT (19) W vs.
(bye) (46) L 39:15

Lean Mean Slinging Machines (1) W vs.
(bye) (64) L 39:15

Old Baggers (27) W vs.
Corn Dawgs (38) L 14:30

Palm My Bag (5) W vs.
(bye) (60) L 39:15

Sons Of Pitches (3) W vs.
(bye) (62) L 39:16

Spinners (9) W vs.
(bye) (56) L 39:15

Team Merry Macs II (39) L vs.
Holefillers (26) W 16:08

The Muppets (23) W vs.
(bye) (42) L 39:15

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20