Another Castle Amateur Pinball Tournament 1/17/16

Updated 3:44pm



Starship Troopers

Tom Leahy x

Lefty Sitaras


Gabby Garberding x

Clifton Miller

Party Zone

John Bristar x

Sara Frisbie


Logan Smith x

George Lally

Judge Dredd

Alec Jensen

Anthony Welters x


Hannah Nash x

Eric Csakany

Addams Family

Lefty Sitaras

Eric Csakany x


Sara Frisbie

George Lally x

Tales from the Crypt

Clifton Miller

Alec Jensen x


Hannah Nash x

Anthony Welters xx


John Bristar xx

Logan Smith x

Johnny Mnemonic

Tom Leahy xx

Gabby Garberding x

The Sopranos

Lefty Sitaras x

Sara Frisbie


Clifton Miller

Logan Smith xx

Party Zone

George Lally x

Hannah Nash xx


Eric Csakany xx

Gabby Garberding x


Alec Jensen x

John Bristar xxx

Tales from the Crypt

Anthony Welters xx

Tom Leahy xxx


Clifton Miller

Sara Frisbie x


Lefty Sitaras x

George Lally xx

Rollercoaster Tycoon

Alec Jensen xx

Gabby Garberding x


Anthony Welters xx

Eric Csakany xxx


Hannah Nash xxx

Logan Smith xx

Party Zone

Clifton Miller x

Lefty Sitaras x


Gabby Garberding x

Sara Frisbie xx

The Sopranos

Anthony Welters xxx

Logan Smith xx


Alec Jensen xxx

George Lally xx


Lefty Sitaras xx

Gabby Garberding x


Clifton Miller x

George Lally xxx

Rollercoaster Tycoon

Logan Smith xx

Sara Frisbie xxx

Star Trek TNG

Gabby Garberding x

Clifton Miller xx


Logan Smith xx

Lefty Sitaras xxx


Gabby Garberding xx

Clifton Miller xx

Logan Smith xx

Starship Troopers

Logan Smith xxx

Clifton Miller xx

Gabby Garberding xx


Clifton Miller xxx

Gabby Garberding xx

Gabby Garberding xx

Round 10

Clifton Miller L vs.
Gabby Garberding W Paragon 06:52

Round 9

Logan Smith L vs.
Clifton Miller W Starship Troopers 09:16

Round 8

Gabby Garberding L vs.
Clifton Miller W Dracula 09:19

Round 7

Gabby Garberding W vs.
Clifton Miller L Star Trek TNG 11:50

Logan Smith W vs.
Lefty Sitaras L RFM 11:18

Round 6

Clifton Miller W vs.
George Lally L Jack•Bot 11:14

Lefty Sitaras L vs.
Gabby Garberding W Wrestlemania 17:21

Logan Smith W vs.
Sara Frisbie L Rollercoaster Tycoon 09:30

Round 5

Alec Jensen L vs.
George Lally W RFM 20:05

Anthony Welters L vs.
Logan Smith W The Sopranos 09:36

Clifton Miller L vs.
Lefty Sitaras W Party Zone 07:09

Gabby Garberding W vs.
Sara Frisbie L Taxi 06:42

Round 4

Alec Jensen L vs.
Gabby Garberding W Rollercoaster Tycoon 08:30

Anthony Welters W vs.
Eric Csakany L Paragon 09:00

Clifton Miller W vs.
Sara Frisbie L Pirates 08:15

Hannah Nash L vs.
Logan Smith W Dracula 07:11

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
George Lally L Pin•Bot 10:53

Round 3

Alec Jensen W vs.
John Bristar L Dracula 10:12

Anthony Welters W vs.
Tom Leahy L Tales from the Crypt 13:40

Clifton Miller W vs.
Logan Smith L Pin•Bot 08:06

Eric Csakany L vs.
Gabby Garberding W Supersonic 08:02

George Lally W vs.
Hannah Nash L Party Zone 06:07

Lefty Sitaras L vs.
Sara Frisbie W The Sopranos 06:20

Round 2

Clifton Miller W vs.
Alec Jensen L Tales from the Crypt 09:22

Hannah Nash W vs.
Anthony Welters L Pin•Bot 13:12

John Bristar L vs.
Logan Smith W Pirates 08:28

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
Eric Csakany L Addams Family 23:43

Sara Frisbie W vs.
George Lally L Dracula 05:18

Tom Leahy L vs.
Gabby Garberding W Johnny Mnemonic 13:55

Round 1

Alec Jensen W vs.
Anthony Welters L Judge Dredd 08:53

Gabby Garberding L vs.
Clifton Miller W T3 11:26

Hannah Nash L vs.
Eric Csakany W Pirates 13:14

John Bristar L vs.
Sara Frisbie W Party Zone 10:49

Logan Smith L vs.
George Lally W Taxi 24:06

Tom Leahy L vs.
Lefty Sitaras W Starship Troopers 22:15

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20